Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Gullhav, Anders Nordby; Skomsvoll, Johan Fredrik; Heimstad, Runa Kristine; Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Reducing waiting times from 65 to under 40 days for children and adolescents receiving mental health services using a new scheduling policy. Health Services Management Research 2022 s. -
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2 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Dahlberg, Unn Elin.
Håndtering av høy aktivitet i Føden: Planlegging for uønsket variasjon. Trondheim, Norge: St. Olavs hospital 2020 14 s.
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3 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Laugsand, Lars Erik.
Akuttpoliklinikk: Utvikling av et nytt tjenestetilbud for poliklinisk akuttbehandling. Trondheim, Norge: St. Olavs hospital 2020 6 s.
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4 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Akuttmottaket, Kapasitet i akuttmottaket, del 1: Når er fullt fullt i mottaket?. Trondheim, Norge: St. Olavs hospital 2018 4 s.
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5 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Innovation in the health-care sector: from a researchers perspective. Helseinnovatørskolen NTNU/TTO; 2018-03-22 - 2018-03-22
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6 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Kapasitet i Akuttmottaket, del 2: Tiltak som bør vurderes. Trondheim, Norge: St. Olavs hospital 2018 8 s.
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7 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Uttnyttelse av observasjonsenheten. Trondheim, Norge: St. Olavs hospital 2018 7 s.
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8 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Managing innovation processes in eldercare: Lessons from Norwegian municipalities. Trondheim, Norway: NTNU 2017 (ISBN 978-82-326-2301-3) 167 s. Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU(2017:114)
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9 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Sjøvold, Endre; Andre, Beate.
Can formal innovation training improve group- and organizational-level innovativeness in a healthcare setting?. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2017 ;Volum 6.(13)
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10 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Sjøvold, Endre; Andre, Beate.
Can group climate explain innovative readiness for change?. Journal of Organizational Change Management 2017 ;Volum 30.(3) s. 440-452
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11 Mortensholm, Stein Kleppe; Sjursen, Liv Ragnhild Holdhus; Bakka, Haakon Christopher; Toraskar, Jimita Prashant; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Snipstad, Sofie; Aurand, Katherine Rose; Lehmann O, Olga V; Finnøy, Andreas; Mathisen, Siri Holthe.
Forsker Grand Prix 2016, regionfinale i Trondheim. NRK [TV] 2016-09-29
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12 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Introduksjon til innovasjon (innovasjonsverksted). Innovasjonsverksted; 2016-10-20 - 2016-10-20
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13 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Andre, Beate; Sjøvold, Endre.
Managing innovation in eldercare: A glimpse into what and how public organizations are planning to deliver healthcare services for their future elderly. International Journal of Healthcare Management 2016 ;Volum 9.(3) s. 169-180
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14 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Building innovation competence: Improving the management of innovation processes through formalization.. Vitenskapelig foredrag; 2015-09-28 - 2015-10-03
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15 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Eldercare innovation theory: An empirical study of management strategies.. Norwegian Research School of Innovation (NORSI-PIMS) conference; 2015-05-06 - 2015-05-08
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16 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Hvordan å bygge opp innovasjonsprosesser i kommunen.. Faglig foredrag; 2015-12-02 - 2015-12-02
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17 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Innovasjonsstrategi i offentlige organisasjoner.. Faglig foredrag; 2015-03-10 - 2015-03-10
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18 Schultz, Joseph Samuel.
Learning from the leaders in eldercare: A Norwegian case study.. 9th NOVA Symposium; 2015-11-12 - 2015-11-13
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19 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Andre, Beate; Sjøvold, Endre.
Demystifying eldercare: Managing and innovating from a public-entity’s perspective. International Journal of Healthcare Management 2015 ;Volum 8.(1) s. 42-57
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20 Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Heldal, Frode; Sjøvold, Endre.
The future of eldercare, will it lead to bankruptcy or prosperity?: A study of innovation processes developed by Norwegian municipalities. 7th NOVO SYmposium: A Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems in the Health Care Sector; 2013-11-25 - 2013-11-26
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