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1 Hjelseth, Arve; Hovden, Jorid.
Discursive struggles in the gendering of national team pay in Norwegian football. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum 2024 ;Volume 15. p. 49-72
NTNU Untitled
2 Nesse, Martin; Hovden, Jorid.
‘Integration is a lot of work.’—A study of integration policies in Norwegian football clubs. European Journal for Sport and Society (EJSS) 2023 ;Volume 20.(4) p. 351-367
NTNU Untitled
3 Piggott, Lucy; Tjønndal, Anne; Hovden, Jorid.
Leadership and gender inclusion in esports organisations. I: Social Issues in Esports. Routledge 2022 ISBN 9781003258650. p. 46-65
NORD NTNU Untitled
4 Tjønndal, Anne; Piggott, Lucy; Hovden, Jorid.
Leadership and Gender Inclusion in Esports Organisations. The 14th annual conference of the Transnational Working Group for the Study of Gender and Sport; 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-18
NORD NTNU UiT Untitled
5 Hovden, Jorid.
Sport organizations, politics and gender policies. I: Research Handbook on Sports and Society. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 978 1 78990 359 1. p. 22-37
UiT NTNU Untitled
6 Hovden, Jorid; Tjønndal, Anne.
"If there were more women coaches around, I think things would be different": Women Boxing Coaches’ Struggles to Challenge and Change a Male Dominated Sport Environment. I: Improving Gender Equity in Sports Coaching. Routledge 2021 ISBN 9780367464134. p. 234-253
NTNU NORD Untitled
7 Hovden, Jorid.
Hvem bryr seg om mannsveldet i idretten?. Feministhuset; 2020-09-16 - 2020-09-16
NTNU Untitled
8 Hovden, Jorid; Hjelseth, Arve.
Markedslogik -en fortælling om könnenes ubalanse. Mål. Tanker om fodboll på tværs av dicipliner 2020 (2) p. 32-34
NTNU Untitled
9 Hovden, Jorid; Tjønndal, Anne.
Refleksjoner om endringer i forskningsfeltet idrett og kjønn. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 2020 ;Volume 44.(3) p. 184-186
UiT NORD Untitled
10 Hovden, Jorid; Tjønndal, Anne.
SPORT, GENDER AND INEQUALITY. Digital seminar - Department of Sociology and Political Science; 2020-10-22
NORD UiT Untitled
11 Tjønndal, Anne; Hovden, Jorid.
Mot alle odds - Muslimske kvinnebokseres identitetsforhandlinger i spenningsfeltet mellom frihet, tilhørighet og innesperring. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 2020 ;Volume 44.(3) p. 202-216
NTNU NORD Untitled
12 Tjønndal, Anne; Hovden, Jorid.
‘Will God condemn me because I love boxing?’ - Narratives of young female immigrant Muslim boxers in Norway. The European Journal of Women's Studies 2020 p. -
NTNU NORD Untitled
13 Elling, Agnes; Hovden, Jorid; Knoppers, Annelies.
Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge 2019 (ISBN 978113807053-0) 231 p.
NTNU UiT Untitled
14 Elling, Agnes; Knoppers, Annelies; Hovden, Jorid.
Meta-analysis: data and methodologies. I: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge 2019 ISBN 978113807053-0. p. 179-191
NTNU UiT Untitled
15 Hovden, Jorid.
Demokrati eller hegemoni? Kjønnspolitiske diskursar og strategiar i dagens idrettsorganisasjonar.. Norges Idrettshøgskole: sommerseminar; 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-11
NTNU Untitled
16 Hovden, Jorid.
Kva er ei kvinne i idretten?. Vit Forum , NTNU; 2019-03-19 - 2019-03-19
NTNU Untitled
17 Hovden, Jorid.
Leadership discourses and gender policies in sport organizatons.. Phd course; 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-18
NTNU Untitled
18 Hovden, Jorid.
Ubehaget kvinner kjenner i møte med "gutteklubbene. Universitetsavisa [Newspaper] 2019-03-14
NTNU Untitled
19 Hovden, Jorid; Anne Beret, Tjønndal.
"will God condemn me because I love Boxing". Exploring the lives of young female immigrant Muslim boxers in Norway.. 16th European Association for the sociology of Sport Conference; 2019-06-03
NTNU Untitled
20 Hovden, Jorid; Elling, Agnes; Knoppers, Annelies.
Meta-analysis: policies and strategies. I: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge 2019 ISBN 978113807053-0. p. 192-204
NTNU UiT Untitled
21 Hovden, Jorid; Hjelseth, Arve.
The dymamics beween social recognition and market value. A study of the process towards gender equal sponsorsupport for the Norwegian national teams in football.. 16th European Association for the sociology of Sport Conference; 2019-06-03
NTNU Untitled
22 Hovden, Jorid; Knoppers, Annelies; Elling, Agnes.
Conclusions: progress, stability and future possibilities. I: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge 2019 ISBN 978113807053-0. p. 218-226
NTNU UiT Untitled
23 Knoppers, Annelies; Hovden, Jorid; Elling, Agnes.
Introduction. I: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge 2019 ISBN 978113807053-0. p. 3-10
NTNU UiT Untitled
24 Knoppers, Annelies; Hovden, Jorid; Elling, Agnes.
Meta-analysis: theoretical issues. I: Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. Routledge 2019 ISBN 978113807053-0. p. 205-217
NTNU UiT Untitled
25 Tjønndal, Anne; Hovden, Jorid.
Mot alle odds? Muslimske innvandrerjenter som bokser. Kjønnsforskning NÅ!; 2019-11-13 - 2019-11-15
NORD UiT Untitled
26 Hovden, Jorid.
Gender equality discourses and strategies in European sport leadership. 2018 World Congress of Sociologi of Sport; 2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08
NTNU Untitled
27 Hovden, Jorid.
The Gendering of Power in Sport Oganizations. Discourses, policies and strategies in European Sport. 16th International Sport Science Congress.; 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-03
NTNU Untitled
28 Hovden, Jorid.
The Gendering of Power in sport organizations. International Sport Sciences Congress; 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-03
NTNU Untitled
29 Hovden, Jorid; Elling, Agnes; Knoppers, Annelies.
Discourses and strategies of gender equality in European sport leadership.. 2018 World Congress on Sport Sociology; 2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08
NTNU Untitled
30 Hovden, Jorid; Hjelseth, Arve.
Meritocratic or democratic equality discources? The process towards gender equal sponsor support for the Norwegian national team in football.. 15th European Association for the Sociology of Sport Conference; 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26
NTNU Untitled
31 Hovden, Jorid; Hjelseth, Arve.
Meritocratic or democratic equality discourses. The process towards gender equalized sponsor support for the Norwegian national teams in football. !5th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference (EASS); 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26
NTNU Untitled
32 Hovden, Jorid.
- Det var på tide. Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2017-03-10
NTNU Untitled
33 Hovden, Jorid.
Dette er de dyreste idrettene barna dine kan drive med. KK [Journal] 2017-01-16
NTNU Untitled
34 Hovden, Jorid.
Gender diversity in European leadership. Challenges and Strategies.. The 14th Conference of the European Association for Sociology of Sport (eass),; 2017-06-14 - 2017-06-18
NTNU Untitled
35 Hovden, Jorid.
Gender diversity in sport leadership. Status, challenges and strategies. The Sport & EU Conference 2017; 2017-06-29 - 2017-06-30
NTNU Untitled
36 Hovden, Jorid.
Likestillingsstrategiar i europeiske idrettsorganisasjonar. Status og utfordringar. NEON- konferansen 2017; 2017-11-21 - 2017-11-23
NTNU Untitled
37 Hovden, Jorid.
Norgesglasset,Nrk. Alta, Finnmark [Radio] 2017-03-22
NTNU Untitled
38 Hovden, Jorid.
NRK-profil hyller konkurrentens modige TV-ansettelse: - Jeg ønsker henne lykke til. Fædrelandsvennen [Internet] 2017-03-09
NTNU Untitled
39 Hovden, Jorid.
Powerful Women as Change Agents in Scandinavian Sport Organisations. The journal of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) 2017 (72) p. 22-29
NTNU Untitled
40 Hovden, Jorid; Lippe, Gerd von der.
The gendering of media sport in the Nordic countries. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 2017 ;Volume 22.(4) p. 625-638
USN NTNU Untitled
41 Hovden, Jorid; Rafoss, Kolbjørn.
Sociology of Sport: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. I: Sociology of Sport, A Global Subdiscipline in Review. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2017 ISBN 9781786350503. p. 265-283
NTNU UiT Untitled
42 Hovden, Jorid; Tjønndal, Anne.
The gendering of coaching from an athlete perspective: The case of Norwegian boxing. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 2017 ;Volume 54.(2) p. 239-255
NORD NTNU Untitled
43 Bakke, Inger Marie; Solheim, Liv Johanne; Hovden, Jorid.
"Skulle ønske jeg kunne være med på turn, jeg!" Om fattige foreldres utfordringer med å legge til rette for barnas fysiske aktivitet. I: Ungdom og idrett. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016 ISBN 978-82-02-44967-4. p. 193-212
HINN NTNU Untitled
44 Hovden, Jorid.
Bare to av ti klubbledere er kvinner. Bergens Avisen [Newspaper] 2016-10-11
NTNU Untitled
45 Hovden, Jorid.
Barn holdes borte fra idrett fordi det er for dyrt: - Hos oss gikk skiene i arv. Aftenposten [Internet] 2016-11-07
NTNU Untitled
46 Hovden, Jorid.
En mannsbastion. Romerikes Blad [Newspaper] 2016-03-16
NTNU Untitled
47 Hovden, Jorid.
Fotballklubb droppet barn som maskotter - erstatningen vekker reaksjoner. Statvanger Aftenblad [Newspaper] 2016-02-15
NTNU Untitled
48 Hovden, Jorid.
Fotballklubb droppet barn som maskotter – erstatningen vekker reaksjoner.. Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2016-02-16
NTNU Untitled
49 Hovden, Jorid.
Herre-avdelingen. Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2016-02-19
NTNU Untitled
50 Hovden, Jorid.
Hvem trener? Kjønn, fattigdom og fritid. Forskerstafett. 8.mars arrangement; 2016-03-08 - 2016-03-08
NTNU Untitled
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