Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Sævareid, Trygve Johannes Lereim; Aasmul, Irene; Hjorth, Nina Elisabeth.
Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Norway. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen 2023 ;Volum 180. s. 163-167
2 Jacobsen, Frode F.; Arntzen, Cathrine; Devik, Siri Andreassen; Førland, Oddvar; Krane, Martin Sollund; Madsen, Linda; Moholt, Jill-Marit; Olsen, Rose Mari; Tingvold, Laila; Tranvåg, Oscar; Ågotnes, Gudmund; Aasmul, Irene.
Erfaringer med COVID-19 i norske sykehjem. Bergen: Senter for omsorgsforskning 2021 (ISBN 978-82-8340-111-0) 134 s.
3 Aasmul, Irene.
Forberedende samtaler mellom ansatte og pasienter gjorde livet bedre på sykehjemmet. [Internett] 2019-02-02
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4 Aasmul, Irene.
Forhåndssamtaler i sykehjem. I: Eldreboken: Diagnoser og behandling. Fagbokforlaget 2019 ISBN 9788245021783. s. 331-343
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5 Aasmul, Irene.
Papirene eldre må ha i orden. Dagbladet [Avis] 2019-08-29
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6 Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive; Aarsland, Dag; Selbæk, Geir; Slettebø, Dagrun Daltveit; Gulla, Christine; Aasmul, Irene; Habiger, Torstein Frugård; Elvegaard, Tony Matias; Testad, Ingelin; Flo, Elisabeth.
The effect of a multicomponent intervention on quality of Life in residents of nursing homes: A randomized controlled trial (COSMOS). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2019 ;Volum 20.(3) s. 330-339
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7 Aasmul, Irene.
Advance care planning / Forhåndssamtaler. Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin 2018 (4) Suppl. 35 s. 40-46
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8 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth.
Description of an advance care planning intervention in nursing homes: Outcomes of the process evaluation. BMC Geriatrics 2018 ;Volum 18.(26) s. 1-11
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9 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Sampson, Elizabeth L.; Flo, Elisabeth.
Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes–Improving the Communication Among Patient, Family, and Staff: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (COSMOS). Frontiers in Psychology 2018 ;Volum 9. s. 1-10
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10 Aasmul, Irene.
Forberedende samtaler som en del av KOSMOS prosjektet. Solstrand seminar med Senter for alders og sykehjemsmedisin; 2017-08-31 - 2017-08-31
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11 Aasmul, Irene.
HLR minus med rett til å la dø. Studenter ved desentralisert sykepleierutdanning; 2017-04-05 - 2017-04-05
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12 Aasmul, Irene.
Sammenskriving av doktorgraden. Tverrfaglig seminargruppe i alders og sykehjemsmedisin; 2017-05-16 - 2017-05-16
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13 Aasmul, Irene.
Uklar HLR-status kan oppleves dramatisk. Sykepleien [Tidsskrift] 2017-06-13
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14 Aasmul, Irene; Gulla, Christine.
Dagsseminar: KOSMOS elementene i praksis. Fagseminar; 2017-04-26 - 2017-04-26
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15 Aasmul, Irene; Husebo, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth.
Introducing Advance Care Planning in Norwegian Nursing Homes - A part of the Norwegian COSMOS trial (2013-2017). The 6th ACPEL conference; 2017-09-06 - 2017-09-09
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16 Gulla, Christine; Aasmul, Irene.
Dagsseminar; KOSMOS prosjektet, med fokus på implementering. Seminar; 2017-11-25 - 2017-11-26
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17 Gulla, Christine; Aasmul, Irene.
Dagsseminar: KOSMOS-prosjektet, med fokus på kartlegging av pasienten. Dagsseminar; 2017-04-03 - 2017-04-03
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18 Aasmul, Irene.
Improving the Quality of Life in Nursing Home Patients: An Effectiveness-Implementation Randomized Clinical Hybrid Trial (2013-2017). Internasjonal konferanse; 2016-04-21 - 2016-04-24
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19 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth.
Staff distress improves by treating pain in nursing home patients with dementia: results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2016 ;Volum 52.(6) s. 795-805
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20 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina Sandgathe; Flo, Elisabeth.
Staff distress improves by treating pain in nursing home patients with dementia. Internasjonal konferanse; 2016-04-21 - 2016-04-24
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21 Fæø, Stein Erik; Aasmul, Irene; Tranvåg, Oscar.
Hva ønsker gamle og syke i sin siste levetid?. Bergens Tidende 2016
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22 Aasmul, Irene.
HLR minus - med rett til å la dø. Forelesning for sykepleiestudenter v/desentralisert sykepleieutdanning; 2015-04-15 - 2015-04-15
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23 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth.
Advance care planning in norwegian nursing homes – study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2015
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24 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth.
Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Norwegian Nursing Homes An effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial. 7th international congress of pain in dementia; 2015-04-24 - 2015-04-25
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25 Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina Sandgathe; Flo, Elisabeth.
Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Norwegian Nursing Homes. Internasjonal konferanse; 2015-09-09 - 2015-09-12
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26 Husebø, Bettina; Aasmul, Irene; Flo, Elisabeth.
Lindrende behandling og omsorg ved livets slutt hos personer med demens. Omsorg: Nordisk tidsskrift for Palliativ Medisin 2015 ;Volum 32.(1) s. 84-89
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27 Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth; Aarsland, Dag; Selbæk, Geir; Testad, Ingelin; Gulla, Christine; Aasmul, Irene; Ballard, Clive.
COSMOS-improving the quality of life in nursing home patients: Protocol for an effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized clinical hybrid trial. Implementation Science 2015 ;Volum 10.(131)
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