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1 Råmunddal, Lars; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Theological normativity and church development: On the significance of theological normativity for church development. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology 2021 ;Volum 8.
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2 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Koslander, Tiburtius.
Andlighet – en väg till personlig mening och hälsa. I: Vårdande vid psykisk ohälsa - på avancerad nivå. Studentlitteratur AB 2019 ISBN 978-91-44-12368-4. s. 273-294
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3 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Objectivity applied to embodied subjects. Atlas of Science 2019
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4 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Physicians in the double role of treatment provider and expert in light of principle based social insurance medical ethics. Etikk i praksis 2019 ;Volum 13.(2) s. 81-97
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5 Jonassen, Kjell Reidar; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Menneskeverd i helse- og omsorgstjenesten : -begrunnelse og forutsetning. Alpha Beta Sigma 2018 (ISBN 9788299292856) 109 s.
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6 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
A social insurance medical ethics having patient's welfare and social justice as goals. EUMASS Congress 2018; 2018-10-04 - 2018-10-06
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7 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Criteria of a cognitive concept of objectivity for use in social insurance medicine. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde 2018 ;Volum 26.(September) s. 353-353
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8 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Objectivity applied to embodied subjects in health care and social security medicine: Definition of a comprehensive concept of cognitive objectivity and criteria for its application. BMC Medical Ethics 2018 ;Volum 19.(15)
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9 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
The Anatomy of Professional Discretion in Social Insurance Medicine. EUMASS Congress 2018; 2018-10-04 - 2018-10-06
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10 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Kjærlighet som dyd og norm : Et kristent menneskesyns bidrag til god profesjonell omsorg. I: Hva er nå et menneske? : tverrfaglige bidrag. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202566258. s. 256-281
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11 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Three Main Approaches to Philosophy of Religion. I: Talking Seriously About God : Philosophy of Religion in the Dispute between Theism and Atheism. LIT Verlag 2016 ISBN 978-3-643-90741-7. s. 107-127
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12 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Hagen, May Bente.
Etikk og menneskesyn for en helhetlig traumebevisst omsorg. I: Traumebevisst omsorg i psykisk helsearbeid : fra et tilknytningsteoretisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget 2016 ISBN 978-82-15-02504-9. s. 45-58
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13 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Hagen, May Bente.
Miljøterapeuters reaksjoner i møte med traumatiserte pasienter. I: Traumebevisst omsorg i psykisk helsearbeid : fra et tilknytningsteoretisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget 2016 ISBN 978-82-15-02504-9. s. 184-194
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14 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Hagen, May Bente; Thelle, Mona.
Innledning. I: Traumebevisst omsorg i psykisk helsearbeid : fra et tilknytningsteoretisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget 2016 ISBN 978-82-15-02504-9. s. 13-26
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15 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Råmunddal, Lars.
Teologisk normativitet og menighetsutvikling : Om den teologiske normativitetens betydning for menighetsutviklende tenkning og praksis. Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology 2016 ;Volum .(3)
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16 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Thelle, Mona; Hagen, May Bente.
Traumebevisst omsorg i psykisk helsearbeid : fra et tilknytningsteoretisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget 2016 (ISBN 978-82-15-02504-9) 218 s.
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17 Hammervold, Unn Elisabeth; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Bruk av tvangsmidler i traumebevisst miljøterapi - et faglig og etisk perspektiv. I: Traumebevisst omsorg i psykisk helsearbeid : fra et tilknytningsteoretisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget 2016 ISBN 978-82-15-02504-9. s. 165-183
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18 Roxberg, Åsa Kristina; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Dignity in suffering: a theological perspective. I: Stories of Dignity within Healthcare: Research, narratives and theories. United Kingdom: M&K Publishing 2016 ISBN 9781905539-97-0. s. 127-136
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19 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Cognitive objectivity in contemporary social security medicine. Research, education and practice in social security medicine; 2016-06-10 - 2016-06-10
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20 Jonassen, Kjell Reidar; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Integritetens, verdighetens og autonomiens plass i helse- og omsorgstjenestene. En etisk analyse. Alpha Beta Sigma 2015 (ISBN 978-82-992928-3-2) 63 s.
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21 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Egeland, Jens.
Usefulness of an ability-based health model in work ability assessments provided by psychiatrists and psychology specialists writing social security certificates. Disability and Rehabilitation 2015 ;Volum 37.(7) s. 571-578
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22 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Er både Israel og kirken Guds folk?. Dagen : kristelig dagblad 2014 s. 30-31
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23 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Farstad, May Bente.
Statens forakt for svakhet? Innstramninger av helsetilbud, som negativt påvirker mennesker som er svakere stilt, kan ses som et uttrykk for statens forakt for svakhet. Vårt land 2014 s. -20
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24 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Fjeld, Bjørn Øyvind.
Teologiens egenart. Teologisk forskning må omfatte både Guds åpenbaring og menneskers tro, ikke reduseres til et studium av menneskers religiøse erfaringer og aktiviteter. Vårt land 2014 s. 18-19
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25 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Larsen, Rakel Karin.
Hvem vil hjelpe surrogatmødre i den tredje verden?. Dagen : kristelig dagblad 2014 s. -17
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26 Roxberg, Åsa Kristina; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami catastrophe, its survivors, job and the universal features of suffering: a theoretical study. Journal of religion and health 2014 ;Volum 53.(4) s. 1257-1266
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27 Rudolfsson, Gudrun; Berggren, Ingela; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Experiences of spirituality and spiritual values in the context of nursing – an integrative review. Open Nursing Journal 2014 ;Volum 8.(1) s. 64-70
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28 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Hvorfor er både kristne og humanister tause om abortens negative konsekvenser?. Inter Medicos 2013 ;Volum 56.(4) s. 14-
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29 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Sammenhenger mellom psykologi, religion og helse. I: Forankring og fornyelse : festskrift for Ansgarskolen 1913–2013. Portal forlag 2013 ISBN 978-82-92712-87-0. s. 272-293
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30 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Fjeld, Bjørn Øyvind; Schuff, Hildegunn Marie T.
Skaperverk, forvalteransvar og disippelskap. Bibelsk miljøetikk - en utfordring til evangelikale tradisjoner. I: Forankring og fornyelse : festskrift for Ansgarskolen 1913–2013. Portal forlag 2013 ISBN 978-82-92712-87-0. s. 142-168
ATH Untitled
31 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Koslander, Tiburtius; Lindström, Unni Å..
The human being’s spiritual experiences in a mental healthcare context : their positive and negative meaning and impact on health : a hermeneutic approach. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2013 ;Volum 27.(3) s. 560-568
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32 Karlsson, Margareta; Karlsson, Christina; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Berggren, Ingela; Söderlund, Maud.
Community nurses’ experiences of ethical problems in end-of-life care in the patient´s own home. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2013 ;Volum 27.(4) s. 831-838
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33 Roxberg, Åsa Kristina; Brunt, David; Rask, Mikael; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Where can I find consolation? A theoretical analysis of the meaning of consolation as experienced by Job in the Book of Job in the Hebrew bible. Journal of religion and health 2013 ;Volum 52.(1) s. 114-127
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34 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Egeland, Jens.
The need for a holistic model of functioning in WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF. Innovation in Health Care and the Life Sciences; 2013-08-14 - 2013-08-17
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35 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
The Biblical foundation of Christian ecological ethics. I: Klimata simboli teologija un maksla = Climate symbols in theology and art. Jurmala: Latvian Christian Academy 2012 ISBN 978-9984-775-18-0. s. 82-101
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36 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio; Hummelvoll, Jan Kåre.
Relevante etiske grunnbegreper, teorier og perspektiver i psykisk helsearbeid. I: Helt - ikke stykkevis og delt: psykiatrisk sykepleie og psykisk helse. Gyldendal Akademisk 2012 ISBN 978-82-05-42031-1. s. 83-109
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37 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
The Holistic Claims of the Biopsychosocial Conception of WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF): A Conceptual Analysis on the Basis of a Pluralistic-Holistic Ontology and Multidimensional View of the Human being. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2012 ;Volum 37.(3) s. 277-294
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38 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Det är som det är. En berättelse om tillit. Författad av Malina Stahre. Pro Terveys 2011 (5) s. 30-
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39 Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
Har Norge troverdighet?. Vårt land 2011 s. 24-25
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40 Barbosa da Silva, António.
Bør en soldat være god?. Vårt land 2010 s. 41-
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41 Barbosa da Silva, António.
Cape Verde. I: The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Cambridge University Press 2010 ISBN 978-0-521-52785-9. s. 169-
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42 Barbosa da Silva, António.
Tvang i psykisk helsevern i lys av menneskeverd, etiske behandlingskriterier og rett til helse : en etisk analyse. Norsk tidsskrift for sykepleieforskning 2010 ;Volum 12.(4) s. 15-31
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43 Barbosa da Silva, António; Roxberg, Åsa; Berggren, Ingela; Karlsson, Margareta.
Community nurses' experiences of ethical dilemmas in palliative care: a Swedish study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2010 ;Volum 16.(5) s. 224-231
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44 Lindh, Inga-Britt; Barbosa da Silva, António; Berg, Agneta; Severinsson, Elisabeth.
Courage and nursing practice: A theoretical analysis. Nursing Ethics 2010 ;Volum 17.(5) s. 551-565
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45 Roxberg, Åsa; Burman, Marianne; Guldbrand, Mona; Fridlund, Bengt; Barbosa da Silva, António.
Out of the wave: the meaning of suffering and relieved suffering for survivors of the tsunami catastrophe. An hermeneutic-phenomenological study of TV-interviews one year after the tsunami catastrophe, 2004. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2010 ;Volum 24.(4) s. 707-715
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46 Roxberg, Åsa; Sameby, Jessica; Brodin, Sandra; Fridlund, Bengt; Barbosa da Silva, António.
Out of the wave: The meaning of suffering and relief from suffering as described in autobiographies by survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2010 ;Volum 5.(3) s. -
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47 Solli, Hans Magnus; Barbosa da Silva, Antonio.
The holistic claims of WHO's ICF. EUMASS; 2010-09-24
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48 Aasen, Henriette Sinding; Halvorsen, Rune; Barbosa da Silva, António.
Human rights, dignity and autonomy in health care and social services: Nordic perspectives. Intersentia 2009 (ISBN 978-90-5095-877-6) 221 s.
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49 Barbosa da Silva, António.
Autonomy, dignity and integrity in health care ethics - a moral philosophical perspective. I: Human rights, dignity and autonomy in health care and social services: Nordic perspectives. Intersentia 2009 ISBN 978-90-5095-877-6. s. 13-52
ATH Untitled
50 Barbosa da Silva, António.
Förhållandet mellan princip- och regelbaserad etik och dygdetik. I: Omvårdnadhandledning - ur etiskt och tvärdisciplinärt perspektiv. Studentlitteratur AB 2009 ISBN 978-91-44-05323-3.
ATH Untitled
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