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Showing results 1-39 of 39

1 Tengstrand, Erik; Solberg, Lars Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Lintvedt, Tiril Aurora; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Wold, Jens Petter.
Calibration transfer between different spectrometers by wavelength correspondence. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2024 ;Volume 132. p. 1-8
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2 Afseth, Nils Kristian; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari.
Hele kyllingen skal bli mat. Næringsnytte 2023 ;Volume 13. p. 20-21
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3 Dankel, Elin Katinka.
Practical aspects of in-line near infrared spectroscopy applications. SensorFint Training School on Spectroscopy 2023; 2023-09-12 - 2023-09-14
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4 Dankel, Elin Katinka; Cattaldo, Marco; Tengstrand, Erik; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Måge, Ingrid; Wold, Jens Petter; Solberg, Lars Erik.
Monitoring raw material variation in industrial enzymatic protein hydrolysis using near infrared spectroscopy. NIR2023 - The 21st International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy; 2023-08-20 - 2023-08-24
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5 Hægermark, Wenche Aale; Dankel, Elin Katinka.
Enzymes can contribute to the development of nutrient-rich protein powder. Sciencenorway [Internet] 2023-05-26
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6 Hægermark, Wenche Aale; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Måge, Ingrid.
Kartlegger egenskaper til ulike enzymer for å utvikle proteinpulver med toppkvalitet. [Internet] 2023-05-10
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7 Hægermark, Wenche Aale; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Måge, Ingrid; Kafle, Bijay; Cattaldo, Marco.
Enzymer kan bidra til utvikling av næringsrikt proteinpulver. [Internet] 2023-05-05
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8 Kafle, Bijay; Böcker, Ulrike; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Måge, Ingrid; O'Farrell, Marion; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for characterization of liquid protein solutions: A comparison of two sampling techniques. Vibrational Spectroscopy 2023 ;Volume 124. p. 1-9
9 Kristoffersen, Kenneth Aase; Måge, Ingrid; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Böcker, Ulrike; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Lislelid, Andreas; Rønningen, Mats Aksnes; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
FTIR-based prediction of collagen content in hydrolyzed protein samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2023 ;Volume 301. p. 1-8
10 Makinen, Susanna; Rønning, Sissel Beate; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Solberg, Nina; Øverby, Lene; Dankel, Elin Katinka.
Production of agricultural free amino-acids for cultured meat. 1St International Conference on CellAg; 2023-06-13 - 2023-06-15
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11 Måge, Ingrid; Matić, Josipa; Dankel, Elin Katinka.
SEC2MWD: A MATLAB toolbox for derivation of molecular weight distributions from size exclusion chromatography. SoftwareX 2023 ;Volume 25. p. 1-7
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12 Måge, Ingrid; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Wold, Jens Petter; Solberg, Lars Erik; Böcker, Ulrike; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Lintvedt, Tiril Aurora; Kafle, Bijay; Cattaldo, Marco; Matić, Josipa; Sorokina, Liudmila; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
The role of biospectroscopy and chemometrics as enabling technologies for upcycling of raw materials from the food industry. Analytica Chimica Acta 2023 ;Volume 1284. p. -
13 Solberg, Lars Erik; Wold, Jens Petter; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Øyaas, Jorun; Måge, Ingrid.
In-Line Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Gives Rapid and Precise Assessment of Product Quality and Reveals Unknown Sources of Variation—A Case Study from Commercial Cheese Production. Foods 2023 ;Volume 12.(5) p. 1-15
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14 Solberg, Lars Erik; Wold, Jens Petter; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Øyaas, Jorunn; Måge, Ingrid.
Unravelling sources of variation in large-scale food production with Power Spectral Density analysis. ENBIS 2023; 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-14
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15 Tengstrand, Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Lintvedt, Tiril Aurora; Solberg, Lars Erik; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Wold, Jens Petter.
Calibration transfer between different spectrometers using wavelength correspondence. NIR 2023; 2023-08-20 - 2023-08-24
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16 Tengstrand, Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Lintvedt, Tiril Aurora; Solberg, Lars Erik; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Wold, Jens Petter.
Increasing understanding and robustness of NIR models by diagnosing the cage of covariance. NIR 2023; 2023-08-20 - 2023-08-24
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17 Tengstrand, Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Lintvedt, Tiril Aurora; Solberg, Lars Erik; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Wold, Jens Petter.
Increasing understanding and robustness of NIR models by diagnosing the cage of covariance. NIR 2023; 2023-08-20 - 2023-08-24
18 Tengstrand, Erik; Lintvedt, Tiril Aurora; Solberg, Lars Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Wold, Jens Petter.
Using shared spectroscopy data with calibration transfer. Green data lab; 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-26
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19 Afseth, Nils Kristian; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Andersen, Petter Vejle; Difford, Gareth Frank; Horn, Siri Storteig; Sonesson, Anna Kristina; Hillestad, Borghild; Wold, Jens Petter; Tengstrand, Erik.
Raman and near Infrared Spectroscopy for Quantification of Fatty Acids in Muscle Tissue—A Salmon Case Study. Foods 2022 ;Volume 11.(7)
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20 Dankel, Elin Katinka; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew.
NMR spectroscopy: A characterization tool for enzymatic protein hydrolysates of food processing by-products. The 15th edition of the International Conference on the Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science (MRFOOD2022); 2022-06-07 - 2022-06-10
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21 Kristoffersen, Kenneth Aase; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Böcker, Ulrike; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Pettersen, Mats Rønningen; Lislelid, Andreas; Ofstad, Ragni; Lindberg, Diana; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew.
Post-enzymatic hydrolysis heat treatment as an essential unit operation for collagen solubilization from poultry by-products.. Food Chemistry 2022 ;Volume 382. p. -
22 Rødbotten, Rune; Böcker, Ulrike; Høst, Vibeke; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Sanden, Karen Wahlstrøm; Pedersen, Mona Elisabeth; Ofstad, Ragni.
The effect of adding eggshell membrane to emulsified meat models in terms of structure, water-holding, and texture. Applied Food Research 2022 ;Volume 2.(2)
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23 Aspevik, Tone; Gaarder, Mari Øvrum; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Vang, Birthe; Molesworth, Peter Patrick; Solstad, Runar Gjerp; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Berget, Ingunn; Thoresen, Lars; Haugen, John-Erik; Glomm, Wilhelm; Lindberg, Diana.
Smaksnøytrale proteiner fra makrell (SMELL) - Faglig sluttrapport. Tromsø: Nofima AS 2021 (ISBN 978-82-8296-673-3) 52 p. Nofima rapportserie(9/2021)
24 Aspevik, Tone; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Molesworth, Peter Patrick; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Berget, Ingunn; Thoresen, Lars; Haugen, John-Erik; Solstad, Runar Gjerp; Vang, Birthe; Glomm, Wilhelm; Lindberg, Diana.
Smaksnøytrale protein fra makrell (SMELL). Delrapport for AP2, AP3 og AP4. Tromsø: Nofima AS 2021 (ISBN 978-82-8296-672-6) 42 p. Nofima rapportserie(8/2021)
25 Difford, Gareth Frank; Horn, Siri Storteig; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Ruyter, Bente; Dagnachew, Binyam Sime; Hillestad, Borghild; Sonesson, Anna Kristina; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
The heritable landscape of Near Infrared and Raman spectroscopic measurements to improve lipid content in Atlantic salmon fillets. Genetics Selection Evolution 2021 ;Volume 53. p. -
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26 Eskildsen, Carl Emil Aae; Engelsen, Søren B.; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Solberg, Lars Erik; Næs, Tormod.
Diagnosing indirect relationships in multivariate calibration models. Journal of Chemometrics 2021 ;Volume 35.(9)
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27 Eskildsen, Carl Emil Aae; Næs, Tormod; Skou, Peter B.; Solberg, Lars Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Basmoen, Silje Aaser; Wold, Jens Petter; Horn, Siri Storteig; Hillestad, Borghild; Poulsen, Nina A.; Christensen, Mette; Pieper, Theo; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Engelsen, Søren B..
Cage of covariance in calibration modeling: Regressing multiple and strongly correlated response variables onto a low rank subspace of explanatory variables. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2021 ;Volume 213. p. -
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28 Glomm, Wilhelm; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Lindberg, Diana; Dankel, Katinka R.; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Stenstad, Per Martin; Johnsen, Heidi.
Immobilized protease on magnetic particles for enzymatic protein hydrolysis of poultry by-products. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie 2021 ;Volume 152. p. 1-11
29 Lindberg, Diana; Kristoffersen, Kenneth Aase; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Hunnes, Linn Maria; Dalsnes, Marte Ryen; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Høst, Vibeke; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
Exploring Effects of Protease Choice and Protease Combinations in Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysis of Poultry By-Products. Molecules 2021 ;Volume 26.(17)
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30 Monago-Maraña, Olga; Wold, Jens Petter; Rødbotten, Rune; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Afseth, Nils Kristian.
Raman, near-infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy for determination of collagen content in ground meat and poultry by-products.. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie 2021 ;Volume 140.
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31 Måge, Ingrid; Solberg, Lars Erik; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Wold, Jens Petter.
Inline NIR reveals unknown process dynamics and give more precise estimates of batch quality. Process Analysis and Control in Food Manufacturing; 2021-10-26 - 2021-10-26
32 Dankel, Elin Katinka; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Lindberg, Diana; Vang, Birthe; Gjerp Solstad, Rune; Aspevik, Tone; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew.
The “magnetic tongue” concept revisited: 1H NMR-based multivariate statistics for unraveling sensory attributes of fish protein hydrolysates.. MR2020, The 16th National MR meeting; 2020-01-07 - 2020-01-08
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33 Solstad, Runar Gjerp; Vang, Birthe; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Molesworth, Peter Patrick; Aspevik, Tone; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Glomm, Wilhelm; Lindberg, Diana.
Smaksnøytrale protein fra makrell (SMELL). Delrapport for AP 1. Tromsø: Nofima AS 2020 (ISBN 978-82-8296-631-3) 15 p. Nofima rapportserie(15/2020)
34 Afseth, Nils Kristian; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Andersen, Petter Vejle; Böcker, Ulrike; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Eskildsen, Carl Emil Aae; Matousek, Pavel; Wold, Jens Petter.
Emerging approaches for representative food analysis using Raman spectroscopy. SCIX 2019; 2019-10-14
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35 Dankel, Elin Katinka; Afseth, Nils Kristian; Eskildsen, Carl Emil Aae; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Måge, Ingrid; Böcker, Ulrike; Wold, Jens Petter.
Near-infrared spectroscopic measurements for real-time characterisation of salmon by-products.. NIR2019; 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20
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36 Vang, Birthe; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Wubshet, Sileshi Gizachew; Solstad, Runar Gjerp; Dankel, Elin Katinka; Aspevik, Tone; Kousoulaki, Katerina; Steinsholm, Silje; Lindberg, Diana.
Taste-neutral proteins from mackerel. 49th Conference of the West European Fish Technologists Association – WEFTA; 2019-10-14 - 2019-10-18
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37 Dankel, Elin Katinka; Langseth, Eirin; Øien, Sigurd; Tilset, Mats.
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Imino-Carbene Gold(III) Complexes. 2nd Nordic Meeting on Organometallic Chemistry; 2014-03-26 - 2014-03-27
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38 Dankel, Elin Katinka; Langseth, Eirin; Øien, Sigurd; Tilset, Mats.
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Imino-Carbene Gold(III) Complexes. 29. Organisk kjemisk vintermøte; 2014-01-09 - 2014-01-12
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39 Dankel, Elin Katinka.
Synthesis and properties of new gold iminocarbene complexes. Oslo: Kjemisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo 2014 154 p.
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