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Alicja Renata Sadownik

Department of Pedagogy, Religion and Social Studies (Associate professor) - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

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Høgskulen på Vestlandet



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Portretter av pedagogikkundervisningens praksis i BLU: Forskningsbasert undervisning - nettbrett og lærende fellesskap

Portraits of pedagogy teaching in EEC-teacher education

Barnehage som tillitsarena. Hvordan lages den flerkulturelle samfunnskontrakten?

Portraits of pedagogy teaching in EEC-teacher education: Emerging understandings of pedagogy, good teaching and professional development.

Lived Democracy – qualities and challenges.

“Modernization of the multicultural education methods in pre-school and pre-primary education”

Conditions for children as explorers

Preventing psycho-social environment in kindergarten work against violence and bullying

Den levde kroppen erobrer place: danning i naturen i et fortolkende perspektiv

Kindergarten Teacher Educators: people within demands of academia

Sustainable design in kindergarten sector through 'Exploration and Pedagogical Innovation Laboratory' [EX-PED-LAB]

Lived Democracy in School

Rural Teaching. Understanding Teacher Knowledge and Practice in Rural Areas (in Norway, Germany, Poland and Lithuania)

Portretter av pedagogikkundervisningens praksis i BLU: Vurderingsformer for profesjonsutvikling

Negotiating neglected narratives Unpacking stories of children and teachers in educational practices

Poles in the UK: The Portraits of Polish Migrants Children’s School Life in the Context of Broader Adaptation Processes

Fortid, nåtid og fremtid –historiske perspektiver på barn, bandom og barnehage

KINDKNOW - Kindergarten Knowledge Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures

Move-play-explore in early childhood education (MoveEarly)

Polish female migrants and their families – a study of care deficit

Paraplyprosjektet: Naturen som danningsarena

Research Groups

Naturen som danningsarena
Barnehagepionerne - historiske perspektiver
Barnehagen som (ut)danningsarena - Kindergarten as an arena for cultural formation

Research centres

KINDKNOW - Kindergarten Knowledge Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable FuturesSenter for utdanningsforskning (SUF)