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1 Hemstad, Ruth; Kaasa, Janicke S.; Krefting, Ellen Marie; Nøding, Aina.
Introduction. I: Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer 2023 ISBN 9781783277797. p. 1-19
NB UiO Untitled
2 Hemstad, Ruth; Kaasa, Janicke Stensvaag; Krefting, Ellen Marie; Nøding, Aina.
Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer 2023 (ISBN 9781783277797) ;Volume 1.330 p. Knowledge and Communication in the Enlightenment World(1)
UiO NB Untitled
3 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
"Maritime modernities". Séminaire Nordic Blue Humanities; 2023-12-15 - 2023-12-15
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4 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
"Ordering and visualising the ocean in early modern France". The DEEPMED Seminar: A forum for ocean history, strategy, and environment; 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-15
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5 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
"Ordering the Ocean in Ancien Régime France: An exploration into the intellectual history of the ocean". ATTR: Oceans; 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-16
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6 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Roundtable: From Ridges to Riches – Subsea Mountains and Plains as Places of Prospecting. Giving the (Sea) Floor to Environmental History : Early Modern Perspectives. ESEH 2023 Mountains and Plains – Environmental and Climatic Entanglements. Past – Present – Future (12. Biennial Conference der European Society for Environmental History); 2023-08-23 - 2023-08-23
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7 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Rousseau og oss.. I: Bekjennelser Bind 2. Vidarforlaget AS 2023 ISBN 978-82-7990-324-6. p. 489-506
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8 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Secret Springs and Naked Truths: Scandalous Political Literature in Eighteenth-Century Denmark-Norway. I: Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer 2023 ISBN 9781783277797. p. 159-180
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9 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Briså, Benedicte Gamborg.
"Handmade Seas". Maps, Charts and the Maritime Modernities; 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-06
UiO NB Untitled
10 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Paulsen, Gard.
"Currents of data". Records, ships’ journals, logbooks and the maritime modernities; 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-10
UiO Untitled
11 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Paulsen, Gard.
"Drawing seas together, drawing seas apart". Maps, Charts and the Maritime Modernities; 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-06
UiO Untitled
12 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Paulsen, Gard.
"Introduction: Records as format of oceanic knowledge". Records, ships’ journals, logbooks and the maritime modernities; 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-10
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13 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Bekjennelser Bind 2. Vidarforlaget AS 2023 (ISBN 978-82-7990-324-6) 506 p.
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14 Amadou, Christine; Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Pøbelvelde eller elitestyre? Demokrati fra antikken til i dag. Foredrag; 2022-03-28 - 2022-03-28
UiO Untitled
15 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Formats and formalities of oceanic knowledge: exploring "Maritime Modernities". FORSCHUNGSKOLLOQUIUM ZUR GESCHICHTE DES WISSENS; 2022-11-23 - 2022-11-23
UiO Untitled
16 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Havets idehistorie. Forskningsdagene 2022 om hav; 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-28
UiO Untitled
17 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Havets utfordringer og humanistisk grunnforskning. Forskningsdagene om hav; 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-27
UiO Untitled
18 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Kunnskapshistorie i Norge på 2020-tallet. Nordiske historikerdager; 2022-08-07 - 2022-08-11
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19 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Maritime Modernities: Formats of Oceanic Knowledge. Videnshistorisk workshop; 2022-12-07 - 2022-12-08
UiO Untitled
20 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Om havet, for forskernatt. Forskernatt under forskningsdagene 2022 om hav; 2022-09-23 - 2022-09-23
UiO Untitled
21 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Press Freedom in Denmark-Norway. Nordiske historikerdager; 2022-06-08 - 2022-08-11
UiO Untitled
22 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Paulsen, Gard.
Formats of oceanic knowledge. Maritime Modernities Workshop on Theory; 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09
UiO Untitled
23 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Paulsen, Gard.
The Maritime Modernities Project - a general introduction. Maritime Modernities Workshop on Theory; 2022-06-08 - 2022-06-09
UiO Untitled
24 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Pileberg, Silje.
Blå humaniora: Mennesket har erobra hava med kart og modellar. Universitetet i Oslo, HF, IFIKK [Internet] 2022-08-11
UiO Untitled
25 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Anmeldelse av Horstbøll, Langen, Stjernfeld: Grov Konfækt. Tre vilde år med trykkefrihed, København 2020. Danske studier 2021 p. 228-235
UiO Untitled
26 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Konstruksjonen av Norden: Opplysningstida. UiO Norden på Nasjonalbiblioteket, med streaming; 2021-04-27 - 4021-04-27
UiO Untitled
27 Eriksen, Anne; Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Formens makt og materialitet: Om studiet av kunnskapens former i katekismer og skipslogger. Slagmark 2020 ;Volume 81. p. 31-50
UiO Untitled
28 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
"Establishing female literary authority in La Spectatrice danoise (1748-1750)". Birgitte Thott and her Intellectual Contexts in 17th and 18th Century Denmark-Norway; 2020-11-27 - 2020-11-27
UiO Untitled
29 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Følelser. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 2020 (4) p. 1-1
UiO Untitled
30 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
"Følelser i spill. En introduksjon til Madeleine de Scudérys Clélie (1654) og Ømhetskartet, La carte de Tendre". Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 2020 (4) p. 63-70
UiO Untitled
31 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Havets orden i det gamle regimets Frankrike. Workshop: Conceptions of Nature; 2020-03-10 - 2020-03-10
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32 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Hvordan kunnskap tar form.. PhD-kurs, Kunnskapshistorisk sommerskole; 2020-08-26 - 2020-08-26
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33 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
La Spectatrice danoise dans son contexte scandinave. I: La Spectatrice danoise de La Beaumelle. Edition commentée.. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2020 ISBN 978-3-631-82482-5. p. 23-38
UiO Untitled
34 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Opplysningstiden. Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven) 2020 p. -
UiO Untitled
35 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Ordenes politikk. Anmeldelse av Jonas Ross Kjærgaard, Reimagining society in Eighteenth century French Literature. Happiness and Human Rights.. K&K: kultur og klasse 2020 ;Volume 48.(129) p. 159-166
UiO Untitled
36 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Ordering maritime movements in Ancien Régime France. Paper and Power seminar; 2020-01-17 - 2020-01-18
UiO Untitled
37 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
"Secret springs and naked truths: The reception and circulation of 'secret histories' in eighteenth-century Denmark-Norway”. Reception Studies and the History of the Book. Interdisciplinary perspectives.; 2020-12-26 - 2020-12-27
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38 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Society and Sentiment: (Hi)storytelling in Denmark's Den patriotiske Tilskuer (1761-1763). I: Storytelling in the Spectators / Storytelling dans les spectateurs. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2020 ISBN 9783631809280. p. 111-126-
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39 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Tre vilde år: Vi har spurgt en række forskere, hvordan Trykkefrihedstiden har påvirket deres fagområde. Information, Danmark [Newspaper] 2020-09-12
UiO Untitled
40 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Eriksen, Anne.
Formens makt og materialitet. Om studiet av kunnskapsformer i katekismer og skipslogger. Slagmark 2020 (81) p. 31-49
UiO Untitled
41 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Ertler, Klaus-Dieter; Hobisch, Elisabeth.
La Spectatrice danoise de La Beaumelle. Edition commentée.. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2020 (ISBN 978-3-631-82482-5) 631 p.
UiO Untitled
42 Krefting, Ellen Marie; Nøding, Aina.
The Spectatorial Press from the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway: General Survey. I: "Spectator"-Type Periodicals in International Perspective: Enlightened Moral Journalism in Europe and North America.. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2020 ISBN 9783631761144. p. 369-392
NB Untitled
43 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Alt i et øyekast? Tablået som kunnskaps- og representasjonsform hos Quesnay, Mercier, Condorcet. I: Opplysninger. Festskrift til Knut Ove Eliassen på 60-årsdagen 26. oktober 2019. Novus Forlag 2019 ISBN 978-82-8390-025-5. p. 105-118
UiO Untitled
44 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
De usminkede sannhetenes forsvar. Peter Frederik Suhms publikasjonsstrategier og offentlighetsidealer under det dansk-norske eneveldet. I: Litterære verdensborgere: Transnasjonale perspektiver på norsk bokhistorie 1519–1850. : Nasjonalbiblioteket 2019 ISBN 978-82-7965-414-8. p. 332-376
UiO Untitled
45 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
I storbyens kretsløp. Louis-Sébastien Merciers Tableau de Paris. I: Europæisk litteratur 1500‑1800. Bind 3. Samfundet. Fra hoffet til byen. Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2019 ISBN 9788771845778. p. 243-272
UiO Untitled
46 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Navigeringskunst: Michael Wintroub, The Voyage of Thought, 2017. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 2019 (1-2/2019) p. 167-169
UiO Untitled
47 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Ordering the ocean in Ancien Régime France: Freedom, risks and riches in L'ordonnance de la marine 1681-1760. Ocean transformations: Representations, resources and regulations.; 2019-09-16 - 2019-09-18
UiO Untitled
48 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Politics of translation and adaptation: Louis-Sébastien Mercier in Denmark-Norway. The politics of books: Negotiating identity, print and the public sphere; 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-30
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49 Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Året 2440. Tidsreiser i opplysningstiden; 2019-01-23 - 2019-01-23
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50 Trivigno, Franco; Krefting, Ellen Marie.
Vertsinstituttet for ex.phil. ved Universitetet i Oslo må få hjelp. 2019
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