Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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Research results/NVI
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About Cristin

Cristin (Current Research Information System in Norway) is a common system for registering and reporting of research activities and results. It is used by member institutions in the research institute sector, the higher education sector and health trusts.

For å søke etter informasjon i Cristin, velg kategori i venstremenyen. Du søker etter resultater/publikasjoner under «Forskningsresultater/NVI».
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To search for information in Cristin, choose a category in the menu on the left. You search for results/publications under “Research results/NVI».
If you have problems signing in contact your local super user.

The national research information system CRIStin (Current Research Information System in Norway) is a web-based Research Information System, bringing together key information on research for institutions in the health sector, the institutional sector and higher education sector.