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1 Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Chen, Shuhua.
Cosmopolitan Networks–Networking Cosmopolitans: Between Anyone, the Other and the Making of Sociality. Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology 2024
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2 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Furst, Elisabeth L'Orange.
Experiences of GDPR in Norway: Politics of autonomy and control. Anthropology Today 2024 ;Volum 40.(2) s. 18-20
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3 Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Un triángulo de cerdos, encinas y humanos. La emergencia del cerdo ibérico en la España moderna. Congreso Internacional de Antropología, Spanish anthrpological association; 2023-09-05 - 2023-09-08
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4 Myhre, Knut Christian; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Stans reformkåtheten ved SU-fakultetet. 2023
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5 Myhre, Knut Christian; Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Canás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Krisemaksimering ved NTNU?. Universitetsavisa 2023
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6 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
A Triangle of Pigs, Oaks, and Men: The Emergence of the Iberian Pig in Modern Spain. Relations and beyond: conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society; 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-24
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7 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Migration, Marriage Rituals and Contemporary Cosmopolitanism in Urban Zambia. Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology 2023
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8 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Paying Homage to the Ham / Le Rendimos Homenaje al Jamón.
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9 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
«Spekeskinkens dag»: Ritualisering, identitet og næringsutvikling i Badajozprovinsen, Spania. Norsk Antropologisk Forenings årskonferanse 2023; 2023-11-30 - 2023-12-01
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10 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
The Feast of the Piglet Stew / La Fiesta del Guarrito.
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11 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
Perceiving Pigs / Apreciando Cerdos.
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12 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo.
The Opening of the Ham.
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13 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Syvertsen, Astrid.
The Problem of Dialogue in Online Teaching and Learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Teaching Anthropology (TA) 2023 ;Volum 12.(2) s. 1-13
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14 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Fieldwork Methods over Time and Traditions. Scottish Programme of Advanced Training for Social Anthropology PhD Students; 2022-04-18 - 2022-04-22
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15 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
From nature to culture and back: The identity politics of Iberian ham and cultural notions of the dehesa forest pastures in Spain. Departmental Seminar Series; 2022-04-29 - 2022-04-29
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16 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Nigel goes to Trondheim: On the emancipation of a local methodological individualism. Emeritus Seminar Nigel Rapport at St Andrews, Lower College Hall; 2022-04-12 - 2022-04-12
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17 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Personopplysningsloven, unntak og datalagring. Fagdag; 2022-12-02 - 2022-12-02
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18 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Crawford, Peter Ian.
La Apertura Del Jamón (Película etnográfica). [Kunstnerisk og museal presentasjon] 41st NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival. Nordic Anthropological Film Association and CinéTrans; Cehețel, Harghita County, Transylvania. 2022-09-07 - 2022-09-11
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19 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Chen, Shuhua.
Encounters between Barth and Rapport's methodological individualism. Department seminar; 2022-11-21 - 2022-11-21
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20 Amundsen, Nina Helen.
To Be or Not to Be – The Question of Capital. Young Adults Negotiating a Sense of Belonging in a Norwegian National Space. Trondheim: Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU 2021 156 s.
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21 Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Desde el punto de vista de los nativos en etnografía multiespecies. PUBLICAR. En Antropología y Ciencias Sociales. 2021 ;Volum XIX.(XXX) s. 17-19
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22 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
«Hvem skal ta vare på oss nå?» Aldring, overlevelse og tvetydighet i en fattig bydel i Lusaka, Zambia. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2021 ;Volum 32.(3-4) s. 160-178
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23 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
“Who is going to look after us now?” Ageing, survival, and ambiguity in a poor township in Lusaka, Zambia. Instituttseminaret; 2021-12-06 - 2021-12-06
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24 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Ytring:Flere vitenskapelig ansatte bør sitte i innstillingsutvalgene. 2021
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25 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Syvertsen, Astrid.
Digital lectures and restless learning conditions. Teaching and Learning Anthropology during the Pandemic. Dilemmas, Challenges and Opportunities; 2021-03-17 - 2021-03-17
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26 Smørholm, Sesilie.
Pure as the Angels, Wise as the Dead. The Culture of Infancy in Zambia. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet 2021 (ISBN 978-82-326-5769-8) 403 s.
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27 Jøsok, Fride.
Kosmopolitiske fellesskap i skulen? Barn og vaksnes handtering av kulturell variasjon på ein norsk barneskule.. : Institutt for Sosialantropologi, NTNU 2020 62 s.
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28 Lysheim, Therese Fjorden.
Feiring og fellesskap: En studie av gruppedannelse og tilhørighet innenfor en landsbyfestival i Spania.. : Institutt for Sosialantropologi NTNU 2020 58 s.
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29 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Moon symbolism among Mambwe-speaking people University of the Underground The multiverse programme: Moon bar. [Internett] 2020-12-07
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30 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Personvernregler skaper antropologiproblemer. Magasinet Forskningsetikk (3)20, Desember 2020, 20-21.. [Fagblad] 2020-12-16
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31 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
The Nelly Boum Show for Worldwide FM. [Radio] 2020-10-04
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32 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Vil koronaen endre ritualene våre for alltid?.
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33 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Koksvik, Gitte.
For fellesskapets beste: Moralske forpliktelser, innblanding og etiske dilemmaer på feltarbeid. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2020 ;Volum 32.(3) s. 213-235
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34 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Forskningsetikk: GPDR og deltakende observasjon. Norsk antropologisk forenings fagdag 2019: Framtidens antropologi; 2019-08-23 - 2019-08-23
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35 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Is ethnographic material legal? On legalizing ethnographic field research, ethical dilemmas and epistemological hypochondria. Faglig Lunch; 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-25
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36 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Kvinnelige overgangsritualer i Zambia. Women Conversation Club Trondheim; 2019-05-10 - 2019-05-10
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37 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Panel 3: The editor – what kind of articles are surviving the review. Publiseringsseminar for Ph.d.-kandidater ved SU-fakultetet; 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-03
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38 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Prospects for vernacular cosmopolitan networks. The Biennial Trondheim Colloquium in Social Anthropology: Cosmopolitan Networks; 2019-10-21 - 2019-10-22
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39 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Skogsbeitets konge, 100% naturlig og menneskets respektfulle hånd Om industrialiseringen av iberisk svinekjøtt og kulturelle konfigureringer av grisen og eikeskogsbeitene i sørvestlige Spania. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2019 ;Volum 30.(3-4) s. 234-257
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40 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
The pigs’ paradise: The industrialisation of Iberian pork and the cultural reconfiguration of the oak grove pastures in South-Western Spain. Instituttseminaret; 2019-09-16 - 2019-09-16
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41 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Meland, Svein Inge.
How a black pig created an entire industry. Norwegian SciTech News [Fagblad] 2019-05-09
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42 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Meland, Svein Inge.
Hvordan en svart gris skapte en hel industri. [Tidsskrift] 2019-03-05
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43 Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Meland, Svein Inge.
Hvorfor er spansk spekeskinke så svinedyr?. [Tidsskrift] 2019-03-05
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44 Broback, Erlend H..
Skotsk nasjonal identitet. Bruk av stereotyper i hverdagen.. Trondheim: NTNU 2018 80 s.
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45 Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo; Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Crawford, Peter Ian.
From Acorns to Ham. Notes on the production of Iberico "Pata Negra" Pigs.. Kult Lunch Seminars; 2018-03-15
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46 Follestad, Karoline Ryslett.
«But I Don't Want to Touch the Cow Poop!» A Study of the Generational Differences in the Interpretation of Rites of Passages among the Newars of Kathmandu Valley. Institutt for sosialantropologi: NTNU 2018 89 s.
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47 Larsen, Kjersti; Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Engebrigtsen, Ada I..
Introduction. I: Movement and Connectivity: Configurations of Belonging. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2018 ISBN 978-1-78707-550-4. s. 1-16
48 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Arne Martin Klausen: En bibliografi. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2018 ;Volum 29.(1.2) s. 82-94
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49 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Discusant: Film as Ethnography: Stories from the Danube Delta. Special Local Screening: Film and Anthropology in Cluj.Documentaries Produced after 1989 by Filmmakers Affiliated with Academia. The 38th NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival; 2018-09-15 - 2018-09-15
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50 Simonsen, Jan Ketil.
Kinship and Mobility in Urban Zambia (and Beyond). I: Movement and Connectivity: Configurations of Belonging. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2018 ISBN 978-1-78707-550-4. s. 161-191
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