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Person sequence number: 507021   sub-category: Academic lecture   All publishing channels

Showing results 1-22 of 22

1 Christie, Werner H.
Current Chinese Challenges; - new solutions? Wefare, food and environment. UiB-China Network; 2013-09-13
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2 Christie, Werner H.
KEYNOTE: Chinese Norwegian Research collaboration for health and welfare. Uniting the biggest and the best. UiB China Medical research network conference; 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-04
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3 Christie, Werner H.
3-Partsbasert Utviklingsarbeid: Seniorpolitikk i Fredrikstad kommune. 1 Samling av partsammensatt plangruppe; 2013-04-02 - 2013-04-03
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4 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Current Health Challenges, Inernational Perspectives. Images of Health Futures, Molecules, Individual and Society; 2013-06-06
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5 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
hvilken sykehuspolitikk er Hedmark tjent med. Vinterkonferansen Høgskolen i Hedmark 2013; 2013-03-01
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6 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Images of Future Health Challenges: Molecules, Individuals and Society. Perspectives on Current Science, UiS Annual Conf.; 2013-06-06 - 2013-06-07
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7 Hafting, Tore; Christie, Werner H.
Partsbasert utviklingsarbeid: en kollaborativ utviklingsprosess. NEON konferansen; 2013-11-28 - 2013-11-29
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8 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Complexity and connectivity. A new paradigm foir the wellbeing of populations. BioVision Life Science Conference; 2012-04-25 - 2012-04-28
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9 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Ethical, Legal and Social issues of the new genomics related to Public Health. First International Conference on Genomics; 2012-05-24 - 2012-05-25
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10 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Evolution, Ecology and Welfare; - How can we facilitate new systems biology to make an effective impact on public health. Na-Ku-Hels 25 års jubileumskonferanse; 2012-11-05 - 2012-11-06
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11 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Evolution,ecology and welfare. Nature and Culture as Public Health; Na-Ku-Hel 25 year conference; 2012-11-05 - 2012-11-06
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12 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Global public health. - How can new systems biology make effective impact on global health concerns?. 16th European Health Forum; 2012-10-02 - 2012-10-05
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13 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Health communication – is it to be understood as politics in practice or is it objective?. Health Communication and Research Dissemination; 2012-11-28 - 2012-11-29
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14 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
IKT i Medisinen, Hva er Perspektivene?. KlinIKT Konferansen; 2012-04-11 - 2012-04-12
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15 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
On Cancer Genomics Efforts in Norway. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Pilot IT Future of Medicine; 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-12
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16 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Systems Biology and its mindsets. BioVisionAlexandria 2012. Linking science to society; 2012-05-22 - 2012-05-25
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17 Christie, Werner H.
Global Media Center for Development: Health Literacy for disease prevention. Asia Media Summit 2010; 2010-05-25 - 2010-05-26
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18 Christie, Werner H.
Asia Media Summit: The potential value of media information for enhanced health. Asia Media Summit 2009; 2009-05-25 - 2009-05-27
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19 Christie, Werner H.
The Global Tuberculosis Challenge; from Promises to Practice. BioVision Alexandria Conference 2008; 2008-04-22 - 2008-04-25
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20 Christie, Werner H.
Ecological Urban Construction. International City forum of Ecotourism; 2001-10-24
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21 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Prinsipper for prioritering i helsetjenesten. Konferanse om legemiddelrefusjoner; 1996-04-11
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22 Christie, Werner Hosewinckel.
Planlegging for forebygging. Helse 1985; 1985-11-18 - 1985-11-20
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