Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal.
Immigrant mothers balancing care for children with special needs and labour market participation. NK-LMS,; 2016-11-03 - 2016-11-03
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2 Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal.
Immigrant mothers balancing care for chronically ill or disabled children and labour market participation.. ISOQOL; 2015-10-20 - 2015-10-24
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3 Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal.
Participation au travail des familles immigrantes avec des enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux. Une étude qualitative norvégienne auprès de parents immigrés.. Kongress; 2015-08-23 - 2015-08-28
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4 Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal.
Tillit til velferdstjenester? Innvandrerforeldre med barn med spesielle behovs møter med hjelpeapparatet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2017 ;Volum 20.(3) s. 191-208
5 Albertini Früh, Elena; Rachedi, Zineb; Lidén, Hilde.
"Avoir un enfant différent dans un pays où on est différent". Une étude des familles immigrées en Norvège. Enfances Familles Générations 2017
6 Brekke, Idunn; Albertini Früh, Elena; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Holmstrøm, Henrik.
Long-time sickness absence among parents of pre-school children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida and down syndrome: a longitudinal study. BMC Pediatrics 2017 ;Volum 17.(26) s. -
7 Brekke, Idunn; Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde.
Foreldre som har barn med spesielle behov: arbeidsdeltakelse og sykefravær. NFR-seminar; 2016-10-26 - 2016-10-26
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8 Brekke, Idunn; Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Nadim, Marjan.
To presentasjoner: 1. Arbeidsdeltakelse og sykefravær blant mødre og fedre som har omsorg for et funksjonshemmet eller alvorlig kronisk sykt barn 2. Innvandrerfamilier med kronisk syke barn og deres tilknytning til arbeidslivet. Et kvalitativ studie av foreldreopplevelser.. NFR Seminar: Helse og arbeidsdeltakelse; 2015-03-10 - 2015-03-10
9 Brekke, Idunn; Miriam, Evensen.
Ethnic variation in take up of attendance benefit for children with a chronic illness or disability in Norway. Universiteit Antwerpen-lunch seminar; 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-26
10 Brekke, Idunn; Nadim, Marjan.
Gender differences in labour market participation and sickness absence among parents who care for disabled or chronically ill children. Social Inequality, Cohesion and Solidarity; 2015-05-28 - 2015-05-31
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11 Brekke, Idunn; Nadim, Marjan.
Gendered effects of intensified care burdens: Employment and sickness absence in families with chronically sick or disabled children in Norway. Work, Employment and Society 2016 ;Volum 31.(3) s. 391-408
12 Brekke, Idunn; Nadim, Marjan; Reisel, Liza.
Ethnic differences in labour market participation and sickness absence among mothers who care for disabled or chronically ill children. 2016 Annual ESPAnet Conference; 2016-09-01 - 2016-09-03
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13 Brekke, Idunn; Nadim, Marjan; Reisel, Liza.
Ethnic differences in labour market participation, health and sickness absence among parents caring for disabled or chronically ill children. Workshop on health, wellbeing and work among parents with chronically ill or disabled children; 2014-10-10 - 2014-10-10
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14 Brekke, Idunn; Richardsen, Kåre Rønn; Jenum, Anne Karen.
Sickness absence in pregnancy: associations with sedentary behavior. A population-based cohort study from Norway. BMC Public Health 2019 ;Volum 19.(1)
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15 Brekke, Idunn; Vinck, Julie.
Who bears the burden? Gendered effects on parental employment when having a young child with a disability: Belgium and Norway compared. 25th Anniversary conference; 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-06
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16 Brekke, Idunn; Winck, Julie.
Who bears the burden in the social investment state? Gendered effects on parental employment when having a young child with increased care needs: Belgium and Norway compared. Annual ESPAnet Conference; 2018; 2018-08-30 - 2018-09-01
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17 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Brekke, Idunn; Gardsjord, Ragnhild; Halvorsrud, Liv; Lidén, Hilde.
On duty all the time: Health and quality of life among immigrant parents caring for a child with complex health needs. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) 2016 ;Volum 25.(3-4) s. 362-371
18 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Halvorsrud, Liv; Lidén, Hilde.
How do immigrant parent of disabled or chronically ill children experience their own health and quality of life?. ISOQOL; 2014-10-14 - 2014-10-18
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19 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Halvorsrud, Liv; Lidén, Hilde.
How do immigrant parent of disabled or chronically ill children experience their own health and quality of life?. Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for læring og mestring innen helse; 2014-10-30
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20 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Halvorsrud, Liv; Lidén, Hilde.
How experience immigrant parents of children with special needs their Health and Quality of Life?. Norsk Sykepleier Forbund, årskonferanse; 2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28
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21 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde.
Ethnic differences in labour market participation, health and sickness absence among parents caring for disabled or chronically ill children. Internasjonal workshop om forskning; "CAREMUMS"; 2014-05-12
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22 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde.
How do immigrant parents of children with complex health needs manage to cope in their daily lives?. Child & Family Social Work 2017 ;Volum 22.(4) s. 1399-1406
23 Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Lidén, Hilde; Albertini Früh, Elena.
To presentasjoner: 1.How do Immigrant Parents of Disabled or Chronically Ill Children Experience their own Health and Quality of Life? 2. Family life and labour market participation among parents caring for disabled or chronically ill children.. Internasjonal workshop; 2014-10-10 - 2014-10-10
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24 Lidén, Hilde; Albertini Früh, Elena.
Promoting social participation and quality of life of immigrant families to reduce future social inequality for families and children with long-term health challenges in Norway. International Exploratory Workshop. Comparative research with immigrant families raising a child with a disability in European countries; 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-16
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25 Reisel, Liza; Nadim, Marjan; Brekke, Idunn.
The impact of having a child with special needs: Labour market adaptations of immigrant and majority mothers. Acta Sociologica 2020 ;Volum 64.(4) s. 403-419
26 Sonja, Balci; Brekke, Idunn.
Omsorg for funksjonshemmede barn går mest utover mors yrkesliv. [Internett] 2017-03-03
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