Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Bucher, Taina.
Algorithms as a Form of Human-Machine Communication. I: The SAGE Handbook of Human–Machine Communication. Sage Publications 2023 ISBN 9781529773927.
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2 Bucher, Taina.
Facing AI: conceptualizing ‘fAIce communication’ as the modus operandi of facial recognition systems. Media, Culture and Society 2022 ;Volum 44.(4) s. 638-654
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3 Bucher, Taina.
Data and algorithms. I: Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Communication in Society. Routledge 2021 ISBN 1138672092.
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4 Bucher, Taina.
Facebook. Polity Press 2021 (ISBN 9781509535170) 261 s.
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5 Gran, Anne-Britt; Booth, Peter; Bucher, Taina.
Kjennskap til algoritmer - en ny digital metaferdighet. I: Mangfold i spill: Digitalisering av kultur og medier i Norge. Universitetsforlaget 2021 ISBN 978-82-15-04481-1. s. 83-99
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6 Bucher, Taina.
For noen er Facebook alt. Norsk Medietidsskrift 2020 ;Volum 27.(1)
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7 Bucher, Taina.
Kodespørsmålets villspor. Norsk Medietidsskrift 2020 ;Volum 27.(4)
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8 Bucher, Taina.
Nothing to disconnect from? Being singular plural in an age of machine learning. Media, Culture and Society 2020 ;Volum 42.(4) s. 610-617
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9 Bucher, Taina.
Pensumkvaler: Om avkolonisering, mangfold og akademisk frihet. Norsk Medietidsskrift 2020 ;Volum 27.(3)
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10 Bucher, Taina.
The right-time web: Theorizing the kairologic of algorithmic media. New Media & Society 2020 ;Volum 22.(9) s. 1699-1714
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11 Bucher, Taina.
Ventedyrene. Norsk Medietidsskrift 2020 ;Volum 27.(2)
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12 Gran, Anne-Britt; Booth, Peter; Bucher, Taina.
To be or not to be algorithm aware: a question of a new digital divide?. Information, Communication & Society 2020 s. -
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13 Bucher, Taina.
Bad Guys and Bag Ladies: On the Politics of Polemics and the Promise of Ambivalence. Social Media + Society 2019
14 Bucher, Taina.
Cleavage Control: Three stories about algorithmic culture and power in the case of the YouTube ‘Reply Girls’. I: A Networked Self: Platforms, Stories, Connections. Routledge 2018 ISBN 9781315193434.
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15 Bucher, Taina.
IF…THEN: Algorithmic power and politics.. Oxford University Press 2018 (ISBN 0190493038) 216 s.
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16 Bucher, Taina.
The Algorithmic Imaginary: Exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms. Information, Communication & Society 2017
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17 Bucher, Taina; Helmond, Anne.
The Affordances of Social Media Platforms. I: The SAGE Handbook of Social Media. Sage Publications 2017 ISBN 9781412962292.
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18 Bucher, Taina.
Machines don’t have instincts’: Articulating the computational in journalism. New Media & Society 2016
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19 Bucher, Taina.
Networking, or what the social means in social media. Social Media + Society 2015
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20 Bucher, Taina.
About a bot: Hoax, fake, performance art.. M/C 2014
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21 Bucher, Taina.
Generation we/me. Finnes den gode delekulturen?. Miniseminar; 2013-03-19 - 2013-03-19
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22 Bucher, Taina.
Objects of intense feeling: The case of the Twitter APIs. Computational Culture 2013
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23 Bucher, Taina.
Programmed publics. Media in Transition 8: public media, private media; 2013-05-03 - 2013-05-05
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24 Bucher, Taina.
The Friendship Assemblage: Investigating programmed sociality on Facebook. Television & New Media 2013 ;Volum 14.(6) s. 479-493
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25 Bucher, Taina.
A technicity of attention: How software ‘makes sense’. Culture Machine 2012 ;Volum 13.
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26 Bucher, Taina.
Algorithmically constructed visibility: the case of Facebook News Feed. Association of Internet Researchers; 2012-10-18 - 2012-10-20
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27 Bucher, Taina.
Programmed sociality: A software studies perspective on social networking sites. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo 2012 221 s.
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28 Bucher, Taina.
Threshold of visibility: on the politics of appearing and disappearing on News Feed. 4S/EASST; 2012-10-17 - 2012-10-20
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29 Bucher, Taina.
(U)synlighet i sosiale medier. Overvåkningsseminaret; 2012-11-08 - 2012-11-08
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30 Bucher, Taina.
Want to be on the top? Algorithmic power and the threat of invisibility on Facebook. New Media & Society 2012 ;Volum 14.(7) s. 1164-1180
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31 Bucher, Taina.
Between culture and code: on the problems and possibilities of software studies and the implications for social media research. ECREA; 2011-10-12 - 2011-10-15
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32 Bucher, Taina.
Social media: The next five years. Social media and information practices; 2011-11-10 - 2011-11-11
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33 Bucher, Taina.
Software Studies: Application and Implication. Association of Internet Researchers; 2011-10-21 - 2011-10-23
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34 Bucher, Taina.
Technicity of Attention: on immediacy and the update sphere. Paying Attention: Digital Media Cultures and Generational Responsibility; 2011-09-06 - 2011-09-10
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35 Bucher, Taina.
Threat of invisibility: investigating Panopticism in Facebook. NordMedia 2011; 2011-08-11 - 2011-08-13
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36 Bucher, Taina.
Politisk engasjement anno 2009. Dagbladet 2009
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37 Bucher, Taina.
Technologies of Immediacy: A Critical Investigation Into the Shaping Effects of Software Functionalities. 10th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers; 2009-10-07 - 2009-10-10
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38 Bucher, Taina.
Ungdom, politikk og internett. Forbrukerrådet; 2009-02-25 - 2009-02-25
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39 Bucher, Taina.
Vår alles bestevenn. Dagbladet 2009
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40 Bucher, Taina; Storm-Mathisen, Ardis; Helle-Valle, Jo.
Ungdom, Politikk og Internett. En akademisk refleksjon over norsk ungdoms samfunnsdeltakelse og politiske engasjement online. : Statens institutt for forbruksforskning 2009 66 s. SIFO Oppdragsrapport(2)
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41 Bucher, Taina.
The rhetorics of participatory culture: investigating a case of citizen journalism. Politics: Web 2.0: An International Conference; 2008-04-16 - 2008-04-19
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42 Storsul, Tanja; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Bucher, Taina; Enli, Gunn; Hontvedt, Magnus; Kløvstad, Vibeke; Maasø, Arnt.
New web phenomena. Government administration and the culture of sharing. Oslo: IMK and ITU, University of Oslo 2008 58 s.
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43 Storsul, Tanja; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Bucher, Taina; Enli, Gunn; Hontvedt, Magnus; Kløvstad, Vibeke; Maasø, Arnt.
Nye nettfenomener. Staten og delekulturen. Universitetet i Oslo: Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon og Forsknings- og kompetansenettverk for IT i utdanning 2008 50 s.
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