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MIGREL - Migration, Religion and Intercultural Relations

Research group manager

Ingrid Løland
Paulo Rocha

Responsible units(s)

Centre of Mission and Global Studies


The Migration, Religion and Intercultural (MIGREL) research group is a multidisciplinary research group consisting of social scientists, historians, religious studies scholars and theologians. It focuses in particular on how different roles, identities, values and (religious) meanings are established, changed and / or negotiated in meetings and interactions between different types of migrants and actors, communities and institutions in society. Several of the sub-projects also look more specifically at the roles of religious communities, discourses and / or practices in different types of migration and integration processes. The research group uses different methodological and analytical approaches, but has its main emphasis in qualitatively oriented methods. Theoretical perspectives on globalization processes and transnational relationships, identity processes, religious change, pluralization, secularization, and intercultural understanding and communication are central to the work of the group. Within the framework of the group, there is room for both individual projects, as well as collaborative projects and research networks. In addition to the senior scholars, the group has several PhD fellows, who all work with projects within the research group's core areas.


Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10) (2010)
Calzolari, Nicoletta;Choukri, Khalid;Maegaard, Bente;Mariani, Joseph;Odijk, Jan;Piperidis, Stelios;Rosner, Mike;Tapias, Daniel
European Language Resources Association
Migrasjon og teologi (2013)
Haug, Kari Storstein
Kirke og kultur
Rollemodeller blant muslimer i Stavanger (2013)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
Kirke og kultur
Globalisering, misjon og prostitusjon : (2013)
Drønen, Tomas Sundnes;Nessa, Benedicte
Kirke og kultur
Migrants dans la ville : une étude socio-anthropologique des mobilités migrantes en Espagne (2013)
Odden, Gunhild
Editions Modulaires Europeennes
The Reception of Islamic Prophet Stories within Muslim Communities in Norway and Germany (2014)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
The epistemology of imagination and religious experience: a global and pentecostal approach to the study of religion (2015)
Eriksen, Stian Sørlie
Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology
"Av alle folkeslag, stammer, folk og tungemål" : mangfold i den globale kirke i Rogaland (2015)
Drønen, Tomas Sundnes;Eriksen, Stian Sørlie
Troende, trøstende og kanskje tvilende - transnasjonal muslimsk hverdag (2015)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
PAR Migration Navigator (WLB_GE). Socio-cultural and Psychological Predictors of Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality. Cross-Cultural Comparison of Polish and Norwegian Families. All WPs Report (2016)
Gjerstad, Brita;Herzberg, Magdalena;Nødland, Svein Ingve;Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza;Krys, Kuba;Odden, Gunhild;Ryndyk, Oleksandr;Vedøy, Gunn;Zadkowska, Magdalena

Church of Pentecost International : fortellingen om en migrantmenighet i Oslo. (2016)
Eriksen, Stian Sørlie
"Når så vi deg fremmed og tok imot deg?" : Migrasjon og teologi i Den norske kirke (2016)
Haug, Kari Storstein
Kirken i verden, verden i kirken : globale perspektiver på trosopplæringen (2016)
Drønen, Tomas Sundnes;Haug, Kari Storstein;Skeie, Geir;Ådna, Gerd Marie
Hertervig Akademisk
‘They assume dirty kids means happy kids’. Polish female migrants on being a mother in Norway (2016)
Odden, Gunhild
Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica
Re-thinking fatherhood and manhood among Polish migrant fathers in Norway (2016)
Ryndyk, Oleksandr
Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica
Christian migrant communities : transnational, transcultural, and translocal discourses of change (2018)
Drønen, Tomas Sundnes
Method & Theory in the Study of Religion
Internasjonal migrasjon. En samfunnsvitenskapelig innføring (2018)
Odden, Gunhild
Minoritetsfamiliers tanker om og erfaringer med familierådgivning innad i og utenfor familien (2015)
Odden, Gunhild;Ryndyk, Oleksandr;Ådna, Gerd Marie
Misjonshøgskolens forlag
Changing country, changing gender roles: Migration to Norway and the transformation of gender roles among Polish families (2018)
Kosakowska-Berezecka, Natasza;Zadkowska, Magdalena;Gjerstad, Brita;Krys, Kuba;Kwiatkowska, Anna;Odden, Gunhild;Ryndyk, Oleksandr;Swidrak, Justyna;Vedøy, Gunn
Migration in Missiological Research (2018)
Haug, Kari Storstein
International Review of Mission
Interculturally competent teachers in the diverse Norwegian educational setting (2018)
Rosnes, Ellen Vea;Rossland, Bjørg Leirvik
Multicultural Education Review
En rose for Profeten – religion og transnasjonale artefakter i Stavanger. (2017)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
Chaos - Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier
«Endelig var jeg hjemme.» Transformative hajj-fortellinger fra Rogaland og Mekka. (2018)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur
Between Utopia and Dystopia: Sectarianization through Revolution and War in Syrian Refugee Narratives (2019)
Løland, Ingrid
Negotiating Paradise Lost: Refugee Narratives of pre-war Syria. A Discursive Approach to Memory, Metaphors and Religious Identifications (2019)
Løland, Ingrid
European Journal of Cultural Studies
Conditional citizens and hostile environments: Polish migrants in pre-Brexit Britain (2019)
Burrell, Kathy;Schweyher, Mateus
Social work and welfare bordering: the case of homeless EU migrants in Norway (2020)
Misje, Turid
European Journal of Social Work
Abuse or Underuse? Polish Migrants' Narratives of (Not) Claiming Social Benefits in the UK in Times of Brexit (2019)
Schweyher, Mateus;Odden, Gunhild;Burrell, Kathy
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Narrativer om plassering og posisjonering blant polske migranter med høyere utdanning på det europeiske arbeidsmarkedet (2020)
Odden, Gunhild
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Migration: A Threat to the European Identity? A Legal Analysis of the Border and Boundaries of the European Homeland (2020)
Lingaas, Carola
Navigating emotions in child welfare: Immigrant parents’ experiences and perceptions of involvement with child welfare services in Norway (2020)
Tembo, Memory Jayne
International Social Work
Governing the family: immigrant parents’ perceptions of the controlling power of the Norwegian welfare system (2020)
Tembo, Memory Jayne;Studsrød, Ingunn;Young, Susan
European Journal of Social Work
Den åpne barnehagen. Et mangfoldig møtested (2020)
Jansen, Kirsten Elisabeth;Johannessen, Øystein Lund;Mørreaunet, Sissel
Åpen barnehage - pedagogisk virksomhet, mangfoldsfellesskap og torg (2020)
Berge, Anita;Johannessen, Øystein Lund
Mangfold og mangfoldskompetanse i åpen barnehage - realitet og mulighet (2020)
Johannessen, Øystein Lund
The role of labour market integration in migrants’ decisions about family reunification: a comparative study of Polish migrants in Norway, Sweden, and the UK (2020)
Ryndyk, Oleksandr
Comparative Migration Studies
Re-Inventing Everyday Life in the Asylum Centre: Everyday Tactics Among Women Seeking Asylum in Norway (2020)
Robleda, Zubia Willmann
Nordic Journal of Migration Research
Compass, Continuity and Change. Everyday Religion among Women Living in Asylum Centers in Norway (2020)
Robleda, Zubia Willmann
‘Spiritualized Islam’: Reconfigurations of Islamic Dogma Among Young Non-Organized Muslims in Norway (2020)
Aarvik, Signe
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Flyktige rom og tynne steder: En transnasjonal og spatial analyse av pentekostale migrantmenigheter i Norge (2020)
Eriksen, Stian Sørlie
Thai Comparative Theologizing: Material and Methodological Reflections (2020)
Haug, Kari Storstein
Borders and bureaucracies of EU mobile citizenship: Polish migrants and the personal identification number in Sweden (2021)
Burrell, Kathy;Schweyher, Mateus
Political Geography
Migration to and from Welfare States: Lived Experiences of the Welfare–Migration Nexus in a Globalised World (2021)
Ryndyk, Oleksandr;Suter, Brigitte;Odden, Gunhild
Welfare and Mobility: Migrants’ Experiences of Social Welfare Protection in Transnational and Translocal Spaces (2021)
Ryndyk, Oleksandr;Suter, Brigitte;Odden, Gunhild
The precarious inclusion of homeless EU migrants in Norwegian public social welfare: Moral bordering and social workers’ dilemmas (2021)
Misje, Turid
Critical Social Policy
Bridges or breaches? A case -study on the experience of inclusion of bilingual teachers (2022)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Helleve, Ingrid
Pédagogie de la transition (2022)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Renouard, Cécile;Le Cornec, Ronan;Wallenhorst, Nathanaël;Dawson, Jonathan;Federau, Alexander;Vandecastele, Perrine

Methodological reflections on researching ethnic business in Southern Europe: experiences from the field (2021)
Odden, Gunhild
Persuasive narrative during the COVID-19 pandemic: Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s posts on Facebook. (2022)
Arora, Sanjana;Debesay, Jonas;Eslen Ziya, Hande
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications
Community development in Muslim communities: Examples from the South-Western part of Norway. (2022)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
Narrative Battles and Bridges: Researching Religion, Identity and Conflict among Syrian Refugees in Norway (2022)
Løland, Ingrid
Immigrants in Norway: Resilience, challenges and vulnerabilities in times of COVID-19 (2022)
Arora, Sanjana;Bø, Bodil;Tjoflåt, Ingrid;Eslen-Ziya, Hande
Journal of Migration and Health
Impact of action research in Norwegian religious education (2022)
Husebø, Dag;Johannessen, Øystein Lund;Skeie, Geir
British Journal of Religious Education
Marianne Hafnor Bøe; Anne Kalvig. Mennesker – meninger – makter: En introduksjon til religionsvitenskap Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2020 (2022)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
Teologisk Tidsskrift
Klimaendringer og økologisk relasjonsbygging i skolen (2022)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg
Using Digital, Universal, and Intercultural Didactics to Improve Higher Education—A Project Protocol for a Norwegian Interactive and Collaborative Improvement Study Concerning Master’s Level Courses in “Theory of Science, Research Methods, and Research Ethics” (2022)
Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina;Haarr, Kjersti Helene;Eriksen, Stian Sørlie;Børhaug, Frédérique Brossard
Frontiers in Education
Organisational culture and ethnic diversity in nursing homes: a qualitative study of healthcare workers’ and ward nurses’ experiences (2022)
Debesay, Jonas;Arora, Sanjana;Fougner, Marit
BMC Health Services Research
Kurspilot for ungdom med flerkulturell oppvekst. «Det viktigste jeg har lært om meg selv er at jeg er god nok, uansett" (2022)
Hatleskog, Anne Brit;Johannessen, Øystein Lund;Heum, Audhild Steinnes;Ryndyk, Oleksandr

Blomsterhager og shambaer: Hagebruk innenfor og utenfor en eliteskole i Kenya (2022)
Holte, Bjørn Hallstein
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
On the formation of content for 'political remittances': an analysis of Polish and Romanian migrants comparative evaluations of 'here' and 'there' (2022)
Erdal, Marta Bivand;Szulecki, Kacper;Bertelli, Davide;Coșciug, Anatolie;Kussy, Angelina;Mikiewicz, Gabriella;Tulbure, Corina
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
The VaKE Handbook: Theory and Practice of Values and Knowledge Education (2022)
Weyringer, Sieglinde;Patry, Jean-Luc;Pnevmatikos, Dimitris;Brossard Børhaug, Frederique
Brill Academic Publishers
Creating Moral Dilemma Stories for Intercultural Education (2022)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Harnes, Helga Bjørke
Cultivating and fighting at the same time: an immigrant’s innovative entrepreneurial journey in the agricultural scene in Norway (2022)
Wong, Norma;Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen
Ukraina i den akademiske blindsonen (2022)
Fredriksen, Tor;Sverdljuk, Jana Bentze;Rabinovych, Maryna;Ryndyk, Oleksandr
Implementing Value Education in Teaching Units for Newly Arrived Immigrant Pupils in France (2022)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Brighenti, Marco
What Is VaKE? (2022)
Weyringer, Sieglinde;Patry, Jean-Luc;Pnevmatikos, Dimitris;Brossard Børhaug, Frederique
Afterthoughts to VaKE (2022)
Patry, Jean-Luc;Weyringer, Sieglinde;Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Pnevmatikos, Dimitris
Living Here, Owning There? Transnational Property Ownership and Migrants’ (Im)Mobility Considerations Beyond Return (2022)
Bertelli, Davide;Erdal, Marta Bivand;Cosciug, Anatolie;Kussy, Angelina;Mikiewicz, Gabriella;Szulecki, Kacper;Tulbure, Corina
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Forschungszugänge zu afrikanischen transnationalen Gemeinden und Kirchen: inbesondere in Grossbritannien, Deutschland und Norwegen (2022)
Ludwig, Frieder;Eriksen, Stian Sørlie
Macht (Power, Kolonialismus, Neokolonialismus) (2022)
Ludwig, Frieder
Hvordan kan historieundervisning bidra til mer inkluderende forståelser av identifikasjon og tilhørighet? (2022)
Sikveland, Marita;Johannessen, Øystein Lund;Rosnes, Ellen Vea
Christian Religioscapes in the Levant: The Question of Geo-Religious Materiality of a Minority in Decline (2022)
Trantas, Georgios
Bibelüberzetzungen, Bibelaulegungen und Bibelkritik im kolonialen Kontext : Forschungsanzätze und Fallbeispiele (2022)
Ludwig, Frieder
“If we throw the Roma out of the tent, we throw Jesus out of the tent”: Reflections on the role of religious actors in Roma inclusion in Oslo, Norway (2022)
Holte, Bjørn Hallstein;Dietrich, Stephanie
The Ecumenical Journal Sibiu (RES)
Kvinner, religion og fredsbygging. Et utvidet fredsbegrep (2022)
Rapisarda, Daniela Lucia
Kirke og kultur
Changing dynamics of caregiving: a meta-ethnography study of informal caregivers’ experiences with older immigrant family members in Europe (2023)
Shrestha, Sunita;Arora, Sanjana;Hunter, Alistair;Debesay, Jonas
BMC Health Services Research
Hvordan skal vi forstå, og hva gjør vi med kjerneelementene i KRLE og Religion og etikk? (2022)
Unstad, Lars
Covid-19 – Beredskap og forebygging knyttet til innvandrere i Norge (2022)
Mahic, Seila
Becoming Destination(s)? Complex Migration Trajectories, Transnational Lifeworlds and Migration Decisions (2022)
Erdal, Marta Bivand;Korzeniewska, Lubomiła;Bertelli, Davide
Time and Topos in Migratory Trajectories: Mapping Memory and Lived Experiences of Religion Among Syrian Refugees in Norway (2023)
Løland, Ingrid
The diversification of Norwegian Pentecostalism: changing cultures, identities, and theologies through migration (2023)
Eriksen, Stian Sørlie
Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity (JPCC)
Bedre beskyttelse for voldsutsatte flyktninger og innvandrere (2023)
Yilmaz Sener, Meltem;Robleda, Zubia Willmann;Wong, Norma;Hatleskog, Anne Brit
VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Reassessing social trust: gossip, self-policing, and Covid-19 risk communication in Norway (2023)
Shapiro, Matan Ilan;Arora, Sanjana;Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel
Health, Risk and Society
Called to Being Religious Muslims: The Religification of Turkish Women in Norway (2023)
Yilmaz Sener, Meltem
Tidsskrift for Islamforskning (TIFO)
Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway (2023)
Holte, Bjørn Hallstein
Gendered COVID-19 discussions on Twitter: a Norwegian case (2023)
Arora, Sanjana;Debesay, Jonas;Eslen-Ziya, Hande
Online information review (Print)
"I min Fars hus er det mange rom". Kristne migranter i møte med Den norske kirke (2023)
Eriksen, Stian Sørlie;Haug, Kari Storstein;Hatleskog, Anne Brit;Ryndyk, Oleksandr;Ludwig, Frieder

Immigrants’ Experiences and Perceptions of COVID-19 Information in Norway (2023)
Mahic, Seila;Nortvedt, Line;Alpers, Lise-Merete
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Undermining, defending or expanding EU citizenship? CSOs’ positions on providing humanitarian assistance to EU citizens with limited rights to public welfare services in Norway (2023)
Schweyher, Mateus;Misje, Turid
Journal of Civil Society
REFUGEES AND RELIGION: ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF GLOBAL TRAJECTORIES. Edited by BirgitMeyer, Petervan derVeer. New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. Pp. xi + 332; illustrations. Hardback, $132.21 (2022)
Alves, Leonardo Marcondes
Religious Studies Review
Postsekulære tilnærminger: Nye muligheter for sosialt arbeid i Norge (2023)
Holte, Bjørn Hallstein;Tjernæs, Randi Synnøve
Tidsskrift for Praktisk Teologi (TPT)
Different Ways of Belonging among Migrants: Turkish Migrants Living in Norway (2023)
Yilmaz Sener, Meltem
Varieties of Belonging Among Migrants: Turkish Migrants in Norway (2023)
Yilmaz Sener, Meltem
Journal of Economy Culture and Society
From Precarious Work to Precarious Social Citizenship: Polish Workers' Experiences with the Identification Number System in Norway (2023)
Schweyher, Mateus
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Tyrkiske moskeer i Stavanger – transnasjonale fellesskap og hjem (2022)
Ådna, Gerd Marie
DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur
Living with Multiple Languages, Being Forced to be Monolingual: Turkish Skilled Migrants in Norway (2023)
Yilmaz Sener, Meltem
Language, Discourse & Society (LD&S)
Intercultural education (2023)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique
Community (A Case Study) (2023)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Meunier Kjetland, Claire
Mission Studies and Intercultural Theology at Protestant Academic Institutions in Germany (2023)
Ludwig, Frieder
Pedagogy of the Anthropocene Epoch for a Great Transition. A Novel Approach of Higher Education (2023)
Renouard, Cécile;Brossard Børhaug, Frederique;Le Cornec, Ronan;Dawson, Jonathan;Federau, Alexander;Ries, David;Vandecastele, Perrine;Wallenhorst, Nathanaël
Challenges and Opportunities in Norwegian Higher Education in the Anthropocene Epoch (2023)
Brossard Børhaug, Frederique
Profesjonsetikk i sosialt arbeid (2024)
Bennwik, Ingri-Hanne Brænne;Misje, Turid;Aadland, Einar
Det Norske Samlaget
Konflikthåndtering blant minoritetsfamilier med muslimsk bakgrunn (2024)
Odden, Gunhild;Rocha, Paulo;Ådna, Gerd Marie
Rasisme kan være en utfordring for pasienter og helsepersonell (2024)
Debesay, Jonas;Wille, Elisabeth;Arora, Sanjana
Tidsskriftet sykepleien

Affiliated projects/research groups

Cracks and In-Betweens: Religion, Migration, and Transnational Relations  
Doing Family across Borders: A Comparative Study of Work, Family and Welfare Strategies among Polish Migrants in Norway, Sweden, and the UK (FAMAC)  
Welfare, Socially Excluded EU/EEA Migrants and the Role of Diaconal Institutions [PhD project]  
Beliefs and negotiations with Islamic traditions among young second-generation Muslims in Norway  
Between ambitions and realities. Aspirations of and actual integration on the labour market among newly arrived refugees (MAVI)  
Migrant churches in Norway  
Narrative Battles and Bridges: Religion, Identity and Conflict in Syrian Refugee Trajectories [PhD project]  
Reinforcement of competencies of teachers and other educational staff in the area of including pupils coming from socio-culturally disadvantaged environments  
Ettårig kurspilot for ungdom med flerkulturell oppvekst  
Negotiating Belonging in Contested Spaces: Queer Religious Migrants in Oslo and London [PhD project]  
The Use of Migration Terminology in Theologies of Migration: A Descriptive and Critical Analysis [PhD project]  
Forming Democratic Citizens in a Diverse Society - The paradox of common reference frameworks and (individual) belonging [PhD project]  
Negotiating life strategies in transnational migration. Religion, work, and family life among Thai migrant women in Norway (THAIMIG)