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1 Lindberg, Bent Håkan.
Bruk av legevakt ved luftveisinfeksjoner. Nidaroskongressen 2023; 2023-10-26
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2 Lindberg, Bent Håkan.
Use of out-of-hours services for respiratory tract infections. Oslo: University of Oslo 2023 (ISBN 978-82-348-0235-5) 89 s.
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3 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Effect of an educational intervention for telephone triage nurses on out-of-hours attendance: a pragmatic randomized controlled study.. BMC Health Services Research 2023 ;Volum 23. s. -
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4 Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Lindberg, Bent Håkan.
HAPPY PATIENT - The Health Alliance for Prudent Prescription and Yield of Antibiotics from a patient-centered perspective, a study in out-of-hours services. GRIN Meeting 2023; 2023-09-22 - 2023-09-23
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5 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Can an educational intervention for telephone triage nurses influence the number of RTI-patients in out-of-hours services?. 22nd General Practice Research on Infections Network Meeting; 2022-09-23 - 2022-09-24
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6 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Can telephone triage nurses influence a population’s out-of-hours attendance? A biangular approach. European Research Network for Out-of-hours primary health care annual conference; 2022-05-05 - 2022-05-06
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7 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Changing a population’s health seeking behaviour out-of-hours – a task for telephone triage nurses?. The 22nd Nordic Congress of General Practice; 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-23
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8 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Legevaktsykepleier – portvakt eller serviceyter?. Forskningsdagen, Primærmedisinsk uke 2022; 2022-10-26 - 2022-10-26
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9 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Luftveisinfeksjoner - e-læringskurs for legevaktsykepleiere. Antibiotikasenteret for primærmedisin og Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for legevaktmedisin Bergen 2022
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10 Lindberg, Bent Håkan.
Kan sykepleiere på legevakt påvirke om pasienter får antibiotika?. Sykepleien [Fagblad] 2021-06-26
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11 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Assessing respiratory tract infections out-of-hours - the tightrope walks of phone triage nurses. A qualitative study.. GENERAL PRACTICE RESEARCH ON INFECTIONS NETWORK 2021 Annual Meeting Webinar 24th September; 2021-09-24
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12 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Phone triage nurses’ assessment of respiratory tract infections–the tightrope walk between gatekeeping and service providing. A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2021 ;Volum 39.(2) s. 139-147
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13 Lindberg, Bent Håkan.
Effekt av et klinisk opplæringsprogram om luftveisinfeksjoner for legevaktsykepleiere. Ukentlig fagmøte; 2019-01-10
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14 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Rebnord, Ingrid Keilegavlen; Høye, Sigurd.
Effect of a Clinical Training Program on Respiratory Tract Infections for Phone Triage Nurses in Out-of-hours Primary Care Centres. Vitenskaplig konferanse; 2018-10-05 - 2018-10-06
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15 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Gjelstad, Svein; Foshaug, Mats; Høye, Sigurd.
Antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in Norwegian primary care out-of-hours service. Vitenskaplig konferanse; 2017-09-29 - 2017-09-30
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16 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Gjelstad, Svein; Foshaug, Mats; Høye, Sigurd.
Antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in Norwegian primary care out-of-hours service. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2017 ;Volum 35.(2) s. 178-185
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17 Lindberg, Bent Håkan; Høye, Sigurd.
Antibiotika-forskrivning ved akutte luftveisinfeksjoner på interkommunal legevakt. Primærmedisinsk Uke 2016/forskningsdagen; 2016-10-24 - 2016-10-28
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