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Person sequence number: 325157   sub-category: Academic lecture   All publishing channels

Showing results 1-15 of 15

1 Lanseng, Even Johan.
Under influence of the influencer: what mechanism explains an influencer’s influence on consumers’ product evaluations?. Johan Arnt Markedsføringskonferanse; 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17
HIOF BI Untitled
2 Lanseng, Even Johan; Gripsrud, Geir; Nes, Erik Bertin.
Perception of multiple country-of-brand origins and the effect of foreign-sounding brand names on attitude. 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference; 2021-10-01 - 2021-10-03
BI HIOF Untitled
3 Lanseng, Even.
The roles of cognitive load and brand knowledge in brand value co-creation. 15th international research conference in service management; 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-13
BI Untitled
4 Lanseng, Even.
Incumbent versus Newcomer Advantages: A Fundamental Motives Explanation. Academy of Marketing Science WMC 2016; 2016-07-19 - 2016-07-23
BI Untitled
5 Lanseng, Even Johan.
Unknowingly Ready or Knowingly Unready? The Roles of Implicit Memory (prime) and Menstrual Cycle in Women’s Brand Evaluation. Fibe 2013; 2013-01-10 - 2013-01-11
BI Untitled
6 Lanseng, Even Johan; Majoor, Maarten.
Attractive versus Popular:Men and Women’s Reactions to Male and Female Models in Advertising. 2012 Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference; 2012-07-06 - 2012-07-08
BI Untitled
7 Lanseng, Even Johan; Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine.
Rethinking the Incongruity Effect in Consumer Judgments. Johan Arndt Konferansen; 2011-06-09 - 2011-06-19
BI Untitled
8 Lanseng, Even Johan; Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine.
Rethinking the Schema-Incongruity Effect in Consumer Judgments. Association for Consumer Research North-American annual conference; 2011-10-13 - 2011-10-16
BI Untitled
9 Lanseng, Even Johan.
A Typology of Consumption Value: Teasing out the Unique Properties of Utilitarian, Symbolic, Experiential, and Aesthetic Consumption Qualities. European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research; 2010-06-30 - 2010-07-03
BI Untitled
10 Lanseng, Even Johan; Holtmoen, Å..
Brands in Text—Attitudinal Effects of Brand Placements in Narrative Fiction. Fourteenth Biennial World Marketing Congress; 2009-07-21 - 2009-07-25
BI Untitled
11 Lanseng, Even Johan; Wanebo, Tor Arne.
Pioneering (Dis)advantage and Later Entrant (Dis)advantage: The Role of Consumer Goals in Pioneer and Later Entrant Brand Advantages. Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference; 2009-10-22 - 2009-10-25
BI Untitled
12 Olsen, Lars Erling; Lanseng, Even Johan; Baalerud, H; Holtmoen, H.
Brands in Text - Attitudinal Effects of Brand Placements in Narrative Fiction. World Marketing Congress; 2009-07-21 - 2009-07-25
BI HK Untitled
13 Lanseng, Even Johan.
A SERVICE-DOMINANT LOGIC FOR BRANDING. FIBE - Fagkonferanse i bedriftsøkonomiske emner; 2008-01-03 - 2008-01-04
BI Untitled
14 Lanseng, Even Johan; Andreassen, Tor Wallin.
A Service-Dominant Logic for Branding. Academy of Marketing conference; 2008-09-01 - 2009-09-03
BI Untitled
15 Lanseng, Even Johan; Supphellen, Magne.
Using Ideals and Typicality Measures to Enhance the Attitude-Behavior Relationship. Johan Arndts Markedføringskonferanse; 2008-06-05 - 2008-06-06
BI Untitled