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1 Halvorsen, Vidar Ola.
Politiutdanningens profesjonalisering: Et historisk perspektiv på politiforskningens rolle. I: Kunnskap for et tryggere samfunn? Norsk politiutdanning 1920-2020. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021 ISBN 9788202704001. s. 557-579
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2 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Police practices in the age of precaution: A typology. I: Moral Issues in Intelligence-led Policing. Routledge 2018 ISBN 978-0-415-37379-1.
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3 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Alternativer til straff. I: Kriminologi. Universitetsforlaget 2017 ISBN 978-82-1502706-7. s. 190-209
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4 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politihistorie. Oslo: Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon 2017 7 s.
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5 Lomell, Heidi Mork; Halvorsen, Vidar.
Obituary: Nils Christie 1928-2015. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 2015 ;Volum 16.(2) s. 142-144
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6 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Criminal Justice, Sustainability and the Death Penalty. I: Capital Punishment. A Hazard to a Sustainable Criminal Justice System?. Ashgate 2014 ISBN 978-1-4094-5719-0. s. 273-293
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7 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Nils Christie: "Conflicts as Property". I: Foundational Texts in Modern Criminal Law. Oxford University Press 2014 ISBN 978-0-19-967361-2. s. 335-352
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8 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Overvåkingens begrensninger. I: Fra Terror til Overvåking. Vidarforlaget AS 2014 ISBN 978-82-7990-233-1. s. 225-250
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9 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Gjørv-kommisjonen i et komparativt og historisk perspektiv. Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt 2013 ;Volum 41.(1-2) s. 85-97
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10 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Nils Christie: Conflict as Property. Foundational Texts in Modern Criminal Law; 2013-04-19
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11 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Sundby og naturretten. Kritisk juss 2013 ;Volum 39.(2) s. 132-146
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12 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Criminal Justice, Sustainability and the Death Penalty. What constitutes a sustainable moral development of a criminal justice system in today’s world; 2012-06-01 - 2012-06-01
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13 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Normativitet i rettssosiologien. Rettsfilosofi; 2010-05-19 - 2010-05-19
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14 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Punishments, Intuitions and the Politics of Criminal Justice: some remarks on Paul Robinson. Law and the Science of Moral Judgment; 2010-12-08 - 2010-12-10
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15 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Terror, tortur og profesjonsetikk: en kasuistisk studie. Etikk; 2010-10-30 - 2010-10-30
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16 Halvorsen, Vidar.
The New Norwegian Penal Code: Utilitarianism all the way down?. Workshop on Criminalization; 2010-02-25 - 2010-02-27
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17 Halvorsen, Vidar.
The Presumption of Innocence in Criminal Procedure from the Point of View of Philosophy and Ethics. MR-dialogmøte Norge/Vietnam; 2010-11-25 - 2010-11-26
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18 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Catastrophic Moral Horror: Torture, Terror and Rights. I: Technologies of InSecurity. The Surveillance of Everyday Life. Routledge 2009 ISBN 978-0-415-46455-0. s. 238-256
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19 Halvorsen, Vidar.
"Crime does not exist": Remarks on Nils Christie’s A Suitable Amount of Crime (2004). Workshop on Criminalization; 2009-02-13 - 2009-02-14
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20 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Crime, Punishment and Prison Populations. Human Rights Dialogue between Norway and Vietnam; 2009-11-26 - 2009-11-27
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21 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Criminal Law at the Crossroad: Some Preliminary Remarks. Human Rights Dialogue between Norway and Vietnam; 2009-05-14 - 2009-05-15
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22 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Forskning knuser New York-strategien. Aftenposten, Oslo [Avis] 2009-09-18
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23 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Human Rights and the Culture of Resistance: Professional Ethics in the “Lawfare” against Terror. Den årlige forskningskonferansen for European Society of Criminology; 2009-09-10 - 2009-09-12
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24 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Punishing "Psychopaths". International Conference on The Atypical Offender; 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-09
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25 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politi, magt og legitimitet. I: Terrorisme og retssikkerhed. København: Frydenlund 2008 ISBN 978-87-7887-616-4. s. 113-121
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26 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Comments on Antony Duff: "Punishment as Communication". Criminology and Criminal Justice; 2007-02-05 - 2007-02-06
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27 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Comments on Stephen Morse: "Determinism and the Death of Folk Psychology: Two Neuroscientific Challenges to Responsibility". Neuroethics and Empirical Moral Psychology; 2007-03-14 - 2007-03-16
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28 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Double or Triple Effect? On Kamm's revision of the Doctrine of Double Effect. Etikkprogrammet, The Oslo Lecture in Moral Philosophy 2007; 2007-08-28 - 2007-08-28
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29 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Forskning, erkjennelse og moral. Noen refleksjoner over Cathrine Holsts "Feminism, Epistemology & Morality" (2005). Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt 2007 ;Volum 35.(1-2) s. 73-103
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30 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Interrogation, Torture and Morality. Crime, Security and Policing beyond the Police; 2007-09-17 - 2007-09-18
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31 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politi, makt og etikk. Politihøgskolens masterstudium i politivitenskap; 2007-03-21 - 2007-03-21
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32 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Terror, tortur og den tikkende bomben. Etikkprogrammet; 2007-06-07 - 2007-06-07
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33 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Terror, Torture and Public Discourse. Technologies of (In)security; 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-20
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34 Halvorsen, Vidar.
The Relevance of Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies. Dialogseminar Norge-Vietnam; 2007-01-15 - 2007-01-15
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35 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Tortur og terrorbekjempelse. Oslo [Radio] 2007-06-09
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36 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Vitenskap, ikke-vitenskap og moral - replikk til Cathrine Holst. Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt 2007 ;Volum 35.(3) s. 85-88
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37 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politi, makt og demokrati. I: Politirollen gjennom 100 år: tradisjon og endring. Oslo: Politihøgskolen 2005 ISBN 82-7808-043-7. s. 40-54
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38 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Ikke moralsk holdbart. Ukeavisen Ledelse [Avis] 2004-04-30
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39 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Is it Better that Ten Guilty Persons Go Free than that One Innocent Person be Convicted?. Criminal Justice Ethics 2004 ;Volum 23.(2) s. 3-13
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40 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politiet bør ikke kunne avlytte rom. Ny Tid [Avis] 2004-07-03
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41 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Violence, Ethics and Law Enforcement. Policing in States in Transition; 2004-10-20 - 2004-10-22
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42 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Etikk for djevelens advokat? Noen profesjonsetiske refleksjoner over advokatrollen. Profesjonsetisk workshop; 2003-06-19 - 2003-06-20
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43 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Utradisjonelle etterforskningsmetoder i et samfunnsvitenskapelig og etisk perspektiv. I: Det utfordrende politiarbeidet: Om krisehåndtering og utradisjonelle etterforskningsmetoder. Oslo: Politihøgskolen Forskning 2003 ISBN 82-7808-037-2. s. 177-185
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44 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politi, etikk og dødelig vold. I: Polititjenestemann eller akademiker?. Oslo: Politihøgskolen 2002 ISBN 82-7808-034-8. s. 55-71
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45 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Terror, War and Law Enforcement: Conceptual Muddles and Moral Challenges. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift 2002 ;Volum 98.(3) s. 82-91
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46 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Ethics, Force and Violence in Policing. Police Ethics; 2002-09-18
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47 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Hvorfor er det bedre at ti skyldige går fri enn at en uskyldig blir dømt?. Tidsskrift for strafferett 2002 ;Volum 2.(3) s. 234-243
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48 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Lovbrudd i polititjenesten. Oslo : Dagsnytt Atten, NRK [Radio] 2002-06-17
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49 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Overvåking, politikontroll og rettssikkerhet. Demokratiske rettigheter og rettssikkerhet - ofre etter 11. september?; 2002-04-26
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50 Halvorsen, Vidar.
Politietikk. Oslo : P2s radioprogram WOK [Radio] 2002-02-05
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