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1 Time, Martin Stangborli.
Power dynamics in multisector and multilevel coordination: the case of antimicrobial resistance. I: Governing Complexity in Times of Turbulence. Edward Elgar Publishing 2022 ISBN 978 1 80088 964 4. s. 170-191
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2 Time, Martin Stangborli.
Temporalities and Power in Public Sector Coordination. Opportunity and constraint in the long-term fight against Antimicrobial Resistance. Kristiansand: Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder 2022 (ISBN 978-82-8427-067-8) 177 s. Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder(358)
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3 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Europeisk helsesamarbeid etter covid-19 pandemien. NUPI Policy Brief 2022 ;Volum 2022.(4)
4 Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli.
COVID-19 som katalysator for endring: europeisering av helse og krisehåndtering. NEON-konferansen 2022; 2022-11-22 - 2022-11-24
HINN UiB Untitled
5 Time, Martin Stangborli.
How temporal discretion supports interagency coordination: Sweden's intersectoral fight against antimicrobial resistance. Comparative European Politics 2021 ;Volum 19.(3) s. 360-379
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6 Time, Martin Stangborli.
Hvordan temporalt skjønn understøtter samordning mellom statlige myndigheter. En studie av Sveriges kamp mot antimikrobiell resistens. Nasjonal studentkonferanse: Neste pandemi kommer - hva gjør vi da?; 2021-10-27 - 2021-10-27
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7 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Å tilpasse seg en global helsetrussel: de nordiske landenes håndtering av antibiotikaresistens. Arendalsuka: Norden – en arena for felles politikkutvikling eller prateklubb i skyggen av EU?; 2021-08-17 - 2021-08-17
8 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Adapting to a Global Health Challenge: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in the Nordics. Politics and Governance 2020 ;Volum 8.(4) s. 384-395
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9 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Adapting to a Global Health Challenge: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in the Nordics. Politics and Governance 2020 ;Volum 8.(4) s. 53-64
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10 Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli.
Reforming Scandinavian Public Health Institutes – outsourcing and reorganisation. Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap; 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
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11 Time, Martin Stangborli.
Power Dynamics in Inter-Organizational Coordination: the EU’s combat of Antimicrobial Resistance. 3rd Workshop of the Nordic Network for Health Policy, Health Management, and Health Services Research; 2019-05-13 - 2019-05-14
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12 Time, Martin Stangborli.
Power Dynamics in Inter-Organizational Coordination: the EU’s fight against Antimicrobial Resistance. International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4); 2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28
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13 Time, Martin Stangborli.
Temporal properties in Inter-Organizational Coordination: Sweden’s fight against Antimicrobial Resistance. ECPR General Conference; 2019-09-04 - 2019-09-07
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14 Time, Martin Stangborli; Gänzle, Stefan.
Hva rører seg i Europa? Et fugleperspektiv på samfunnsutviklingen i Frankrike, Tyskland og Spania. Fagforum for fremmedspråk; 2018-04-03 - 2018-04-03
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15 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Governing ‘Wicked Problems’ in a Globalized World: Revisiting the Coordination Dilemma. ECPR General Conference; 2018-08-22 - 2018-08-25
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16 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Challenges of complex policy coordination: A cross-country comparison of systems for combating antimicrobial resistance. XVIII Nordic Political Science Congress; 2017-08-08 - 2017-08-11
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17 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
Cross-Border and Cross-Sectorial Health Governance: A Conceptual Framework. Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap; 2017-01-04 - 2017-01-06
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18 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
How to Manage the Unmanageable? A Comparative Study of the Governance of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria. Nasjonal forskningskonferanse i helsetjenesteforskning; 2017-03-14 - 2017-03-15
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19 Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode.
How to Manage the Unmanageable? A Social Science Approach to the Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance. Global Challenges – Nordic Experiences; 2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21
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20 Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Aarrevaara, Timo; Time, Martin Stangborli; Tynkkynen, Liina-Kaisa.
The Users' Role in Primary and Secondary Healthcare in Finland and Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SPJA) 2017 ;Volum 21.(1) s. 103-122
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21 Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli.
An Integrated Governance Approach to ‘Wicked Problems’: The Case of Antimicrobial Resistance. 3rd International Conference on Public Policy in Singapore, 28-30th of June 2017.; 2017-06-28 - 2017-08-30
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22 Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Time, Martin Stangborli; Karlsen, Tor I.; Roland, Nina.
User influence in Norwegian hospital governance – does it make a difference or a Catch 22?. EGOS-conference, Naples 2016: Sub theme 52 The Art of Making Do and the Science of Organizing in Future Health Care; 2016-07-07 - 2016-07-09
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23 Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli.
Clash of Welfare Models: the Europeanization of Nordic Health Systems.. Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap; 2016-01-06 - 2016-01-08
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24 Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli.
The Clash Between Market and Welfare State Models: Europeanization of Nordic Health Systems. I: The Current Nordic Welfare State Model. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2016 ISBN 978-1-63485-124-4.
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25 Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli.
Tales of the Unexpected: The historical dynamics of EU’s health policies. 2nd International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP); 2015-07-01 - 2015-07-04
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