Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Amundsen, Marie.
Black Swans? Revisiting the richly furnished burials of the Migration Period in Southern Norway.. Gendering the Nordic Past: Dialogues between Past and present; 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28
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2 Amundsen, Marie D..
Glimande gull. Håndverkfestival Nasjonalbiblioteket; 2023-09-24 - 2023-09-24
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3 Amundsen, Marie D..
On ‘utility-gold’ and the uses of gold in Norwegian Migration Period. 74th Sachsensymposium; 2023-09-16 - 2023-09-20
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4 Amundsen, Marie D.; Moen, Marianne.
Giving mixed signals. On gendered readings of Late Iron Age figurines. Primitive tider 2023 ;Volum Spesialutgave. s. 97-106
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5 Amundsen, Marie.
Arena i NRK P2 15.06.2022: Hvorfor er vi så opptatt av vikingtida?. [Radio] 2022-06-15
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6 Amundsen, Marie.
Dagsnytt 18: Vikingskipene forvitrer. [TV] 2022-06-14
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7 Amundsen, Marie.
Dei har til no samla inn over 5000 underskrifter for vern av vikingskipa. [Internett] 2022-06-13
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8 Amundsen, Marie.
Researchers have started a petition to save the Norwegian Viking ships. [Internett] 2022-06-13
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9 Amundsen, Marie.
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10 Amundsen, Marie D..
Glimrende gull: Det fantastiske Byglandsfunnet. Åpning av utstillinga om gullfunnet i Bygland i 1833 Bygland, 3.september 2022; 2022-09-03
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11 Amundsen, Marie D..
Gullfeber i Bygland, Sørlandssendinga. NRK [Radio] 2022-09-02
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12 Amundsen, Marie D..
Kan bli forsinket likevel: Fra glede til tristhet på et halvt døgn. [Internett] 2022-06-18
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13 Amundsen, Marie D.; Pedersen, Unn.
Newsflash From Norway: 'Save the Viking Ships' petition still going strong. The European Archaeologist 2022 (73) s. 18-24
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14 Amundsen, Marie.
Glimrende gull. Årsmøte Oslo Gullsmedlaug; 2021-09-28
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15 Amundsen, Marie.
Glimrende gull. En utforskende studie av gull fra folkevandringstid i Rogaland, Vestfold og Østfold. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo 2021
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16 Amundsen, Marie.
Glimrende gull. Presentasjon av avhandling. Forskerforum UiS/Arkeologisk Museum; 2021-11-23
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17 Amundsen, Marie.
Kjønn, makt og rikdom: Et gjensyn med de rikt utstyrte gravene fra folkevandringstid i Sør-Norge.. Gendering the Nordic Past: Workshop 2; 2021-12-09
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18 Amundsen, Marie.
On the technology and uses of gold in Migration Period Norway. Prehistoric technologies; 2021-10-13
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19 Amundsen, Marie.
Norwegian gold: Material dynamics in the midst of crafters and elites. EAA2019; 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-07
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20 Prescott, Christopher; Melheim, Lene; Austvoll, Knut Ivar; Amundsen, Marie; Sture, Maria; Kilhavn, Håvard.
Arkeologi I Skrivarhelleren Facebookside.
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21 Amundsen, Marie; Fredriksen, Per Ditlef.
A social chronology from below: a 'marginal' Early Iron Age site from western Norway in a comparative perspective. EAA (Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists) 2015; 2015-09-02 - 2015-09-05
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22 Fredriksen, Per Ditlef; Amundsen, Marie.
Når stedsbånd veves og løses opp. En sosial kronologi for bosetningen av Kalvebeitet i indre Sogn i yngre romertid og folkevandringstid. Viking 2014 ;Volum LXXVII. s. 79-104
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