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1 Maravela, Anastasia.
Ισίδωρος, Τρεις ύμνοι και ένα επίγραμμα για την Ίσιδα Ερμούθι και σύνναους.. I: Ελληνιστική Γραμματεία. Επιλογές πεζογραφίας και ποίησης. Εισαγωγή, κείμενο, μετάφραση, σχόλια.. : Scriptio Continua 2023 ISBN 9786188560376. p. 658-667
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2 Maravela, Anastasia.
Begjær uten kjønnsdiskriminering. Erotiske trylleformler på potteskår avdekker mye om kjærlighetslivet og seksuallivet i antikken. Klassekampen 2023 p. 10-11
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3 Maravela, Anastasia.
GEMF 68/PGM XXXVI: its scribe, sections, and contacts. Late Antique Magic Handbooks: Contents, Scribal Characteristics, and Contacts; 2023-07-03
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4 Maravela, Anastasia.
Greek Meets Egyptian at the Temple Gate: Bilingual Papyri from Hellenistic and Roman Egypt (Third Century BCE–Fourth Century CE). I: Multilingualism and History. Cambridge University Press 2023 ISBN 9781009236256. p. 50-70
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5 Maravela, Anastasia.
Lucian of Samosata and Athens. Annual Meeting of The Norwegian Institute at Athens; 2023-03-23
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6 Maravela, Anastasia.
Rearranging the hymns of Isidorus. The Hymns of Isidorus: Poetry, Religion and Architecture in the Bi-Cultural World of Ptolemaic Egypt; 2023-07-11 - 2023-07-12
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7 Maravela, Anastasia; Jonsson, Mar.
En ukjent oversettelse av ps.-Longinos på Nasjonalbiblioteket. Klassisk seminar, UiO; 2023-09-05
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8 Asztalos Murdoch, Monika; Maravela, Anastasia.
Editorial Note. Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies 2022 ;Volume 96.(1) p. 1-3
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9 Maravela, Anastasia.
Christian Travel Documents on an Oslo Papyrus and their Significance for The History of the Episcopate of Alexandria (HEpA). Berliner Papyrologisches Kolloquium; 2022-12-08
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10 Maravela, Anastasia; Sidro, Giuliano.
Dare facere oportet - ΔΟΥΝΑΙ ΠΟΙΗΣΑΙ ΔΕΙ: Translating Legal Latin into Greek. I: Studia in honorem Vibeke Roggen. Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S 2022 ISBN 9788280342126. p. 69-83
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11 Maravela, Anastasia.
GEMF 8 (PGM LXXII + PGM LVII). I: Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation Volume I. California Classical Studies 2022 ISBN 9781939926166. p. 33-41
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12 Maravela, Anastasia.
PGM XXXVI/GEMF 68: Its Scribe and Sections. Scribes and Readers of Magical Texts in Late Antique and Medieval Egypt; 2022-05-19 - 2022-05-20
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13 Maravela, Anastasia.
Re-Editing PGM XXXVI/GEMF 68: Remarks on its Scribe and Sections. 30th International Congress of Papyrology; 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-30
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14 Maravela, Anastasia.
The Mouth of the Whale and Homeric Gates: A note on Literary influences in Lucian’s Verae Historiae I 30. Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies 2022 ;Volume 96.(1) p. 130-144
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15 Maravela, Anastasia; Kjørstad, Elise.
Del av tapt gresk stjernekatalog funnet gjemt under kristen tekst fra middelalderen. [Internet] 2022-11-12
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16 Maravela, Anastasia; Tovar, Sofia Torallas.
Impossible Anatomies: Shenoute’s Curse and the Death of Gessios. I: The Rediscovery of Shenoute: Studies in Honor of Stephen Emmel. Peeters Publishers 2022 ISBN 978-90-429-4830-3. p. 367-391
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17 Maravela, Anastasia.
A gem to counter the Empusa?. Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece. Apotropaia and Phylakteria; 2021-06-23 - 2021-06-25
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18 Skoie, Mathilde; Maravela, Anastasia.
Papyrus i rampelyset: På sporet av det tapte satyrspill. Klassisk Forum 2021 (1-2) p. 136-148
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19 Maravela, Anastasia.
Exploring the Poetics of Christian and Christian Magical Prayers: The function of the historiolae. Between Magic and Liturgy: Discussing Christian Ritual Texts; 2020-11-26 - 2020-11-28
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20 Maravela, Anastasia; Mangerud, Jens.
The letters of Herennia to Pompeius Niger. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2020 ;Volume 215. p. 211-222
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21 Maravela, Anastasia; Welo, Eirik.
Når kroppen hviler, er hjernen våken: Drømmer i antikken. Forskningsdagene 2020; 2020-09-18
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22 Bär, Silvio Friedrich; Maravela, Anastasia.
Narrative, Narratology and Intertextuality: New Perspectives on Greek Epic from Homer to Nonnus. Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies 2019 ;Volume 93. p. 1-11
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23 Maravela, Anastasia.
Contexts of multilingualism in Egypt from the Hellenistic to the early Arabic period. Multilingual practices from antiquity to the present day; 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-30
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24 Maravela, Anastasia.
Eitrem Marginalia on Magic. Greek Curse Tablets of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods; 2019-06-07 - 2019-06-07
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25 Maravela, Anastasia.
Scriptural Literacy Only? Rhetoric in Early Christian Papyrus Letters. I: Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Papyrology, Barcelona 2016, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona 2019). Barcelona: Publicacions deL’Abadia de Montserrat – Universitat Pompeu Fabra 2019 ISBN 9788491910794. p. 162-177
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26 Maravela, Anastasia.
The Judgemental Narrator: Narratorial Nepios-Comments from Homer to Nonnus. Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies 2019 ;Volume 93. p. 58-105
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27 Maravela, Anastasia.
Threats against the gods in the magical papyri: their topics and language. La magia agressiva nel mondo antico: testi, formule, lessico; 2019-06-17
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28 Maravela, Anastasia; Mangerud, Jens.
A point of contact between the archives of Pompeius Niger and of Tryphon the weaver?. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 2019 ;Volume 65.(2) p. 317-332
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29 Maravela, Anastasia; Torallas Tovar, Sofia.
Impossible Anatomies: Coptic Curses and the Torments of the Beyond. Curse Tablets in the Wider Realm of Execrations; 2019-10-12 - 2020-10-13
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30 Tothne, Agnes Mihálykó.
Christian Liturgical Papyri: An Introduction. Mohr Siebeck 2019 (ISBN 978-3-16-155786-6) 451 p. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum (STAC)(114)
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31 Maravela, Anastasia.
Homer and Menandri Sententiae in Upper Egyptian Monastic Settings. I: Monastic Education in Late Antiquity. The Transformation of Classical Paideia. Cambridge University Press 2018 ISBN 978-1-107-19495-3. p. 125-149
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32 Maravela, Anastasia.
Lucianic linguistics. Klassisk seminar; 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-03
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33 Maravela, Anastasia.
Medical micro-language in the Greek papyri. I: Parlare la medicina: fra lingue e culture, nello spazio e nel tempo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Università di Parma, 5-7 Settembre 2016. Le monnier universita 2018 ISBN 978-88-00-74847-6. p. 12-29
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34 Maravela, Anastasia.
Papyri at Gustavianum, Uppsala universitetsmuseum. Grekiska seminariet, Uppsala Universitet; 2018-10-11
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35 Maravela, Anastasia.
Papyrussamlingen ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo: Glimt av liv og død i gresk og romersk Egypt. AIGIS : Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier 2018 ;Volume 18.(1) p. -
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36 Maravela, Anastasia.
PGM LVII + LXXII and the Tradition of Cryptography in Magical Papyri. New Insights into Individual Magical Handbooks; 2018-05-18 - 2018-05-19
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37 Maravela, Anastasia.
P.Oslo inv. 1481: Munker prøver å hjelpe et gjeldsoffer. Klassisk Forum 2018 (2) p. 116-121
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38 Maravela, Anastasia; Aurora, Federico.
Gammelt nytt fra Universitetsbibliotekets papyrussamling. Klassisk Forum 2018 (2) p. 114-116
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39 Maravela, Anastasia; Stolk, Joanne Vera.
BRINGING TOGETHER THE FAMILY FOR A DAUGHTER’S WEDDING: P.YALE 1.78 RECONSIDERED. Bulletin of The American Society of Papyrologists 2018 ;Volume 55. p. 275-280
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40 Maravela, Anastasia.
εἴτε πλαστῶν γραμμάτων ἢ ῥᾳδιουργίας ἢ περιγραφῆς ἐγκαλεῖν ἐπιχειρῇ...: Semantics and Settings of Distrust in Greco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt. Fiddling with documents; 2017-12-07 - 2017-12-08
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41 Maravela, Anastasia.
An unusual Christian letter of recommendation on papyrus and its non-Egyptian provenance. Seminar Incontri Papirologici; 2017-04-27
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42 Maravela, Anastasia.
Chasing in time. Intersections of time and space in early Greek literature and in Greek philosophical thought. Time and Eternity: The Conception of Time in Archaic Greek Literature; 2017-09-22 - 2017-09-24
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43 Maravela, Anastasia.
Greek in Christian Western Thebes: a Fresh Look. New Perspectives on Religion, Education, and Culture at Christian Western Thebes (VI-VIII); 2017-01-12 - 2017-01-13
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44 Maravela, Anastasia.
Hva kan man lære av antikkens 'junk-mail'? Papyrer fra gresk og romersk Egypt.. UiO Åpen Dag; 2017-03-09
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45 Maravela, Anastasia.
Presentation of papyrus editions P.Oslo inv. 1513, 1469, 1612, 787, 1238, 782, 1178, 1461, 1542 & 1530, 1463, 1490, 1467v, 1481, 366.. Review panel meeting: Editing Papyri from the Collection of the University of Oslo Library (2012-2017); 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-06
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46 Maravela, Anastasia; Reggiani, Nicola.
Medical scribes at work: Exploring linguistic variation in Greek medical papyri. ACT OF THE SCRIBE: INTERFACES BETWEEN SCRIBAL WORK AND LANGUAGE USE; 2017-04-06 - 2017-04-08
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47 Maravela, Anastasia; Wehus, Glenn Øystein; Tothne, Agnes Mihálykó.
A Coptic Liturgical Prayer for the Consecration of the Chalice. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 2017 ;Volume 63.(1) p. 204-230
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48 Maravela, Anastasia.
An Early Testimony of Epistula Hippocratis XXV. Greek Medical Papyri: Text, Context, Hypertext; 2016-11-02 - 2016-11-04
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49 Maravela, Anastasia.
Encoding and Negotiating Power in Roman and Byzantine Egypt. Inscribing Power in Antiquity; 2016-10-20 - 2016-10-23
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50 Maravela, Anastasia.
Issues of translation in Greek magical papyri. Towards the Re-edition of Papyri Graecae Magicae; 2016-08-08 - 2016-08-09
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