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Showing results 1-50 of 82 << Previous 1 2    Next >>

1 Galster, George; Wessel, Terje.
Homeowner-renter wealth inequalities and position in the rural-urban hierarchy. Housing Studies 2024 p. -
UiO Untitled
2 Galster, George; Wessel, Terje.
Urban residence as a driver of wealth differentials: New evidence from Norway. Population, Space and Place 2024
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3 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Byen vår 2023: Hvor mye kan Slettheia tåle?. Fædrelandsvennen 2023
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4 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
In the shadow of the homeownership strategy – housing careers among tenants. Urban regeneration – Shines and Shadows; 2023-06-28 - 2023-06-30
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5 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Hvor flytter Oslo-folk? Vi har sjekket.. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2022
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6 Rogne, Adrian Farner; Hermansen, Are Skeie; Hundebo, Pål Oskar; Wessel, Terje; Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde; Birkelund, Gunn Elisabeth.
Finnes det “svenske tilstander” i Norge?. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2022
7 Wessel, Terje.
Business Services, Income Inequality, and Income Segregation in Metropolitan Areas: Direct and Indirect Links. Economic Geography 2022 ;Volume 98.(5) p. 464-486
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8 Wessel, Terje.
Urbanisering: mønstre, mekanismer og årsaker. I: Det norske samfunn - bind 1. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2022 ISBN 9788205563414. p. 118-141
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9 Wessel, Terje; Magnusson Turner, Lena.
Intergenerational mobility across labour-market regions in Norway. ENHR Barcelona 2022; 2022-08-31 - 2022-09-02
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10 Hjorteset, Mari Andrine; Böcker, Lars; Røe, Per Gunnar; Wessel, Terje.
Intraurban geographies of car sharing supply and demand in Greater Oslo, Norway. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2021 ;Volume 101. p. 1-13
UiO TØI Untitled
11 Wessel, Terje; Magnusson Turner, Lena.
Det lønner seg for kvinner å flytte fra bygda. 2021
UiO OSLOMET Untitled
12 Wessel, Terje; Magnusson Turner, Lena.
The migration pathway to economic mobility: Does gender matter?. Population, Space and Place 2020 p. -
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13 Galster, George; Wessel, Terje.
Reproduction of social inequality through housing: a three-generational study from Norway. Social Science Research 2019 ;Volume 78. p. 119-136
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14 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Housing market filtering in the Oslo region:pro-market housing policies in a Nordic welfare state context. International journal of housing policy 2019 p. 1-26
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15 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Utfordringer i boligmarkedet, med hovedvekt på situasjonen i Oslo. Presentation av projektet för By- og levekårsutvalget; 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-03
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16 Wessel, Terje.
Boligpodden 32.. Boligpodden, NBBL [Internet] 2019-07-16
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17 Wessel, Terje.
Hvem er vinnerne og taperne i boligmarkedet?. Oboskonferansen; 2019-08-28
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18 Wessel, Terje.
Overføring av boligformue mellom besteforeldre og barnebarn. Seminar; 2019-05-06
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19 Wessel, Terje.
Reproduksjon av boligstatus i Norge - et femtiårsperspektiv. Sluttkonferanse for prosjektet "Social inequality and housing over the course"; 2019-10-11
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20 Wessel, Terje.
Står vi vet et veiskille?. Obos' podcast: episode 7 [Internet] 2019-05-23
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21 Wessel, Terje; Lunke, Erik Bjørnson.
Raising children in the inner city: still a mismatch between housing and households?. Housing Studies 2019 ;Volume 36.(1) p. 131-151
TØI UiO Untitled
22 Wessel, Terje; Magnusson Turner, Lena.
Utfordringer i boligmarkedet: erfaringer fra SOL-prosjektet. Seminar; 2019-12-17
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23 Wessel, Terje; Magnusson Turner, Lena; Nordvik, Viggo.
Population dynamics and ethnic geographies in Oslo: the impact of migration and natural demographic change on ethnic composition and segregation. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 2018 ;Volume 33.(4) p. 789-805
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24 Wessel, Terje; Nordvik, Viggo.
Mixed neighbourhoods and native out-mobility in the Oslo region: the importance of parenthood. Urban Studies 2018 p. -
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25 Brattbakk, Ingar; Wessel, Terje.
Nabolagets effekt: hva er problematisk med geografisk ulikhet?. I: Oslo - ulikhetenes by. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202521615. p. 339-358
OSLOMET UiO Untitled
26 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Access to housing; who gets what and where? Vacancy chains in the Oslo housing market. Boligforskningsseminaret; 2017-01-26 - 2017-01-26
OSLOMET UiO Untitled
27 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Housing market filtering in a welfare state context: vacancy chains and social structure in the Oslo region. “Affordable Housing for All! – Redefining the Roles of Public and Private Sectors”.; 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-06
OSLOMET UiO Untitled
28 Wessel, Terje.
Det todelte Oslo - etniske minoriteter I øst og vest. I: Oslo - ulikhetenes by. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202521615. p. 81-104
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29 Wessel, Terje.
Segregasjon som utfordring i byutviklingen i Oslo. Oslofrokost; 2017-05-30 - 2017-05-30
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30 Wessel, Terje.
Unequal chances: intergenerational transmission of housing capital in the Oslo area. Boligforskningsseminar 26.01.2017; 2017-01-26 - 2017-01-26
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31 Wessel, Terje.
Urbanisering. I: Samfunnsgeografi: En innføring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202547752. p. 205-216
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32 Wessel, Terje; Andersson, Roger; Kauppinen, Timo; Skifter Andersen, Hans.
Spatial Integration of Immigrants in Nordic Cities: The Relevance of Spatial Assimilation Theory in a Welfare State Context. Urban Affairs Review 2017 ;Volume 53.(5) p. 812-842
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33 Wessel, Terje; Barstad, Anders.
Urbanisering og urbanisme. I: Det norske samfunn, bind 1.. Gyldendal Akademisk 2016 ISBN 9788205490208. p. 61-86
SSB UiO Untitled
34 Andersen, Hans Skifter; Andersson, Roger; Wessel, Terje; Vilkama, Katja.
The impact of housing policies and housing markets on ethnic spatial segregation: comparing the capital cities of four Nordic welfare states. International journal of housing policy 2015 p. -
UiO Untitled
35 Wessel, Terje.
Economic segregation in Oslo: polarisation as a contingent outcome. I: Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West. Routledge 2015 ISBN 9781138794931. p. 132-155
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36 Wessel, Terje.
Rike og fattige flytter fra hverandre I Oslo. [Internet] 2015-06-30
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37 Wessel, Terje.
Segregeringen øker I Oslo. Dagsavisen [Newspaper] 2015-10-17
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38 Brattbakk, Ingar; Wessel, Terje.
Long-term Neighbourhood Effects on Education, Income and Employment among Adolescents in Oslo. Urban Studies 2013 ;Volume 50.(2) p. 391-406
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39 Magnusson Turner, Lena; Wessel, Terje.
Upwards, Outwards and Westwards: Relocation of Ethnic Minority Groups in the Oslo Region. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 2013 ;Volume 95.(1) p. 1-16
UiO OSLOMET Untitled
40 Wessel, Terje.
Economic Change and Rising Income Inequality in the Oslo Region: The Importance of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Regional studies 2013 ;Volume 47.(7) p. 1082-1094
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41 Wessel, Terje.
Hvilken betydning har nabolaget for barns utvikling og livssjanser?. I: Oppvekstrapporten 2013. Oslo: Barne-ungdoms, og familiedirektoratet 2013 ISBN 978-82-8286-200-4. p. 247-254
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42 Wessel, Terje.
Living at the edge? Connecting work insecurity and housing risk among service workers in Oslo. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 2011 ;Volume 65.(1) p. 18-27
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43 Wessel, Terje.
Samfunnsgeografi. I: Introduksjon til samfunnsvitenskapene; Bind 1. Universitetsforlaget 2011 ISBN 978-82-15-01842-3. p. 178-193
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44 Andersson, Roger; Dhalmann, Hanna; Holmqvist, Emma; Kauppinen, Timo; Magnusson Turner, Lena; Skifter Andersen, Hans; Søholt, Susanne; Vaatovaara, Mari; Vilkama, Katja; Wessel, Terje; Yousfi, Saara.
Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Helsinki: Department of geosciences and geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 2010 (ISBN 978-952-10-6769-3) 286 p.
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45 Søholt, Susanne; Wessel, Terje.
Housing policy and housing market in Norway. I: Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Helsinki: Department of geosciences and geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 2010 ISBN 978-952-10-6769-3. p. 135-149
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46 Wessel, Terje.
Eierleiligheter - et blikk fra nabolandet. IBF Nyhetsbrev 2010 (3) p. 4-4
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47 Wessel, Terje.
Immigration to Norway. I: Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Helsinki: Department of geosciences and geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 2010 ISBN 978-952-10-6769-3. p. 150-162
UiO Untitled
48 Wessel, Terje.
Migration flows and settlement patterns. I: Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Helsinki: Department of geosciences and geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 2010 ISBN 978-952-10-6769-3. p. 176-186
UiO Untitled
49 Wessel, Terje.
Welfare in Norway. I: Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Helsinki: Department of geosciences and geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 2010 ISBN 978-952-10-6769-3. p. 127-134
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50 Wessel, Terje; Søholt, Susanne.
Conclusions. I: Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states. Helsinki: Department of geosciences and geography, University of Helsinki, Finland 2010 ISBN 978-952-10-6769-3. p. 186-194
UiO Untitled
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