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Showing results 1-49 of 49

1 Jacobsen, Christine M.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
The Meanings of Chronopolitics and Temporal Awareness in Feminist Ethnographic Research. I: Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms - And Words Collide from a Place. Routledge 2023 ISBN 9781003378761. p. 246-258
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2 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Drangsland, KA., og Karlsen M-A. (2023). Retten til familieliv er en menneskerettighet. Norge nekter flyktninger denne rettigheten. Kronikk. Vårt Land. 21. april . Vårt land 2023
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3 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Governing migration through vulnerability at Spain’s southern maritime border: a malleable concept in a securitised and marketised regime. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2023 p. -
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4 Sicakkan, Hakan G.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; Panebianco, Stefania.
Sluttkonferanse: FNs nye flyktningplattform og norsk flyktning- og asylpolitikk. Sluttkonferanse: FNs nye flyktningplattform og norsk flyktning- og asylpolitikk; 2023-11-17 - 2023-11-17
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5 Jacobsen, Christine M.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Jo, Vearey.
Draft analysis of how networks of international, national and local actors collaborate to reduce vulnerabilities on Six Sites in Europe, Canada, and South Africa. Bergen: The PROTECT Consortium 2022 64 p.
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6 Jacobsen, Christine M.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Vearey, Jo.
How key actors and stakeholders apply the notion of vulnerability in Europe, Canada, and South Africa. : The PROTECT Consortium 2022 63 p.
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7 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Encountering the legal discipline from a legal anthropological perspective. Socio-Legal Perspectives in Migration Research: Potentials and Challenges; 2022-05-09
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8 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
‘For two years I have been in a large prison’: Temporary protection and entangled im/mobility.. Native/Immigrant/Refugee seminar; 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-29
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9 Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt.
‘For two years I have been in a large prison’: Temporary protection and immobility. Nordic Migration Research Conference; 2022-08-17 - 2022-08-19
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10 Schultz, Jessica; Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Vedsted-Hansen, Jens; Tan, Nikolas Feith; Kienast, Julia.
Collective Protection as a Short-Term Solution: European Responses to the Protection Needs of Refugees from the War in Ukraine.
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11 Schultz, Jessica; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt.
Hva skjer hvis flyktningene ikke kan returnere innen kort tid?. Bergens Tidende 2022
CMI UiB Untitled
12 Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Multiple, uneven and relational time in ethnographic research.
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13 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Migration Control and Access to Welfare The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway. Routledge 2021 (ISBN 978-0-367-74213-3) 176 p.
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14 Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt.
Addressing the co-production of law and time in regularisation processes: legal and ethnographic lines of enquiry.
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15 Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Jacobsen, Christine M..
Chronopolitics and Knowledge Production in Migration Studies. CRG Forum Series; 2021-04-15 - 2021-04-15
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16 Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Schultz, Jessica.
Interdisciplinarity in Migration Research: Combining law and anthropology.
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17 Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt; Jacobsen, Christine M.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Waiting for uncertain futures in pandemic times.
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18 Jacobsen, Christine M.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Introduction: Unpacking the temporalities of irregular migration. I: Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration. Routledge 2020 ISBN 9780429351730. p. 1-19
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19 Jacobsen, Christine M.; Khosravi, Shahram; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration. Routledge 2020 (ISBN 9780429351730) 228 p.
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20 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Waiting out the condition of illegality in Norway. I: Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration. Routledge 2020 ISBN 9780429351730. p. 113-130
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21 Schultz, Jessica; Jacobsen, Christine M.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
How is the Covid-19 pandemic affecting migrants with precarious legal status?.
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22 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Healthcare through the temporal lens of migration control. Borders and migration; 2019-08-22 - 2019-08-22
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23 Ystanes, Margit; Jacobsen, Christine M.; Gressgård, Randi; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Ticktin, Miriam.
Roundtable: Creativity, Resistance, and Change in Times of Crises: Who is the Subject Speaking?. NORA Conference 2019: Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics; 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-24
HVO UiB Untitled
24 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Helseforskriften - Praktiske og etiske dilemma for helsepersonell. Helsetjenester for papirløse migranter; 2018-11-06
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25 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
How long time is enough?’ Exploring irregular migration, time and belonging. African Centre for Migration and Society; 2018-05-04
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26 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Imagining Im/migrant Futures: Potentiality in Im/migration Studie. Roundtable discussion with Jennifer A. Cook, Georgina Kathleen Ramsay, Diana Ibanez Tirado, Jaeeun Kim, Susan C. Bibler Coutin, and Samuel Martinez. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting; 2018-11-17
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27 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Precarious inclusion as a strategy of government: Irregular migration and the Norwegian welfare state. Native/Immigrant/Refugee: Crossings Research Initiative; 2018-11-13 - 2018-11-13
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28 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Retten til arbeid og ureturnerbare asylsøkere med avslag. Retten til arbeid og ureturnerbare asylsøkere med avslag; 2018-02-02 - 2018-02-02
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29 Bygnes, Susanne; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Krise og kontinuitet i mottak av flyktninger i Norden. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2017
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30 Eide, Helene Marie Kjærgård; Homme, Anne; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Lundberg, Kjetil.
Omsorgssektoren som integreringsarena: En hurtig og enkel vei til varig arbeid for flyktninger og innvandrere? [The social care sector as arena for integration : a fast and easy way to stable employment for refugees and immigrants?]. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2017 ;Volume 20.(4) p. 332-348
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31 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Hva haster og hva kan vente? Krisebetegnelsens betydning for og i asyl-og flyktningpolitikken.. Krise! Om krisens retorikk og politikk; 2017-10-11 - 2017-10-11
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32 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
The Limits of Egalitarianism: Irregular Migration and the Norwegian Welfare State. I: Egalitarianism in Scandinavia. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-59790-4. p. 223-243
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33 Eide, Helene Marie Kjærgård; Homme, Anne; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Lundberg, Kjetil.
Integrering i praksis: Helse- og omsorgssektoren som opplærings- og kvalifiseringsarena for flyktninger og innvandrere. Bergen: Uni Research Rokkansenteret, Stein Rokkan senter for flerfaglige samfunnsstudier 2016 (ISBN 978-82-8095-114-4) 82 p.
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34 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Migration control and children's access to healthcare. I: Handbook of Migration and Health. Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 ISBN 978 1 78471 477 2. p. 134-158
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35 Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Drangsland, Kari Anne; Dahle, Malin.
Norskopplæring for personer i asylmottak, Rokkanrapport 2. Bergen: Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2016 (ISBN 978-82-8095-105-2) 224 p.
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36 Eick, Frode; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Nortvedt, Per.
Sykepleiere må tenke selv. Tidsskriftet sykepleien 2015
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37 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet. Mangfold og deltakelse i velferdssamfunnet. Hva sier forskningen?; 2015-09-17 - 2015-09-17
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38 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Helsehjelp for papirløse. Helsehjelp for papirløse; 2015-04-09 - 2015-04-09
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39 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Helsepersonell som grensekontrollører. Helsehjelp til papirløse. 5 års erfaringer med frivillig innsats; 2015-01-28 - 2015-01-28
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40 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Når helsevesenet blir en del av migrasjonskontrollen – etiske og praktiske dilemmaer for helsepersonell. I: Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet. Gyldendal Juridisk 2015 ISBN 978-82-05-48425-2. p. 128-145
NORCE Untitled
41 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Precarious inclusion. Irregular migration, practices of care, and state b/ordering in Norway. : University of Bergen 2015 (ISBN 978-82-308-3430-5)
NORCE UiB Untitled
42 Jacobsen, Christine M.; Bendixsen, Synnøve Kristine Nepstad; Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Provision of Welfare to Irregular Migrants: Exploring the borders of the Norwegian Welfare State. Center on Migration, Policy and Society Seminar Series Trinity “Borders of the Welfare State: Exploring the tensions between migration enforcement and Welfare State Entitlements; 2014-05-22
NORCE UiB Untitled
43 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Compassionate repression? Welfare to irregular migrants in Norway. Precariat, contestation and agency; 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
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44 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Enacting the border in the medical encounter. PROVIR closing conference "Exceptional welfare: Dilemmas in/of irregular migration" - workshop Institutional practices and lived experiences: Healthcare; 2014-11-19 - 2014-11-21
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45 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Health care and immigration control - practical and ethical implications for service providers. Precarious migrants and access to welfare: Between policy, law and practice; 2014-05-22 - 2014-05-23
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46 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Institutional practices and irregular migrants’ access to welfare in Norway. Work In Progress Seminar; 2014-02-27 - 2014-02-27
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47 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Irregular migrants' access to healthcare in Norway. Innledning på et samarbeidsmøte mellom RVTS-Vest og ICAR Foundation, Romania, om helsetjenester til sårbare migranter; 2014-09-22 - 2014-09-22
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48 Karlsen, Marry-Anne.
Irregulære migranter i velferdsstaten: juridiske og sosiale utfordringer.. Helsehjelp til papirløse: Til hvem, hvorfor og hvordan?; 2014-10-20 - 2014-10-20
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49 Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Drangsland, Kari Anne Klovholt; Hidle, Knut.
The conditions for hospitality in the Norwegian asylum reception system. I: Nordic work with traumatised refugees: Do we really care. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014 ISBN 9781443861366. p. 284-299
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