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1 Berit, Johnsen; Bartoszko, Aleksandra; Fransson, Elisabeth; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Giofrè, Francesca.
The translation of humanity into prison design: How do the new standardized "Model 2015" prison buildings meet normative demands in Norwegian crime policy?. Archives of Criminology 2024
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2 Berit, Johnsen; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Fransson, Elisabeth; Bartoszko, Aleksandra.
Aktivitetstilbudet i Modell 2015 fengslene: Fra ‘Å telle bobler i taket’ til Høstutstillingen. Kriminologikonferansen 2023; 2023-05-23 - 2023-05-24
3 Berit, Johnsen; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Fransson, Elisabeth; Bartoszko, Aleksandra.
Arkitektur og livskvalitet i Modell 2015 fengsler: En undersøkelse av soningsklimaet i standardiserte fengselsbygg. Kriminalomsorgens høgskole og utdanningssenter KRUS 2023 (ISBN 978-82-8257-063-3) 89 p.
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4 Berit, Johnsen; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Fransson, Elisabeth; Bartoszko, Aleksandra; Giofrè, Francesca.
The prisoners’ quality of life in «Model 2015» - the new standardized prison building in Norway. European Society of Criminology annual prison group meeting; 2023-03-27 - 2023-03-28
5 Gripe, Isabella; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Thor, Norström.
Associations between cannabis use and mental distress in young people: a longitudinal study.. Journal of Adolescent Health 2023
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6 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth.
What is predictive of an overall positive evaluation of the prison? A study of male prisoners in high-security facilities.. Nordisk statistik- och forskarmøte; 2023-11-14 - 2023-11-16
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7 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Berit, Johnsen.
Prisoners’ overall evaluation of the prison conditions: A good prisoner–staff relationship is not enough. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim); 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-09
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8 Gonçalves ., L.; Dirkzwager, A.; Andres-Pueyo, A.; Appleton, Catherine Amelia; Blanc, J-S.; Brosens, D.; Cid, J.; Dahl, Hilde; Dirga, L.; Getaz, L.; Geurtzen, C.; Graebsch, C.; Grossi, S.; Huber, D.; Berit, Johnsen; Larsen, Bjørn Kjetil; Lechar, I.; Marynissen, S.; maycock, M.; Meek, R.; Nieuwbeerta, P.; Ødegård, Atle; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Urwyler, T.; van der Laan, P.; van Hall, M.; van Regenmortel, S.; Vandermeersche, G.; Vandevelde, L.; Vane, J.; Vanhouche, An-Sofie; Weber, M.; Whittington, Richard Charles; Wolff, H.; Woodbridge, E.; Yasrebi-de Kom, F.; Baggio, S..
Prison-related research in Europe: Annual meeting of the Prison Working Group of the European Society of Criminology, 21-22 April, Geneva.. Forensic Science International: Mind and Law 2022 ;Volume 3.
9 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Lobmaier, Philipp Paul; Bukten, Anne.
An evaluation of eight short versions of the Drug Use Disorder Identification Test (DUDIT). A prison population study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 2022 ;Volume 3.
10 Friestad, Christine; Mjåland, Kristian; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth.
Prison officer students’ perceptions of persons convicted of sexual crimes. European Journal of Criminology 2021 p. 1-16
11 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete; Bukten, Anne.
Are short AUDIT screeners effective in identifying unhealthy drinking of varying severity? A prison population study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2021 ;Volume 229.(Part B) p. 1-7
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12 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth.
Mindre rusmiddelbruk blant ungdom – mer belastede brukergrupper?. BestPractice Nordic 2020 (1) p. 36-37
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13 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete; Bukten, Anne.
Alcohol problems among prisoners: subgroup variations, concurrent drug problems, and treatment needs. European Addiction Research 2020 p. 1-10
14 Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg.
Less adolescent alcohol and cannabis use: More deviant user groups?. Drug and Alcohol Review 2020 ;Volume 40.(1) p. 118-125
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15 Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Torgersen, Leila.
Decline in adolescent drinking: Some possible explanations. Drug and Alcohol Review 2020 ;Volume 39.(6) p. 721-728
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16 Baklien, Bergljot; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth.
Øystein Skjælaaen: Meningen med rus. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift 2019 ;Volume 3.(6) p. 475-480
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17 Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth.
Forebygging under forbud. I: Cannabisboka. Universitetsforlaget 2019 ISBN 9788215034409. p. 126-140
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18 Norström, Thor-Arvid; Rossow, Ingeborg; Pape, Hilde.
Social inequality in youth violence: The role of heavy episodic drinking. Drug and Alcohol Review 2018 ;Volume 37.(2) p. 162-169
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19 Pape, Hilde Elisabeth; Rossow, Ingeborg Margrete; Brunborg, Geir Scott.
Adolescents drink less: How, who and why? A review of the recent research literature. Drug and Alcohol Review 2018 ;Volume 37. Suppl. 1 p. S98-S114
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20 Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg; Andreas, Jasmina Burdzovic; Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid.
Social Class and Alcohol Use by Youth: Different Drinking Behaviors, Different Associations?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2018 ;Volume 79.(1) p. 132-136
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21 Pape, Hilde; Bye, Elin Kristin.
Drinking with parents: Different measures, different associations with underage heavy drinking?. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) 2017 ;Volume 34.(6) p. 445-455
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22 Pape, Hilde; Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Rossow, Ingeborg.
Adolescent drinking – a touch of social class?. Addiction 2017 ;Volume 112.(5) p. 792-800
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23 Andreas, Jasmina Burdzovic; Pape, Hilde; Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line.
Who are the adolescents saying “No” to cannabis offers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016 ;Volume 163. p. 64-70
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24 Nordløkken, Astri; Pape, Hilde; Heir, Trond.
Alcohol consumption in the aftermath of a natural disaster: A longitudinal study. Public Health 2016 ;Volume 132. p. 33-39
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25 Pape, Hilde; Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid.
Associations between emotional distress and heavy drinking among young people: A longitudinal study. Drug and Alcohol Review 2016 ;Volume 35.(2) p. 170-176
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26 Andreas, Jasmina Burdzovic; Pape, Hilde.
Who receives cannabis use offers: A general population study of adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2015 ;Volume 156. p. 150-156
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27 Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg; Storvoll, Elisabet.
Is drinking with parents associated with high-risk drinking among adolescents?. European Addiction Research 2015 ;Volume 21.(6) p. 291-299
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28 Pape, Hilde.
Sexual assault while too intoxicated to resist: A general population study of Norwegian teenage girls. BMC Public Health 2014 ;Volume 14.(1)
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29 Nordløkken, Astri; Pape, Hilde; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore; Heir, Trond.
Changes in alcohol consumption after a natural disaster: a study of Norwegian survivors after the 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami. BMC Public Health 2013 ;Volume 13. p. -
30 Pape, Hilde.
Alkohol og vold mot kvinner – et politisk betent tema? Kommentarartikkel. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2013 ;Volume 16.(3) p. 185-191
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31 Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Pape, Hilde.
Associations Between Adolescent Heavy Drinking and Problem Drinking in Early Adulthood: Implications for Prevention. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2012 ;Volume 73.(4) p. 542-548
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32 Pape, Hilde.
Problematiske perspektiver – også på partnervold?. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2012 ;Volume 49.(5) p. 521-522
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33 Pape, Hilde.
Se alle! Ordsøk i meldingen viser at «doping» blir omtalt nesten dobbelt så ofte som «vanedannende legemidler». Rus & samfunn 2012 ;Volume 5.(6)
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34 Pape, Hilde.
Standing still or moving forward? A response to the commentaries. Addiction 2012 ;Volume 107.(5) p. 890-891
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35 Pape, Hilde Eliabeth.
Young people's overestimation of peer substance use: an exaggerated phenomenon?. Addiction 2012 ;Volume 107.(5) p. 878-884
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36 Pape, Hilde.
Alkohol og vold i nære relasjoner. Rus & samfunn 2011 ;Volume 5.(5) p. 14-16
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37 Pape, Hilde.
Problemfritt å drikke med barn til stede?. Innlegg. Dagbladet 2011
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38 Pape, Hilde.
Unge kvinners vold mot partner. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2011 ;Volume 131.(20) p. 1994-1997
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39 Rossow, Ingeborg; Storvoll, Elisabet; Baklien, Bergljot; Pape, Hilde Eliabeth.
Effect and process evaluation of a Norwegian community prevention project targeting alcohol use and related harm. Contemporary Drug Problems 2011 ;Volume 38.(Fall) p. 441-466
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40 Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Pape, Hilde.
Curbing adolescent heavy drinking to reduce alcohol problems in early adulthood: a sound strategy?. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2010 ;Volume 34.(8) p. 107A-107A
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41 Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Pape, Hilde.
Innovative but insufficient? Response to Graham’s commentary on Alcohol, suppressed anger and violence. Addiction 2010 ;Volume 105.(12) p. 2219-2220
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42 Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Pape, Hilde Elisabeth.
Alcohol, suppressed anger and violence. Addiction 2010 ;Volume 105.(9) p. 1580-1586
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43 Pape, Hilde.
Alcohol and cannabis: two of a kind? Alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2010 ;Volume 34.(8) p. 58A-58A
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44 Pape, Hilde.
Pedersens pussige påstander. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 2010 ;Volume 27.(3) p. 347-348
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45 Pape, Hilde.
Tidlig alkoholdebut. Dystre fremtidsutsikter?. Rus & samfunn 2010 ;Volume 4.(1) p. 13-15
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46 Rossow, Ingeborg; Pape, Hilde; Baklien, Bergljot.
Tiltak for å begrense alkoholrelaterte skader og problemer. Oslo: Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning 2010 (ISBN 978-82-7171-349-2) 74 p. SIRUS-rapport(5)
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47 Storvoll, Elisabet; Rossow, Ingeborg; Pape, Hilde Eliabeth.
Where do adolescents get drunk? A study of the relative importance of various drinking locations among Norwegian adolescents. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) 2010 ;Volume 27.(2) p. 209-221
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48 Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Pape, Hilde; Bramness, Jørgen.
Forførende forskningsformidling. Morgenbladet 2009
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49 Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg.
Et valg mellom onder. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2009
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50 Pape, Hilde.
Berusende ungdomstid. I: Barn. Universitetsforlaget 2009 ISBN 978-82-15-01443-2. p. 207-212
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