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1 Druglitrø, Tone; Asdal, Kristin.
Experimenting with care and cod: On document-practices, versions of care and fish as the new experimental animal. Social Studies of Science 2024
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2 Druglitrø, Tone; Paul, Katharina; Pichelstorfer, Anna.
Tracing Data Flows in Norway and Austria: A Comparative Study of Vaccination Data Governance. Science & Technology Studies 2024 ;Volume 37.(4)
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3 Druglitrø, Tone.
Challenge experiments and choreographies of cod immunology. 6th Nordic STS Conference; 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
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4 Druglitrø, Tone.
Experimenting with care and cod: On document-practices, versions of care and fish as the new experimental animal. Forum for vitenskapsteori; 2023-12-06 - 2023-12-06
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5 Druglitrø, Tone.
Nonhuman Primates in Public Health: Between Biological Standardization, Conservation and Care. Journal of the History of Biology 2023 ;Volume 56. p. 455-477
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6 Druglitrø, Tone.
"Where is memory, that's the question". Choreographies of memory and cod in comparative immunology. Researching Animal Research; 2023-03-30 - 2023-03-31
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7 Druglitrø, Tone.
Procedural care: Licensing practices in animal research. Science as Culture 2022
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8 Stilling, Marie; Asdal, Kristin; Druglitrø, Tone.
Forskningsdagene: Hvalrossen Freya. Fornuft og følelser. Forskningsdagene: Hvalrossen Freya. Fornuft og følelser; 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-27
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9 Torbjørnsen, Regine Rørstad; Druglitrø, Tone; Mubalegh, Naid; Hobæk, Bård.
Tenke som en rotte - Vinciane Despret. Filosofisk samtale; 2022-09-26
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10 Druglitrø, Tone.
Forsökdjuren - om liven som används i jakten på kunskap.. PodMe [Internet] 2021-01-14
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11 Druglitrø, Tone.
Liv Emma Thorsen 2020. Dyrenes by.Hover, klover og klør i Kristiania 1859-1925. Forlaget Press, Oslo. 351 sider. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 2021 ;Volume 20.(2) p. 203-106
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12 Druglitrø, Tone.
Procedural Care: Licensing Practices in Animal Research. 4S conference Toronto; 2021-10-06 - 2021-10-09
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13 Druglitrø, Tone.
Procedural Care: Licensing Practices in Animal Research. Nordic STS Conference; 2021-05-20 - 2021-05-21
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14 Druglitrø, Tone.
Synchronizing multispecies lifetimes: The primate problem in public health and medicine. 4S Conference Toronto; 2021-10-06 - 2021-10-09
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15 Druglitrø, Tone.
Vaksiner i historien. Nasjonalbiblioteket [Internet] 2021-05-25
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16 Jakobsen, Kjetill Sigurd; Johansen, Finn-Eirik; Qiao, Shuo Wang; Asdal, Kristin; Druglitrø, Tone; Morsman, Silje Rebecca.
Torsken skrotet deler av immunforsvaret. Hva kan vi lære av det?. Aftenposten Viten 2021
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17 Druglitrø, Tone.
Mennesker og virus. Hvem har skylda for coronaviruset?. Norsk Rikskringkasting [TV] 2020-03-30
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18 Druglitrø, Tone.
Utfordrer samspillet mellom dyr og menneske. [Internet] 2020-04-17
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19 Druglitrø, Tone.
Vaksinemotstandens fall?. Forskningsetikk 2020 ;Volume 20.(3) p. 26-27
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20 Druglitrø, Tone.
Virusutbrudd er et økologisk problem. Avisa Vårt land 2020
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21 Bjørkdahl, Kristian; Druglitrø, Tone.
When Authority Goes Viral: Digital Communication and Health Expertise on I: Pandemics, Publics, and Politics - Staging Responses to Public Health Crises. Palgrave Pivot 2019 ISBN 978-981-13-2801-5. p. 75-91
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22 Druglitrø, Tone.
Makt og bestialitet under det franske eneveldet. 2019
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23 Druglitrø, Tone.
Negotiating monkey lifetimes: Exploring practices of quarantining, containment and trade of laboratory animals. Epidemics and lifetimes; 2019-08-26 - 2019-08-27
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24 Druglitrø, Tone.
"Paper Care": Animal Research Applications as Genre. Nordic STS Conference; 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-14
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25 Druglitrø, Tone.
Å studere etikk og verdier i praksis: Materiell-semiotiske perspektiver på menneske-dyr relasjoner. Kvalitativt metodeforum; 2019-10-18 - 2019-10-18
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26 Druglitrø, Tone; Hanson, Jens; Mäkitie, Tuukka; Reinertsen, Hilde.
Tverrfaglighet under press. Morgenbladet 2019
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27 Druglitrø, Tone.
Domestisering, omsorg og instrumentalitet. Kommentar til boka Domestication gone wild (red. Swanson, Lien & Ween, 2018). Boklansering; 2018-11-22
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28 Druglitrø, Tone.
Hva sier dyrene?. Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie 2018
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29 Druglitrø, Tone.
Instrumentalitet og omsorg i menneske-dyr relasjoner. Rot i materien. Et seminar om Haraway og teknovitenskapene; 2018-11-06
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30 Druglitrø, Tone.
Paper care, or the exercise of harm-benefit analysis in the animal research apparatus. The Good Economy: If valuation studies and the bioeconomy meet; 2018-06-07 - 2018-06-10
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31 Druglitrø, Tone; Asdal, Kristin.
Accounts that may move: Material-semiotics and the more-than-human condition. Posthuman Entanglements: Disability, Illness and Animality; 2018-05-15 - 2018-05-15
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32 Druglitrø, Tone; Ingierd, Helene; Torp, Ingrid S..
Dyreforsøk er vanskelig, derfor trenger vi etiske retningslinjer. 2018
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33 Asdal, Kristin; Druglitrø, Tone.
Modifying the biopolitical collective. The law as a moral technology. I: Humans, Animals and Biopolitics: The More Than Human Condition. Routledge 2017 ISBN 978-1-4724-4868-2.
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34 Asdal, Kristin; Druglitrø, Tone; Hinchliffe, Steve.
Humans, Animals and Biopolitics: The More Than Human Condition. Routledge 2017 (ISBN 978-1-4724-4868-2) 224 p.
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35 Asdal, Kristin; Druglitrø, Tone; Hinchliffe, Steve.
Introduction. The more than human condition: Sentient creatures and versions of biopolitics. I: Humans, Animals and Biopolitics: The More Than Human Condition. Routledge 2017 ISBN 978-1-4724-4868-2.
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36 Druglitrø, Tone.
"Skilled Care" and the Making of Good Science. Science, Technology and Human Values 2017 ;Volume 43.(4) p. 649-670
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37 Druglitrø, Tone.
Texts as infrastructure. The global governance of viral diseases and the emerging problem of connectedness. ILLREP; 2017-05-22 - 2017-05-22
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38 Lundblad, Michael; Druglitrø, Tone.
Ebola Zombies and Terrorist Animals?: Welcome to World War Z. The BIODIAL Blog 2017
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39 Bjørkdahl, Kristian; Druglitrø, Tone.
Animal Housing and Human-Animal Relations: Politics, Practices and Infrastructures. Routledge 2016 (ISBN 9781138854116) 215 p. Routledge Hindu studies series
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40 Bjørkdahl, Kristian; Druglitrø, Tone.
Animal Housing/Housing Animals: Nodes of politics, practices and infrastructures. I: Animal Housing and Human-Animal Relations: Politics, Practices and Infrastructures. Routledge 2016 ISBN 9781138854116. p. 1-14
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41 Davies, Gail F.; Greenhough, Beth J.; Hobson-West, Pru; Kirk, Robert G.W.; Applebee, Ken; Bellingan, Laura C.; Berdoy, Manuel; Buller, Henry; Cassaday, Helen J.; Davies, Keith; Diefenbacher, Daniela; Druglitrø, Tone; Escobar, Maria Paula; Friese, Carrie; Herrmann, Kathrin; Hinterberger, Amy; Jarrett, Wendy J.; Jayne, Kimberley; Johnson, Adam M.; Johnson, Elizabeth R; Konold, Timm; Leach, Matthew C.; Leonelli, Sabina; Lewis, David I; Lilley, Elliot J; Longridge, Emma R.; McLeod, Carmen M.; Miele, Mara; Nelson, Nicole C.; Ormandy, Elisabeth H.; Pallett, Helen; Poort, Lonneke; Pound, Pandora; Ramsden, Edmund; Roe, Emma; Scalway, Helen; Schrader, Astrid; Scotton, Chris J.; Scudamore, Cheryl L.; Smith, Jane A.; Whitfield, Lucy; Wolfensohn, Sarah.
Developing a collaborative agenda for humanities and social scientific research on laboratory animal science and welfare. PLOS ONE 2016 ;Volume 11:e0158751.(7) p. -
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42 Druglitrø, Tone.
Care and tinkering in the animal house. Conditioning monkeys for poliomyelitis research and public health work. I: Animal Housing and Human-Animal Relations: Politics, Practices and Infrastructures. Routledge 2016 ISBN 9781138854116. p. 151-166
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43 Druglitrø, Tone.
Etikk og omsorg i laboratoriet: Forsøksdyr og framveksten av "god vitenskap". Vitenskapsteoretisk forum; 2015-10-13
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44 Druglitrø, Tone.
Vitenskap, teknologi og samfunn. En introduksjon til STS. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 2015 ;Volume 3.(2) p. 47-50
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45 Asdal, Kristin; Druglitrø, Tone.
Veterinærene. En profesjons arbeid på grensen: For jurisdiksjon og velferd. I: Profesjonshistorier. Pax Forlag 2014 ISBN 978-82-530-3752-3. p. 700-734
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46 Druglitrø, Tone.
Veterinary care and animal welfare: The development of laboratory animal science in Norway. The history and the future of the 3 R's; 2014-06-25
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47 Druglitrø, Tone.
Writing radical laboratory animal histories. Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 2014 ;Volume 2.(1) p. 36-44
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48 Druglitrø, Tone.
Å skrive radikale historier om dyr: Forsøksdyr i norsk biomedisin. Forum for vitenskapsteori; 2014-10-15
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49 Druglitrø, Tone; Kirk, Robert G. W..
Building Transnational Bodies: Norway and the International Development of Laboratory Animal Science, ca.1956-1980. Science in Context 2014 ;Volume 27. Suppl. 2 p. 333-357
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50 Druglitrø, Tone.
Motstand mot "forstanden": Kontroversen om forsøksdyr og forsøksdyrutvalget i Norge på 1970-tallet. Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt 2013 ;Volume 40.(3) p. 59-87
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