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1 Brekke, Ole Andreas; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Lidingas suverenitet? Om unntakstilstandar i britisk og norsk embryopolitikk.. Agora 2015 ;Volum 33.(1) s. 122-149
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2 Risøy, Sølvi Marie; Sirnes, Thorvald.
The decision: Relations to oneself, authority and vulnerability in the field of selective abortion. BioSocieties 2015 ;Volum 10.(3) s. 317-340
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3 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Bokomtale: Per Otnes, Dag Østerberg, Hans Ebbing og Olav Mjaatvedt : Hans Skjervheim - en kritisk nylesning. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag, 2014.. Sosiologisk Tidsskrift 2015 ;Volum 23.(4) s. 289-292
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4 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Unntakstilstand, det nakne livet og døden.. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2015 ;Volum 26.(1) s. 40-55
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5 Brekke, Ole Andreas; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Biosociality, biocitizenship and the new regime of hope and despair: interpreting "Portraits of Hope" and the "Mehmet Case". New genetics and society (Print) 2011 ;Volum 30.(4) s. 347-374
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6 Brekke, Ole Andreas; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Towards a sovereignty of suffering? Shifting logics of exception in the embryo research debate. Society for social studies of science annual meeting; 2010-08-25 - 2010-08-29
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7 Risøy, Sølvi Marie; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Alt ansvar alene. Morgenbladet 2010 s. 19-19
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8 Trippestad, Tom Are.
Kommandohumanismen : en kritisk analyse av Gudmund Hernes' retorikk, sosiale ingeniørkunst og utdanningspolitikk. Universitetet i Bergen 2009 (ISBN 978-82-308-0787-3) 408 s.
HIB UiB Untitled
9 Brekke, Ole Andreas; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Religion and Human Biotechnology. A comparative approach. Human Biotechnology and Reproductive Technologies in Cultural and Religious Contexts; 2007-10-29 - 2007-10-30
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10 Brekke, Ole Andreas; Sirnes, Thorvald.
The Meaning of life - Religious Discourse in the Science and Politics of Modern Biotechnology. Society for Social Studies of Science - Annual Meeting 2007; 2007-10-10 - 2007-10-13
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11 Røyseng, Sigrid.
Den gode, hellige og disiplinerte kunsten. Forestillinger om kunstens autonomi i kulturpolitikk og kunstledelse. : UiB 2007 (ISBN 978-82-308-0335-6) 266 s.
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12 Sirnes, Thorvald; Sivertsen, Silje Espeland.
Presentasjon av prosjekt og foreløpige funn. ELSA seminar; 2007-03-21 - 2007-03-21
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13 Sivertsen, Silje Espeland; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Comparative Stem Cell politics: US, UK and Norway. Human biotechnology and reproductive technologies in cultural and religious contexts; 2007-10-29 - 2007-10-30
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14 Sivertsen, Silje Espeland; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Den norske stam celle debatten i ett internasjonalt perspektiv/ Comparative stem cell politics. Going to the Roots of the Stem Cell Controversy: Avsluttning; 2007-11-01 - 2007-11-01
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15 Sivertsen, Silje Espeland; Sirnes, Thorvald; Minger, Stephen.
The UK debate on egg donation for research and cytoplasmic embryos. Internseminar; 2007-10-18 - 2007-10-18
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16 Brekke, Ole Andreas; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Population biobanks: The Ethical Gravity of Informed Consent. BioSocieties 2006 ;Volum 1.(4) s. 385-398
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17 Davidsen, Pål Arne.
The making and Unmaking of the Politics of Exceptionality - Studying Processes for Securitisation and Desecuritisation in the Orange and Okavango River Basins. Bergen: UIB 2006 150 s.
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18 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Avvik eller Homo Sacer ? Foucault, Agamben og fosterdiagnostikk. Bioetikk i spesialpedagogisk kontekst.Forskerkurs.; 2006-12-06 - 2006-12-07
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19 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Biologi som forklaring - etikk som rettesnor. Bioetikk i spesialpedagogisk kontekst. Forskarkurs.; 2006-12-06 - 2006-12-07
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20 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Biopolitics of hope. Technology and its social forms.; 2006-03-17 - 2006-03-17
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21 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Chair. Summary of discussion. Vital Matters III - Religious Movements.; 2006-11-03 - 2006-11-05
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22 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Den gode normaliteten. I: Normalitet. Universitetsforlaget 2006 ISBN 9788215010625. s. 119-134
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23 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Foucault om makt og disiplin. Studentseminar.; 2006-02-23 - 2006-02-23
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24 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Godhetsregimet. Institutt-seminar.; 2006-03-31 - 2006-03-31
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25 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Godhetsregimet. Stabsseminar.; 2006-02-23 - 2006-02-23
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26 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Nasjonale moralske landskap. Preimplantasjonsdiagnostikk og forskning på befruktede egg. Etiske og samfunnsmessige dimensjoner.; 2006-04-26 - 2006-04-26
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27 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Normalitet og godhetsmakt. Normalitet og det unormale.; 2006-02-13 - 2006-02-14
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28 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Response to Berge Solberg: Person or not person - that is not the question. The moral status of embryos with special regard to stemcell research and therapy.; 2006-12-07 - 2006-12-09
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29 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Romantikk som integrering. Dagbladet 2006
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30 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Særnorsk forskningsdebatt. Forskningspolitikk 2006 (3)
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31 Sirnes, Thorvald.
The dimension of hope in stem cell research. Going to the roots of the stem cell controversy. Workshop 3 - Hope, Hype and Honesty.; 2006-09-28 - 2006-09-29
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32 Sirnes, Thorvald.
The Norwegian and British Biopolitics. A Comparison. Science and Democracy. A New Frontier between Eastern and Western Europe ?"; 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-06
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33 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Autoritær formidling. Dagbladet 2005
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34 Sirnes, Thorvald.
"Den offentlege naturvitskapen". Dagbladet 2005
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35 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Deviance or Homo Sacer ? Foucault, Agamben and Foetal Diagnostics. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 2005 ;Volum 7.(3-4) s. 206-219
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36 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Godhetsregimet. Komparative dimensjonar. Programseminar KULFO: "Normativitet og komparasjon."; 2005-04-14 - 2005-04-15
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37 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Homo Academicus. Dagbladet 2005
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38 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Immanence and Globalization. Ph.d.-course: "Epistemologies of Globalization and the Globalization of Epistemologies."; 2005-09-08 - 2005-09-10
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39 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Mennesket som sosialt vesen. Forelesing for 5.semester-studentar.; 2005-08-23 - 2005-08-24
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40 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Monopolisert kritikk. Dagbladet 2005
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41 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Regime of Goodness. Constituting the moral Empire. Forskingsseminar, MSH, Paris; 2005-12-06
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42 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Regime of Goodness. Constituting the moral Empire. Dept.seminar, Univ.of California, Santa Cruz; 2005-11-07
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43 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Samfunnsvitskaplege perspektiv. Forelesning for 5.semester-studentar.; 2005-01-11 - 2005-01-13
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44 Brekke, Ole Andreas.
Formidlende Institusjoner? Teknologivurdering som bidrag til demokratisk styring av teknologiutvikling. Bergen: Institutt for Administrasjon og Organisasjonsvitenskap 2005 350 s.
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45 Loga, Jill.
Godhetsmakt. Verdikommisjonen mellom politikk og moral. Bergen: Institutt for Administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskap 2005 351 s.
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46 Røkenes, Tone Helene Bergset; Sirnes, Thorvald.
Et hundeliv - den norske bataljonen i Kosvo 2002 - 2003. Morgenbladet 2005 s. 14-15
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47 Røkenes, Tone Helene Bergset; Sirnes, Thorvald.
"In the name of love...". Den norske bataljonen i Kosovo i perioden 2002-2003. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 2005 ;Volum 22.(2) s. 127-128
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48 Berg, Dag Erik.
Caste, Race and Durban : an analysis of a Dalit human rights campaign and the debate in India about the relevance of caste discrimination in the world conference against racism in Durban 2001. Bergen: Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskap 2004 169 s.
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49 Sirnes, Thorvald.
Alt for å hjelpa II. Dagbladet 2004
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50 Sirnes, Thorvald.
En vision for framtidens genomforskning. I: Essaer om medicinska visioner och personliga val. Nordic Academic Press 2004 ISBN 91-89116-58-5. s. 103-124
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