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1 Johnsen, Jon T..
Bulgarian legal aid and Roma women. Trondheim: Norwegian Courts Amininstration/Domstoladministrasjonen 2024 (ISBN 978-82-693471-0-4) 121 s.
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2 Holter, Katrine; Løvlie, Anders; Johnsen, Jon T.; Larsen, Tonje Lilaas.
Rett og Slett #42: En rettsstat for de rikeste?. Alle podkastspillere [Radio] 2022-11-09
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3 Johnsen, Jon T..
Offentlig rettshjelp og tilgang til rettshhåndheving. I: Access to justice i Skandinavien. Santérus Academic Press Sweden 2022 ISBN 978-91-7335-062-4. s. 137-163
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4 Johnsen, Jon T..
Rettshjelpforskningen -- tverrfaglighet og aksjonsforskning. I: Festskrift -- Jussbuss 50 år. Oslo: Jussbuss 2021 s. 48-63
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5 Johnsen, Jon T..
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6 Johnsen, Jon T..
Nordic Legal Aid and 'Access to Justice' in Human Rights. A European Perspective. I: Outsorcing legal aid in the Nordic Welfare states. Palgrave Macmillan 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-46684-2. s. 227-262
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7 Johnsen, Jon T..
«Overordnet nasjonal strategi for bekjempelse av datakriminalitet (Datakrimstrategien)» Utredning fra en gruppe oppnevnt av Politidirektoratet etter oppdrag fra Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. Avgitt 12. mai 2015. Leder professor dr. juris Jon T. Johnsen, Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo.. Oslo: Polititdirektoratet (POD) 2015 (ISBN 978-82-8256-058-0) 170 s.
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8 Johnsen, Jon T..
Appeals and "Trial Within Reasonable Time": A European Perspective. I: Nobody's Perfect. Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters. Intersentia 2014 ISBN 978-1-78068-236-5. s. 17-33
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9 Johnsen, Jon T..
Rad na pravnim reformama u studentskim klinikama. Iskustvo Juss-Bussa. Zagreb Law Review. Journal of Postgraduate Studies og Faculty of Law, University of ZaGREB 2013 ;Volum 2.(1) s. 127-139
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10 Johnsen, Jon T..
Appeals and "Trial within reasonable time". A European perspective. Public and Private Justice 2012. Appeals and other Means of Recourse Against Judgments; 2012-05-28 - 2012-06-01
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11 Johnsen, Jon T..
Internasjonale perspektiver på levering av fri rettshjelp. I: Pro Natura : Festskrift til Hans Christian Bugge på 70-årsdagen 2012. Universitetsforlaget 2012 ISBN 978-82-15-01953-6. s. 268-292
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12 Johnsen, Jon T..
The European Commission For The Efficiency Of Justice (CEPEJ. Reforming European Justice Systems - "Mission Impossible?". International Journal for Court Administration 2012 Suppl. Special Issue s. 1-19
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13 Rønning, Olaf Halvorsen; Johnsen, Jon T..
Human rights standards for quality of legal aid and their enforcement. LSRC INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2012; 2012-09-12 - 2012-09-14
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14 Johnsen, Jon T..
How do the Private Professions in Finland and Norway Impact on Legal Aid Delivery?. I: The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change (Ius Commune Europaeum). Intersentia 2011 ISBN 978-17-8068-014-9. s. -
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15 Johnsen, Jon T..
IMPLEMENTATION OF SATURN TIME MANAGEMENT TOOLS. Synthesizing report from seven test projects. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. European commission for the efficiency of justice. (CEPEJ-SATURN(2011(2) 2011 34 s.
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16 Johnsen, Jon T.; Stawa, Georg; Uzelac, Alan.
Evaluation of the Croatian Legal Aid Act and its implementation. Zagreb/Oslo/Vienna: Center for Human Rights, Zagreb 2011 84 s.
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17 Johnsen, Jon T..
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18 Johnsen, Jon T..
Development of a Universal Scheme on Short Legal Advice in Norway. “Research into Practice: Legal Service Delivery in a New Decade” 8th Legal Services Research Centre International Research Conference 2010; 2010-06-30
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19 Johnsen, Jon T..
Enforcement of Civil Claims in Criminal Litigation: The Norwegian Example. I: Enforcement and Enforceability Tradition and Reform. Intersentia 2010 ISBN 978-94-000-0073-5. s. 313-326
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20 Johnsen, Jon T..
Implementation test of SATURN tools in selected pilot courts. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, European Comission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ-SATURN(2010)1) 2010 9 s.
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21 Johnsen, Jon T..
Kritisk juss i arbeidet mitt som rettsforsker. I: 1968 och därefter. De kritiska rättsteoriernas betydelse för nordisk rättsvetenskap. Museum Tusculanums Forlag 2010 ISBN 978-87-635-3243-3. s. 201-225
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22 Johnsen, Jon T..
Lawyers' monopolies on legal services in Finland and Norway and their impact on legal aid delivery. European Landscape of Legal Profession(s): Has Unity Been Lost?; 2010-05-24 - 2010-05-28
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23 Johnsen, Jon T..
Pilot test of a protocol for the implementation of CEPEJ SATURN tools. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, European Comission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ-SATURN(2010)3) 2010 9 s.
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24 Johnsen, Jon T.; Rønning, Olaf Halvorsen; Rognlien, Ida Gundersby.
Ny jurdisk rådgivningstjeneste. Rapport fra "Ekspertseminar om førstelinjetjenesten" 19-20. januar 2010. Oslo: Justis- og politidepartementets rapportserie (Trykk: Departementenes servicesenter 06/10-150) 2010 81 s.
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25 Johnsen, Jon T..
Drar de norske rettshjelpsreformene tilstrekkelig nytte av lærdommene fra Finland og England?. Kritisk juss 2009 ;Volum 35.(2) s. 157-195
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26 Johnsen, Jon T..
Engelsk Rettshjelp. Utvikling av en målstyrt organisasjon. Oslo: Justis- og politidepartementet 2009 38 s.
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27 Johnsen, Jon T..
Hva kan vi lære av finsk rettshjelp? En sammenlikning av rettshjelpordningene i Norge og Finland. Oslo: Justis- og politidepartementet 2009
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28 Johnsen, Jon T..
Might Norway learn from Finnish legal aid? A comparison of legal aid in Norway and Finland. “DELIVERING EFFECTIVE LEGAL AID SERVICES ACROSS DIVERSE COMMUNITIES”; 2009-04-01 - 2009-04-03
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29 Johnsen, Jon T..
Vulnerable Groups at the Legal Services Market. I: Access to Justice and the Judicary.Towards New European Standards of Affordability, Quality and Efficiency of Civil Adjudication. Intersentia 2009 ISBN 978-90-5095-925-4. s. 31-44
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30 Johnsen, Jon T..
The Legal Service Market And Vulnerable Groups. Lessons from Legal Aid Research. Public and Private Justice: The Foundation of an Accountable, Accessible And Efficient Judiciary; 2008-05-18 - 2008-05-23
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31 Johnsen, Jon T.; Regan, Francis.
How to Use an International ´Best Policy´Model in the Analysis and Improvment of Finnish Legal Aid. I: Civil Justice between Efficiency and Quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ. Intersentia 2008 ISBN 978-905095-802-8. s. 151-188
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32 Johnsen, Jon T..
CEPEJ and Regional Development: the Nordic Study Example. Post Graduate Course “Public and Private Justice: The Contribution of the CEPEJ to Justice Reforms in Europe.”; 2007-05-28 - 2007-06-01
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33 Johnsen, Jon T..
Feilkilder ved ekspertbevis. Seminaret i vitenskapsteori; 2007-12-04 - 2007-12-04
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34 Johnsen, Jon T..
Feilkilder ved ekspertbevis. Hvordan kan de påvirke utfallet av straffesaker?. I: Rettsmedisinsk sakkyndighet i fortid, nåtid og fremtid: mot et paradigmeskifte ved vurdering av rettsmedisinsk sakkyndighet i straffesaker. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2007 ISBN 978-82-02-27447-4. s. 16-27
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35 Johnsen, Jon T..
Human Rights in the Development of legal aid in Europe. The Policy Work on Legal Aid in The CoE and The CEPEJ. Post Graduate Course “Public and Private Justice: The Contribution of the CEPEJ to Justice Reforms in Europe.; 2007-05-28 - 2007-06-01
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36 Johnsen, Jon T..
Human Rights in the Development of Legal Aid in Europe. The Policy Work on legal Aid in the Council of Europe and its Commission on the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). I: Public and Private Justice. Dispute Resolution in Modern Societies. Intersentia 2007 ISBN 978-90-5095-683-3. s. 131-152
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37 Johnsen, Jon T..
ICT in the Norwegian prosecutors' offices. AGIS conference: "Information and Communication Technology for Public Prosecutor's Office".; 2007-10-12 - 2007-10-13
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38 Johnsen, Jon T..
Sami legal aid in Norway: legal aid as a measure for remedying legal discrimination of ethnic minorities. Seminar; 2007-05-11
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39 Johnsen, Jon T.; Regan, Francis.
Are Finland's Recent Legal Sevices Policy Reforms Swimming against the Tide of International Reforms?. Civil Justice Quarterly 2007 ;Volum 26. s. 341-357
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40 Johnsen, Jon T.; Smolej, Mirka.
Time management of justice systems: a Northern Europe study. F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex: Council of Europe Pubishing 2007 79 s.
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41 Johnsen, Jon T..
Feilkilder ved ekspertbevis. “Rettsmedisinsk sakkyndighet i fortid, nåtid og fremtid”; 2006-09-18
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42 Johnsen, Jon T..
How has the complexity of the law and the market for legal expertise impacted on the development of legal aid in Norway?. International Journal of the Legal Profession 2006 ;Volum 13.(1) s. 19-39
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43 Johnsen, Jon T..
Hva ble Norge dømt for i Strasbourg?. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 2006 ;Volum 119.(1) s. 1-70
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44 Johnsen, Jon T..
"Speeding up judicial systems". Lessons to be learned from the Report on European Judicial Systems 2002. Conference on Evaluating European Judicial Systems; 2005-05-02 - 2005-05-03
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45 Johnsen, Jon T..
Anmeldelse av Knut Papendorf Advokatens århundre? Globaliseringen og dens følger for advokatmarkedet. Makt- og demokratiutredningen 1998-2003. Rapportserien nr 47. Unipub forlag 199 s +vedlegg. Lov og Rett 2004 (1-2) s. 112-117
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46 Regan, Francis; Johnsen, Jon T..
Finland's recent legal services policy reforms:Swimming against the tide of international reform?. 5th International LSRC Conference "Social Exclusion: A role of Law?; 2004-03-24 - 2004-03-24
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47 Johnsen, Jon T..
Forsvarsadvokatenes rolle i gjennomføringen og utviklingen av Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjon. Tidsskrift for strafferett 2003 (4) s. 440-451
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48 Johnsen, Jon T..
Grenser for idrettens straffemyndighet. Foredrag; 2003-11-07 - 2003-11-08
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49 Johnsen, Jon T..
Juss-Buss - et fagkritisk eksperiment. Idégrunnlag, arbeidsprinsipper og erfaringer. Veiledning for medarbeidere i Juss-Buss. : Juss-Buss, Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi 2003 (ISBN 82-991567-8-5) 139 s.
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50 Johnsen, Jon T..
Market Competition and legal aid in Norway. Paper to the ILAG Harvard conference June 18-20 2003. Paper 17 s; 2003-06-18 - 2003-06-20
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