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1 Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen.
Learning to make and use computer simulations in science education. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2022 ;Volum 16.(4) s. -
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2 Aas, Marit.
Gruppecoaching - individutvikling i gruppe. I: Ledelse i fremtidens skole 2. utgave. Fagbokforlaget 2022 ISBN 978-82-450-3796-8. s. 203-221
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3 Aas, Marit.
Ledelse av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i skolen - utfordringer og muligheter. I: Ledelse i fremtidens skole 2. utgave. Fagbokforlaget 2022 ISBN 978-82-450-3796-8. s. 93-114
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4 Aas, Marit; Andersen, Fred Carlo; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug; Dehlin, Erlend.
Ledelse av skoleutvikling - en kunnskapsoversikt. I: Ledelse i fremtidens skole 2. utgave. Fagbokforlaget 2022 ISBN 978-82-450-3796-8. s. 73-91
5 Abrahamsen, Lena; Aas, Marit.
Veiledning som lederstøtte i skoleutvikling: den utfordrende oppstarten. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 2022 ;Volum 16.(2) s. 102-117
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6 Agapaki, Maria; Pinkerton, Elizabeth; Papatzikis, Efthymios.
Music and neuroscience research for mental health, cognition, and development: Ways forward. Frontiers in Psychology 2022 ;Volum 13.(976883)
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7 Ahlsen, Birgitte; Nilsen, Anne Birgitta.
Getting in touch: Communication in physical therapy practice and the multiple functions of language. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2022 ;Volum 3. s. 1-9
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8 Ajambo, Lucy; Sannerud, Arne Ronny; Nabaggala, Justine.
An exploration of teachers and trainers use of instruction practices and development of students interpersonal abilities in hospitality training: the Ugandan perspective. Journal of Vocational Education and Training 2022 s. -
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9 Alfheim, Ingvild Kristin; Grimsgaard, Kaja Bjølgerud; Romøren, Anna Sara H..
Bøker i bevegelse. I: Barnehagens friluftsliv. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022 ISBN 9788202761301. s. 147-164
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10 Almendingen, Kari; Skotheim, Torhild; Ervik, Bjørn; Magnus, Ellen Merethe.
Multidisciplinary Student Groups Support Digital Education as a Public Health Precautional Action to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 Infection: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2022 ;Volum 15. s. 1369-1382
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11 Almendingen, Kari; Skotheim, Torhild; Magnus, Ellen Merethe.
“A Lot Takes Place Digitally Now, So It Can Be Good to Train on It’’: A Large-Scale Repeated Cross-Sectional Study on Recording Live-Streamed Educational Activities among Health, Social, and Education Students. Education Sciences 2022 ;Volum 12.(11) s. -
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12 Almendingen, Kari; Skotheim, Torhild; Magnus, Ellen Merethe.
Breakout Rooms Serve as a Suitable Tool for Interprofessional Pre-Service Online Training among Students within Health, Social, and Education Study Programs. Education Sciences 2022 ;Volum 12.(12)
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13 Amble, Nina.
Nærhet, samvær og samarbeid i arbeiderkollektivet - En postpandemisk refleksjon over betydningen av fysisk nærvær av andre. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift 2022 ;Volum 6.(6) s. 1-9
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14 Amble, Nina; Møller, Ellen; Vagle, Inger.
Friere yrkesvalg i det yrkesfaglige feltet. Forskning og forandring 2022 ;Volum 5.(2) s. 84-104
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15 Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos.
An interrupted discussion with Bill Roper.. Journal for Drama In Education 2022 ;Volum 36.(2) s. 63-67
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16 Amoiropoulos, Konstantinos.
Approaching the real: Attempts in early years classrooms. Journal for Drama In Education 2022 ;Volum 36.(2) s. 68-81
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17 Andersen, Renate.
Block-based programming and computational thinking in a collaborative setting: A case study of integrating programming into a maths subject. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2022 ;Volum 16.(4)
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18 Andersen, Renate; Gjølstad, Eli; Mørch, Anders.
Integrating Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence in Programming Practices to Reduce Teachers’ Workload. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2022 ;Volum 3136. s. 30-35
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19 Andersen, Renate; Mørch, Anders; Litherland, Kristina Torine.
Collaborative learning with block-based programming: investigating human-centered artificial intelligence in education. Behaviour and Information Technology 2022 ;Volum 41.(9) s. 1830-1847
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20 Andersen, Renate; Rustad, Mikkel Bertram.
Using Minecraft as an educational tool for supporting collaboration as a 21st century skill. Computers & Education Open (CAEO) 2022
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21 Andersson-Bakken, Emilia; Heggernes, Sissil Lea; Svanes, Ingvill Krogstad; Tørnby, Hilde.
“Men da blir det urettferdig for dem som ikke får!” Bildebøker som utgangspunkt for kritisk tenkning på barnetrinnet. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2022 ;Volum 16.(2) s. -
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22 Appelbaum, Peter; Stathopoulou, Charoula; Xenofontos, Constantinos.
Actionable mathematics education via dystopia. I: Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022 ISBN 979-1-22-102537-8. s. 1679-
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23 Appelbaum, Peter; Stathopoulou, Charoula; Xenofontos, Constantinos.
Mathematics education as dystopia: A future beyond. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 2022
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24 Arinaitwe, Dinavence; Mifsud, Louise; Habib, Kato; Sannerud, Arne Ronny.
Learning through collaboration between vocational teacher training institutions and workplaces: Barriers and contradictions. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training 2022 ;Volum 12.(1) s. 25-50
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25 Armostis, Spyros; Tsagari, Dina.
Learning English as a foreign language in a bidialectal setting. I: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Teaching Foreign Languages in Multilingual Settings: Pedagogical Implications. Multilingual Matters 2022 ISBN 9781788926409. s. 101-117
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26 Aukland, Knut.
Kunnskapsproblemet og utforsking med ulike metoder: Å lære om vis-a-vis å lære hvordan. Prismet 2022 ;Volum 73.(1-2) s. 79-97
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27 Oterhals, Geir; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Pedersen, Arve Vorland.
The relative age effect shifts students’ choice of educational track even within a school system promoting equal opportunities. Frontiers in Psychology 2022 ;Volum 13. s. 1-7
28 Bakken, Karine; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Garrels, Veerle; Hagen, Åste Mjelve.
Single-Case Writing Interventions for Students with Disorders of Intellectual Development: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Education Sciences 2022 ;Volum 12.(10)
29 Ballangrud, Brit Bolken.
Ledelse av lokalt læreplanarbeid i LK06 og LK20. I: Ledelse i fremtidens skole 2. utgave. Fagbokforlaget 2022 ISBN 978-82-450-3796-8.
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30 Ballangrud, Brit Bolken.
Lokalt læreplanarbeid i LK20 sett i lys av læreplanarbeidet i LK06. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 2022
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31 Ballangrud, Brit Bolken; Aas, Marit.
Ethical thinking and decision-making in the leadership of professional learning communities. Educational Research 2022 s. -
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32 Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Danbolt, Ingrid Anette; Hagen, Liv Anna; Haukenes, Siri; Knigge, Jens; Schei, Tiri Bergesen.
«Det finnes en sang for alt!» Ansattes begrunnelser for sang i barnehage og skole – en empirisk studie. I: Samsang gjennom livsløpet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022 ISBN 9788202716356. s. 29-65
33 Banik, Vibeke Kieding; Kjøstvedt, Anders Granås.
Kollektive minner og universalisering. Holocaust i den nye norske læreplanen for grunnskolen. Nordidactica - Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education 2022 ;Volum 12.(3) s. 149-170
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34 Becher, Aslaug Andreassen; Håøy, Annbjørg.
Oppfatninger om lek i førsteklasse–en casestudie der barn, foreldre og lærere er aktører.. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 2022 ;Volum 4.(4) s. 331-334
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35 Beiler, Ingrid M. Rodrick.
Anglonormativity in Norwegian language education policy and in the educational trajectories of immigrant adolescents. Language Policy 2022
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36 Bergsli, Oddhild.
Flerkulturalitet i opplæring av helsefagarbeidere. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training 2022 ;Volum 12.(2) s. 75-97
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37 Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Nolan, Kathleen Theresa.
Developing a disruptive pedagogy theoretical lens for studying the practices of mathematics teacher educators. I: Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022 ISBN 979-1-22-102537-8. s. 1-8
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38 Bjorbækmo, Wenche; Greve, Anne; Asbjørnslett, Mona.
“This is Not Me” – A Critical Discussion About Methodological Issues Concerning Agency and Participatory Sense-Making in Qualitative Research with Children. International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM) 2022 ;Volum 21.
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39 Bjørkvold, Tuva; Øgreid, Anne Kristine; Svanes, Ingvill Krogstad.
Hvordan skriver barnetrinnselever om og fra hjemmeskolen sin?. Nordic Journal of Literacy Research 2022
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40 Bland, Janice.
Compelling Stories for English Language Learners – Creativity, Interculturality and Critical Literacy. Bloomsbury Academic 2022 (ISBN 978-1350202856) 360 s.
41 Braathen, Kaja.
Measuring Outcomes of Interprofessional Education: A Validation Study of the Self-Assessment of Collaboration Skills Measure. Professions and Professionalism 2022 ;Volum 12.(1) s. -
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42 Brekke, Torkel; Hadi, Fazal; Kozaric, Edin.
The Role of Imams in Family Counselling with Muslim Families in Norway. Journal of Muslims in Europe 2022
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43 Brekke, Øystein.
Religions- og livssynsfaget som fagleg konglomerat – fagontologi, vitskapsfag, skulefag. Prismet 2022 ;Volum 73.(1-2) s. 51-78
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44 Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila; Sandvik, Margareth.
Argumentation in early childhood: A systematic review. Human Development 2022 ;Volum 66.(6) s. 397-413
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45 Bustos, Marcela Montserrat Fonseca; Bang, Anne-Linn; Ahmed, Usma; Giæver, Katrine.
Dobbelt matpakke og termos med kakao: minoritetsforeldres perspektiver på friluftsliv i barnehagen. I: Barnehagens friluftsliv. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022 ISBN 9788202761301.
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46 Bøhn, Henrik; Tsagari, Dina.
Language Assessment Literacy: Understanding the construct from Norwegian EFL teachers. Studies in Language Assessment (SiLA) 2022 ;Volum 11.(1) s. 119-148
47 Børresen, Beate; Fuglseth, Kåre Sigvald.
Avklaring og prøving: Filosofisk samtale og Tren tanken som utforskende arbeidsmåter. Prismet 2022 ;Volum 73.(1-2) s. 99-115
48 Chatzikostopoulos, A; Moraitou, D; Tsolaki, Magdalini; Masoura, E.; Papantoniou, Georgia; Sofologi, Maria; Papaliagkas, V; Kougioumtzis, Georgios A.; Papatzikis, Efthymios.
Episodic Memory in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) and Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia (ADD): Using the “Doors and People” Tool to Differentiate between Early aMCI—Late aMCI—Mild ADD Diagnostic Groups. Diagnostics (Basel) 2022 ;Volum 12.(7) Suppl. 1768
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49 Dahlback, Jorunn; Hansen, Kari; Haaland, Grete; Vagle, Inger.
Dybdelæring i et yrkesfaglig perspektiv. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling 2022 ;Volum 7.(1) s. 40-61
50 Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen; Blikstad-Balas, Marte; Klette, Kirsti; Roe, Astrid.
Hjemmeskole under korona: individuelle oppgaver og høye krav til selvregulert læring. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 2022 ;Volum 4.(106) s. 316-330
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