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1 Magnotti, John F.; Lado, Anastasia; Zhang, Jue; Maasø, Arnt; Nath, Audrey; Beauchamp, Michael S..
Repeatedly experiencing the McGurk effect induces long-lasting changes in auditory speech perception. Communications Psychology 2024 ;Volum 2.(1)
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2 Maasø, Arnt.
What direction should Teachers’ Academies develop toward to remain relevant and vibrant in the future as leaders in pedagogical change? [Keynote]. Decennial Anniversary Seminar of the University of Helsinki Teachers’ Academy; 2023-04-18 - 2023-04-18
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3 Maasø, Arnt; Simonsen, Hanne Gram.
Problem-Based Peer Group Mentoring and Organisational Learning. I: Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education: Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration. Springer 2023 ISBN 978-3-031-37457-9.
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4 Beauchamp, Michael; Lado, Anastasia; Zhang, Yue; Nath, Audrey; Maasø, Arnt; Magnotti, John F.
A long-lasting aftereffect of the McGurk Effect. Neuroscience 2022; 2022-11-12 - 2022-11-16
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5 Maasø, Arnt; Spilker, Hendrik Storstein.
The Streaming Paradox: Untangling the Hybrid Gatekeeping Mechanisms of Music Streaming. Popular music and society 2022 ;Volum 45.(3) s. 300-316
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6 Brevik, Lisbeth M.; Breivik, Jarle; Maasø, Arnt.
Hvordan skape et godt læringsmiljø med hybridundervisning?. HF:Studio [Internett] 2021-05-19
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7 Brevik, Lisbeth M.; Breivik, Jarle; Maasø, Arnt.
Samtale: Hvordan tilrettelegge for hybrid undervisning. Samtale; 2021-02-23
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8 Kjus, Yngvar; Hagen, Anja Nylund; Torvund, Olav; Maasø, Arnt.
Musikk, opphavsrett og internett. Avsluttingsseminar for MUSEC-prosjektet; 2021-01-28
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9 Maasø, Arnt; Brevik, Lisbeth M.; Vasbø, Kristin Beate; Breivik, Jarle; Lerheim, Birgitte; Malthe-Sørenssen, Anders; Hjorth-Jensen, Morten.
Dette må bli læringsmiljøets år. 2021
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10 Maasø, Arnt; Simonsen, Hanne Gram.
Kollegaveiledning i en lærende organisasjon. I: Kollegaveiledning i høyere utdanning. Universitetsforlaget 2021 ISBN 9788215048420. s. 143-159
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11 Brevik, Lisbeth M.; Breivik, Jarle; Maasø, Arnt.
Hvordan involvere studenter i forskning? Diskusjon med et utvalg av UiOs meritterte undervisere.. Utdanningskonferansen 2020; 2020-12-01
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12 Spilker, Hendrik Storstein; Maasø, Arnt.
An algorithm and interface perspective on why access to unlimited amounts of music does not seem to foster musical diversity. Music in the age of streaming; 2020-06-16 - 2020-06-17
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13 Maasø, Arnt.
How the revenue share model of music streaming services made Spotify’s ‘clickfarms’ scandals, ‘playlist payola’ and Tidal’s streaming scams possible, and how it can be fixed. Turns and Revolutions in Popular Music XX Biennial International Conference of IASPM; 2019-06-24 - 2019-06-28
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14 Maasø, Arnt.
Streaming platforms and research in the Nordics. Roundtable on streaming; 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-24
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15 Maasø, Arnt.
The gaming and building of trust in music metrics. AOIR 2019; 2019-10-02 - 2019-10-05
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16 Maasø, Arnt; Hagen, Anja Nylund.
Metrics and decision-making in music streaming. Popular Communication - The International Journal of Media and Culture 2019
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17 Maasø, Arnt.
How streaming scandals are made possible by the revenue model, and how business model innovations could bring back trust and transparency. International Symposium on Media Innovation (ISMI); 2018-08-31 - 2018-09-01
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18 Danielsen, Anne; Maasø, Arnt; Hagen, Anja Nylund; Kjus, Yngvar.
Clouds & Concerts summarised. By:Larm conference; 2016-03-03 - 2016-03-03
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19 Maasø, Arnt.
Eventisation and concentration of online music. Music in the Online Age: Findings and forecasts; 2016-03-02 - 2016-03-02
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20 Maasø, Arnt.
Music Streaming, Festivals, and the Eventization of Music. Popular music and society 2016 ;Volum 41.(2) s. 154-175
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21 Maasø, Arnt.
Musikkbruk i dag og da besteforeldrene dine var unge. Hva betyr det for fremtidens musikkultur?. Åpen dag på Universitetet i Oslo; 2016-03-08 - 2016-03-08
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22 Maasø, Arnt.
Nye lyttemønstre i strømmingens tid. Fagdag, X-IMK; 2016-03-10 - 2016-03-10
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23 Maasø, Arnt.
Sky & Scene – et tilbakeblikk. Ballade 2016
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24 Maasø, Arnt; Ytreberg, Espen.
Eventer som forretning. Dagens næringsliv 2016 s. -
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25 Ytreberg, Espen; Maasø, Arnt.
Eventisering. Medietrender2016; 2016-01-07
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26 Maasø, Arnt.
Forskning med / mot / og / eller på strømmen. Spellemannkonferansen; 2015-01-16 - 2015-01-17
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27 Maasø, Arnt.
Lyttevaner og -mønstre i musikkstrømmetjenester. Kunnskapsorganisasjonsdagene 2015; 2015-06-01 - 2015-06-02
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28 Maasø, Arnt.
Muligheter og utfordringer 
for musikkstrømming. Kulturdepartementets fagdag; 2015-11-10 - 2015-11-10
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29 Maasø, Arnt.
Musikk mot strømmen. NRK Fagdag; 2015-06-04 - 2015-06-04
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30 Maasø, Arnt.
Streaming – a challenge for the future of music?. Konferansen "Musimorphoses" sur le devenir de l’écoute musicale en régime numérique; 2015-11-10 - 2015-11-13
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31 Maasø, Arnt.
A better way to cut a cake and eat it too: On revenue share in music streaming and the value of platform economics. Medium 2014 s. -
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32 Maasø, Arnt.
A user-centric settlement for streaming?. South by South West (SXSW); 2014-03-14
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33 Maasø, Arnt.
Brukersentrert avregning av strømmeinntekster? Betydningen for artister og norskandel. GRAMART internseminar; 2014-03-26 - 2014-03-26
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34 Maasø, Arnt.
Brukersentrert avregning av strømmeinntekter?. IFPI årsmøte; 2014-03-19 - 2014-03-19
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35 Maasø, Arnt.
Businessmodels and revenue streams. Internt workshop hos WiMP som forberedelse til panel på SXSW; 2014-01-09 - 2014-01-09
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36 Maasø, Arnt.
Digital deltakelse og live-opplevelser. Årskonferansen for Norsk publikumsutvikling; 2014-09-29 - 2014-09-30
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37 Maasø, Arnt.
Digital Music Innovation. VidFlows Paneldebatt under Oslo Innovation Week; 2014-10-15 - 2014-10-15
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38 Maasø, Arnt.
Dividing the stream. Record of the Day 2014 s. -
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39 Maasø, Arnt.
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40 Maasø, Arnt.
Le streaming musical: Un modèle pérenne d'accès a la musique. Séminare ANR Musimorphoses; 2014-06-17 - 2014-06-18
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41 Maasø, Arnt.
Mobile streaming: emerging trends. Telenor Group Research Seminar; 2014-01-29 - 2014-01-29
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42 Maasø, Arnt.
Music Streaming in Norway: Four trends, Four years later. by:Larm; 2014-02-27
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43 Maasø, Arnt.
Paneldebatt om strømmemodellen. Debatt i anledningen 25 år jubileum for GramArt; 2014-06-11 - 2014-06-11
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44 Maasø, Arnt.
Surviving Streaming: How insight into listening patterns and the streaming model provide maps for the future. Berlin Music Week; 2014-09-05
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45 Maasø, Arnt; Toldnes, Ragnhild.
Mitt lille land: Sørgemusikk og sosiale strømmer. I: Musikk etter 22. juli. Norges musikkhøgskole 2014 s. 25-48
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46 Maasø, Arnt.
Den nye musikkhverdagen: Strømming og sosiale medier. Faglig-pedagogisk dag på Universitetet i Oslo; 2013-10-31 - 2013-10-31
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47 Maasø, Arnt.
Music consumption in the age of streaming: Who listens to what, when and how?. by:Larm; 2013-02-14 - 2013-02-14
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48 Maasø, Arnt.
Music streaming and innovation through research. The International Symposium on Media Innovations; 2013-04-18 - 2013-04-19
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49 Maasø, Arnt.
"Music streaming and user patterns: Scandinavians as crash test dummies for the future of music?". University of Bangor Research Seminar; 2013-02-19 - 2013-02-19
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50 Maasø, Arnt.
Navigating the Seven Seas of Songs: Search, Playlists and Editorial content in WiMP streaming service. Music in the Online Media Age – abstracts and presenters, Research workshop and symposium; 2013-11-04 - 2013-11-05
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