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Showing results 1-48 of 48

1 Almås, Håvard Bjørge; Pinkow, Felix; Giæver, Fay.
Correction: Reimagining how to understand learning game experiences: a qualitative and exploratory case study (Smart Learning Environments, (2023), 10, 1, (14), 10.1186/s40561-023-00234-0). Smart Learning Environments 2023 ;Volume 10.(1) p. -
NTNU Untitled
2 Almås, Håvard Bjørge; Pinkow, Felix; Giæver, Fay.
Reimagining how to understand learning game experiences: a qualitative and exploratory case study. Smart Learning Environments 2023 ;Volume 10.(1) p. -
NTNU Untitled
3 Giæver, Fay; Engesmo, Jostein; Panteli, Niki.
Digital tools for improved emotion regulation and performance. Seminar series; 2023-11-02 - 2023-11-02
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4 Bjørndal, Marianne Tranberg; Giæver, Fay; Aschim, Bente Marianne; Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole; Lending, Hilde Dallavara; Bull-Hansen, Bente; Hannisdal, Marit; Hjemdal, Odin.
Work after mental-health-related absence: a qualitative study of perceived change after a combination of metacognitive therapy and work-focused interventions. BMC Public Health 2022 ;Volume 22.(1) p. -
5 Giæver, Fay; Russell, Sally.
Emotion regulation in environmental activism. Businesses and Organisations for Sustainable Societies (BOSS) seminar; 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-08
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6 Panteli, Niki; Giæver, Fay; Engesmo, Jostein.
Guest editorial: Emotions in the digitalised workplace. Information Technology and People 2022 ;Volume 35.(6) p. 1677-1692
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7 Giæver, Fay; Russell, Sally.
Emotions in sustainability work: the case of ecopreneurs. I: Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 9781789906028. p. 158-167
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8 Russell, Sally; Giæver, Fay; Onkila, Tiina.
Employee Agency in the Context of Organizational Sustainability. I: Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 9781789906028. p. 93-103
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9 Efstathiou, Sophia; Korsnes, Marius; Gabrielsen, Ane Møller; Finstad, Terje; Giæver, Fay; Driessen, Clemens; Hansen, Arve; Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn.
lnvestigating the elasticity of meat consumption for climate mitigation: 4Rs for responsible meat use. I: Sustainable governance and management of food systems. Wageningen Academic Publishers 2019 ISBN 978-90-8686-341-9. p. 19-25
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10 Giæver, Fay.
Using Choral Singing to Improve Employee Well-Being and Social Cohesion in the Norwegian Public Sector. I: Sensuous Learning for Practical Judgment in Professional Practice. Palgrave Macmillan 2019 ISBN 978-3-319-98862-7. p. 97-115
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11 Giæver, Fay; Løvseth, Lise T.
Exploring presenteeism among hospital physicians through the perspective of job crafting. Qualitative research in organization and management 2019
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12 Giæver, Fay; Doern, Rachel.
Organizational greening: Ecopreneurs and the role of emotions and coping. Conference on environmental psychology; 2018-11-29 - 2018-11-30
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13 Løvseth, Lise T; Giæver, Fay.
Physician Parents Attending Work Despite Own Sick Children: A Qualitative Study on Caregiver Presenteeism Among Norwegian Hospital Physicians. Health Services Insights (HSI Journal) 2018 ;Volume 11. p. 1-11
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14 Espenes, Thomas Christian; Giæver, Fay.
Facilitating a Meaningful Work Situation — A Double-Edged Sword?. I: The Positive Side of Occupational Health Psychology. Springer 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-66780-5. p. 33-44
NTNU Untitled
15 Giæver, Fay.
How can ecopreneurship be promoted, and sustained, over time? A psychological emotions perspective. Sustainability Research Institute seminar, University of Leeds, UK; 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-08
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16 Giæver, Fay; Vaag, Jonas; Wennes, Grete.
Choral singing as an arts-based organisational intervention: A qualitative study of employees’ experiences. Arts and Health 2017 ;Volume 9.(1) p. 26-41
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17 Giæver, Fay; Lohmann-Lafrenz, Signe; Løvseth, Lise T.
Why hospital physicians attend work while ill? The spiralling effect of positive and negative factors. BMC Health Services Research 2016 ;Volume 16:548.(1) p. 1-7
STO NTNU Untitled
18 Townsend, Martine; Giæver, Fay; Undebakke, Kirsti Godal.
Employees’ experiences from a participative organizational health intervention. Webside: 2016
NTNU Untitled
19 Townsend, Martine; Giæver, Fay; Undebakke, Kirsti Godal.
Employees’ experiences from a participative organizational health intervention. Exploring freedom and control in global higher education; 2016-12-07
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20 Giæver, Fay; Espenes, Thomas Christian.
Tilrettelegging for en meningsfylt arbeidssituasjon - et tveegget sverd?. I: Arbeidshelsepsykologi på norsk. Fagbokforlaget 2015 ISBN 9788245016314. p. 79-103
NTNU Untitled
21 Giæver, Fay; Iversen, Anne; Lohmann-Lafrenz, Signe; Løvseth, Lise T.
High performers: Intervention through identity construction?. EAWOP; 2015-05-20 - 2015-05-23
NTNU STO Untitled
22 Giæver, Fay; Lohmann-Lafrenz, Signe; Løvseth, Lise T.
Job crafting: A double-edged sword? The case of sickness presence among hospital physicians. EAWOP; 2015-05-20 - 2015-05-23
NTNU STO Untitled
23 Giæver, Fay; Smollan, Roy K..
Evolving emotional experiences following organizational change: a longitudinal qualitative study. Qualitative research in organization and management 2015 ;Volume 10.(2) p. 105-133
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24 Løvseth, Lise T; Lafrenz, Signe; Giæver, Fay.
Why do hospital physicians attend work when ill? The HOUPE study.. Nordic Research on Health and Working conditions of the medical profession; 2015-01-26 - 2015-01-27
NTNU STO Untitled
25 Vaag, Jonas; Giæver, Fay; Bjerkeset, Ottar.
Specific demands and resources in the career of the Norwegian freelance musician. Arts and Health 2014 ;Volume 6.(3) p. 205-222
26 Giæver, Fay; Saksvik, Per Øystein; Thun, Sylvi.
Psychologists authorizing sick leave - Potential opportunities and challenges. Nordic Psychology 2013 ;Volume 65.(1) p. 33-47
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27 Milch, Vibeke; Saksvik, Per Øystein; Vaag, Jonas; Giæver, Fay.
Utilization of countervailing interventions to promote well-being and health. EAWOP 2013; 2013-05-23 - 2013-05-26
HNT NTNU Untitled
28 Milch, Vibeke; Vaag, Jonas; Giæver, Fay; Saksvik, Per Øystein.
Building Healthy Organizations Through Music and Culture Interventions. I: Salutogenic Organizations and Change. The concepts behind organizational health intervention research. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2013 ISBN 978-94-007-6469-9. p. 291-305
NTNU Untitled
29 Saksvik, Per Øystein; Vaag, Jonas; Giæver, Fay; Kico, Emir; Bjerkeset, Ottar.
Evaluating The Sound of Well-being. Work, Stress and Health 2013; 2013-05-17 - 2013-05-19
HNT NTNU Untitled
30 Vaag, Jonas; Saksvik, Per Øystein; Giæver, Fay; Milch, Vibeke; Bjerkeset, Ottar.
Project “Evaluation of the Sound of Well-Being”. SEMPRE International Conference "Setting the tempo"; 2013-04-19 - 2013-04-20
HNT NTNU Untitled
31 Giæver, Fay.
Understanding the complexity of evolving emotional change-experiences. EGOS; 2012-07-05 - 2012-07-07
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32 Pettersen, Rannveig Staal; Giæver, Fay; Wennes, Grete.
Mellomleders rolle i en omstillingsprosess. Psykologisk tidsskrift 2012 ;Volume 16.(3) p. 8-13
NTNU Untitled
33 Giæver, Fay.
Omstilling og emosjoner: Hva kan man forvente av de ansatte, og hvordan bør ledelsen forholde seg?. I: Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi - Aktuelle tema til inspirasjon for et bedre arbeidsliv. Cappelen Damm AS 2011 ISBN 978-82-02-34307-1. p. 359-375
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34 Giæver, Fay; Hellesø, Ragnhild.
Negative experiences of organizational change from an emotions perspective: A qualitative study of the Norwegian nursing sector. Nordic Psychology 2010 ;Volume 62.(1) p. 37-52
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35 Giæver, Fay.
Looking Forwards and Back: Exploring Anticipative Versus Retrospective Emotional Change-Experiences. Journal of Change Management 2009 ;Volume 9.(4) p. 419-434
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36 Giæver, Fay.
Understanding the Emotional Experience of Organizational Change. I: Prerequisites for healthy organisational change / Saksvik, Per Øystein, ed. : Bentham ebooks 2009
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37 Giæver, Fay.
Understanding the Emotional Experience of Organizational Change. I: Prerequisites for Healthy Organizational Change. Bentham eBooks 2009 ISBN 978-1-60805-011-6. p. 33-40
NTNU Untitled
38 Giæver, Fay.
Endring på arbeidsplassen - lederes redsel for de ansattes følelser. Magma forskning og viten 2007 ;Volume 10.(5) p. 37-43
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39 Giæver, Fay.
Understanding emotional responses to anticipated change: the case of introducing electronic care plans in hospitals. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 2007 ;Volume 2.(1) p. 49-70
NTNU Untitled
40 Giæver, Fay.
Emotional ambivalence during change : the case of the introduction of electronic care plans. I: British Psychological Society, Occupational Psychology Conference, Proceedings. Glasgow: British Psychological Society 2006 p. 225-226
NTNU Untitled
41 Giæver, Fay.
Emotional ambivalence during change : the case of the introduction of electronic care plans. British Psychological Society. Occupational Psychology Annual Conference; 2006-01-11 - 2006-01-13
NTNU Untitled
42 Giæver, Fay.
Følelsesmessige reaksjoner på innføringen av elektronisk pleieplan. Fagmøte for avdelingssykepleiere ved Ortopedisk avdeling; 2006-03-22 - 2006-03-22
NTNU Untitled
43 Giæver, Fay.
Hvordan er det å være ansatt i en organisasjon som er i stadig endring? Kan man si at de ansatte er motvillige eller ønsker de endring? Funn fra en studie utført ved St. Olav. Nettverksmøte ved St. Olav hospital; 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-11
NTNU Untitled
44 Giæver, Fay.
Omstillingsprosesser i organisasjoner: Hva har følelser med saken å gjøre ?. Norsk psykologikongress; 2006-08-31 - 2006-08-31
NTNU Untitled
45 Giæver, Fay.
Omstillingsprosjekter på arbeidsplassen : hva har følelser med saken å gjøre?. Magma forskning og viten 2006 ;Volume 9.(05.jun) p. 130-139
NTNU Untitled
46 Giæver, Fay.
Nurses` emotional ambivalence towards the introduction of electronic care plans. First international conference of Work organisation and Emotion; 2005-09-23 - 2005-09-23
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47 Giæver, Fay.
Grounded Theory som metodisk perspektiv og anvendelsen av allerede eksisterende teori og empiri. Trondheim: Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, avdeling Trondheim økonomiske høgskole 2004 (ISBN 8278771154) 10 p. (13)
NTNU Untitled
48 Giæver, Fay.
Om emosjoner og sosial konstruktivisme. Trondheim: Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, avdeling Trondheim økonomiske høgskole 2004 (ISBN 8278771146) 6 p. (12)
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