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Existential perspectives in research and practice (EXIST)

Research group manager

Anne Austad
Oddgeir Arne Synnes

Responsible units(s)

Centre of Diaconia and Professional Practice


Existential perspectives in research and practice (EXIST) will develop knowledge and expertise of existential dimensions in people's lives. We examine phenomena across the life course such as dignity, suffering, vulnerability, shame, guilt, hope, love, belonging, meaning, the sacred, death, space, nature, aesthetics, art, etc. We also investigate how people experience, interpret and practice world view, culture, values and traditions. EXIST is concerned with how such basic phenomena can be expressed in various contexts where patients/users and their relatives receive care and social assistance. Furthermore, we draw attention to the implications this has for professional practice and education for professional practice. The research group works both with theory and empirical materials from various contexts. Interdisciplinarity is an integral part of work with existential dimensions, and as of today the following professional traditions are represented among the group's members: philosophy, history of ideas, literature, nursing, mental health work, psychology of religion, psychiatry, psychology, social studies, palliative care, psychomotor physiotherapy, practical theology, pastoral care. EXIST is open to all employees and students at VID who have research interests within the topic. We also welcome students and staff from other national and international institutions who have interests in the area.


En empirisk studie av fenomenet håp i recoveryprosesser innen psykisk helsearbeid (2018)
Holm, Camilla Christine;Steindal, Simen Alexander;Foss, Berit;Dihle, Alfhild
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid
Existential themes in the treatment of people at suicide risk. Understandings and practices of specialist healthcare professionals (2018)
Søberg, Ane Inger Bondahl;Haug, Sigrid Helene Kjørven;Danbolt, Lars Johan;Lien, Lars;Sørensen, Torgeir
Mental Health, Religion & Culture
Religious healing experiences and earned security (2020)
Nygaard, Marianne Rodriguez;Austad, Anne;Kleiven, Tormod;Mæland, Elisabeth
Pastoral Psychology
Eksistensielle begreper i helse- og sosialfaglig praksis (2020)
Rykkje, Linda;Austad, Anne
Reinscribing the Lived Body: A Qualitative Study of Extraordinary Religious Healing Experiences in Norwegian Contexts (2020)
Austad, Anne;Nygaard, Marianne Rodriguez;Kleiven, Tormod
Modes of dying in the electronic patient record (2020)
Hov, Laila;Pasveer, Bernike;Synnes, Oddgeir Arne
The poetics of vulnerability: creative writing among young adults in treatment for psychosis in light of Ricoeur’s and Kristeva’s philosophy of language and subjectivity (2021)
Synnes, Oddgeir Arne;Romm, Kristin Lie;Bondevik, Hilde
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Participation in existential groups led by Norwegian healthcare chaplains: Relations to psychological distress, crisis of meaning and meaningfulness (2021)
Frøkedal, Hilde;Stifoss-Hanssen, Hans;deMarinis, Valerie;Ruud, Torleif;Visser, Anja;Sørensen, Torgeir
The international journal for the psychology of religion
Nobody Dies Alone in the Electronic Patient Record—A Qualitative Analysis of the Textual Practices of Documenting Dying and Death (2021)
Hov, Laila;Tveit, Bodil;Synnes, Oddgeir
Omega - Journal of Death and Dying
Existential care in a modern society: pastoral care consultations in local communities in Norway (2021)
Danbolt, Lars Johan;Zock, Hetty;Austad, Anne;Grung, Anne Hege;Stifoss-Hanssen, Hans
International Journal of Practical Theology
Meaning in Life for Patients With Severe Dementia: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Professionals' Interpretations (2021)
Isene, Tor-Arne;Haug, Sigrid Helene Kjørven;Stifoss-Hanssen, Hans;Danbolt, Lars Johan;Ødbehr, Liv Skomakerstuen;Thygesen, Hilde
Frontiers in Psychology
Embodied meaning-making in the experiences and behaviours of persons with dementia (2021)
Isene, Tor-Arne;Thygesen, Hilde;Danbolt, Lars Johan;Stifoss-Hanssen, Hans
Relationships of sources of meaning and resilience with meaningfulness and satisfaction with life: A population-based study of Norwegians in late adulthood (2021)
Sørensen, Torgeir;Hestad, Knut;Grov, Ellen Karine
Frontiers in Psychology
Existential Issues in Old Age as Narrated by Older People—An Interview Study from Norway (2022)
Olafsson, Åsta Marie;Rykkje, Linda Lee Risnes
Significance of Self-Transcendence for Rehabilitation and Relapse Prevention among Patients with Substance Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study (2022)
Sørensen, Torgeir;Lien, Lars
Ta vare. En bok om diakoni, sjelesorg og eksistensiell helse. Festskrift til Hans Stifoss-Hanssen (2022)
Austad, Anne;Danbolt, Lars Johan

Personal and sexual boundaries: the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities (2022)
Brevik-Svae, Gøril;Blixt, Line;Søndenaa, Erik
BMC Public Health
‘Existential’ in Scandinavian Healthcare Journals: An Analysis of the Concept and Implications for Future Research (2022)
Nygaard, Marianne Rodriguez;Austad, Anne;Sørensen, Torgeir;Synnes, Oddgeir;McSherry, Wilfred
Deacons as conversation partners on existential issues with older people: An empirical study in Norway (2022)
Olafsson, Åsta Marie;Stifoss-Hanssen, Hans;Austad, Anne
Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Palliative enheter i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene – en kartleggingsstudie Palliative Care Units in the Municipal Health and Care Services: A Mapping Study (2022)
Trier, Ellen Marie Lykke;Haugland, Trude;Thoresen, Lisbeth
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning