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Showing results 1-26 of 26

1 Anfinsen, Stian Normann; Grydeland, Tom; Vierinen, Juha; Kastinen, Daniel; Ricker, Robert; Arntzen, Ingar M; Kero, J.; Høgda, Kjell Arild.
Radar size inference from statistics of RCS samples. ESA SP 2023 ;Volume 2.(1) p. -
NORCE UiT Untitled
2 Arntzen, Ingar Mæhlum.
Controlled Interactivity - lean-back media experiences based on lean-forward technologies. IFI PhD Seminar Fall 2023; 2023-11-08 - 2023-11-08
UiT NORCE Untitled
3 Arntzen, Ingar Mæhlum; Borch, Njål Trygve; Andersen, Anders.
State Trajectory. A Unifying Approach to Interactivity with Real-Time Sharing and Playback Support. I: Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2023, Volume 2. Springer 2023 ISBN 978-3-031-47450-7. p. 1-20
NORCE UiT Untitled
4 Borch, Njål Trygve; Arntzen, Ingar M.
Client side dynamic aspect ratio based on automated AI analysis. CPPR 2022; 2022-11-26
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5 Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve.
UX-based personalization of timed media experiences. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Workshop for Ph.D. Students; 2021-12-09 - 2021-12-10
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6 Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve; Andersen, Anders.
Unify Media and UX with timed variables. Media SFI, Annual Meeting, 2021; 2021-09-29 - 2021-09-30
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7 Haarpaintner, Jörg; Davids, Corine; Hindberg, Heidi; Arntzen, Ingar Mæhlum; Borch, Njål Trygve.
Satellite-Based National Intertidal-Zone Mapping of Continental Norway with Sentinel-1&2. Tromsø: NORCE Klima 2021 (ISBN 978-82-8408-147-2) 91 p.
NORCE Untitled
8 Karlsen, Stein Rune; Stendardi, Laura; Tømmervik, Hans; Nilsen, Lennart; Arntzen, Ingar M; Cooper, Elisabeth J..
Time-series of cloud-free sentinel-2 NDVI data used in mapping the onset of growth of central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Remote Sensing 2021 ;Volume 13.(15) p. -
9 Haarpaintner, Jörg; Davids, Corine; Hindberg, Heidi; Arntzen, Ingar Mæhlum; Borch, Njål Trygve.
Mapping atmospheric exposure in the intertidal zone with Sentinel-1. Havforskermøtet 2020; 2020-10-20 - 2020-10-21
UiT NORCE Untitled
10 Haarpaintner, Jörg; Hindberg, Heidi; Yitayew, Temesgen Gebrie; Arntzen, Ingar M; Main, Russel.
Advanced Sentinel-1 Analysis Ready Data for Africa (ESA EO4SD: SAR-4-Africa), D5 – Final Report. Bergen: NORCE Klima 2020 (ISBN 978-82-8408-079-6) 78 p.
NORCE Untitled
11 Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve; Daoust, Francois.
Media Synchronization on the Web. I: MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization. Springer 2018 ISBN 978-3-319-65840-7. p. 475-504
NORCE Untitled
12 Kummervold, PE; Malnes, Eirik; Eckerstorfer, Markus; Arntzen, Ingar M; Bianchi, Fillipo.
Avalanche detection in Sentinel-1 radar images using convolutional neural networks. International Snow Science Workshop; 2018-10-07 - 2018-10-13
NORCE Untitled
13 Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve.
Data-independent sequencing with the timing object: a JavaScript sequencer for single-device and multi-device web media.. I: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2016 ISBN 978-1-4503-4297-1. p. 1-10
NORCE Untitled
14 Borch, Njål Trygve; Daoust, Francois; Arntzen, Ingar M.
Timing - small step for developers, giant leap for the media industry.. I: IBC 2016 Conference.. IET Digital Library 2016 ISBN 978-1-78561-343-2. p. -
NORCE Untitled
15 Borch, Njål Trygve; Arntzen, Ingar M.
Mediasync Report 2015: Evaluating timed playback of HTML5 Media. (28/2015). Tromsø: Norut 2015 (ISBN 978-82-7492-319-5) 24 p.
NORCE Untitled
16 Aure, Marit; Brox, Ellen; Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve.
Shaping Community and Technology: Testing New Technology at a Norwegian International Youth Film Workshop. I: Integrated Media in Change. Lapland University Press 2014 ISBN 978-952-310-993-3. p. 151-175
NORCE Untitled
17 Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve.
Composite Media; A new paradigm for online media. I: 2013 NEM Summit Nantes. Eurescom - the European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications - GmbH 2013 ISBN 978-3-00-043123-4. p. 105-110
NORCE Untitled
18 Arntzen, Ingar M; Borch, Njål Trygve; Needham, Christopher P..
The media state vector: a unifying concept for multi-device media navigation. I: MMSys '13 Multimedia Systems Conference 2013. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2013 ISBN 978-1-4503-1893-8. p. 61-66
NORCE Untitled
19 Borch, Njål Trygve; Michell, Keith; Arntzen, Ingar M; Gabrijelcic, Dusan.
Access control to BitTorrent swarms using closed swarms. AVSTP2P '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Advanced video streaming techniques for peer-to-peer networks and social networking; 2010-10-29
NORCE Untitled
20 ; Arntzen, Ingar M.
A Client for Chain Replication. Tromsø: Mastergradsoppgave. Institutt for informatikk (trykkeri: Tromsprodukt) 2009 134 p.
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21 Arntzen, Ingar M.
The Event Web. Tromsø: Institutt for informatikk 2007 ;Volume 2007.10 p. IFI-UITØ Technical Report(65)
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22 Arntzen, Ingar M; Brenna, Lars.
Forsker på bedre søketeknologi. Bladet Vesteraalen [Newspaper] 2005-08-04
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23 Arntzen, Ingar M; Johansen, Dag.
A Stateful and Open Structure for Online Marketplaces. I: Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'05) Workshops. IEEE 2005 ISBN 0-7695-2328-5. p. 431-437
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24 Arntzen, Ingar M; Johansen, Dag.
A Stateful and Open Structure for Online Marketplaces. 25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2005) Workshops; 2005-06-06 - 2005-06-10
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25 Pedersen, Kai-Marius.
Construction aspects of a stateful publish-subscribe system for an online marketplace. Tromsø: Diplomoppgave. Institutt for informatikk. 2005
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26 Arntzen, Ingar M; Johansen, Dag.
A Programmable Structure For Pervasive Computing. Tromsø: Institutt for informatikk, UiTø 2004 7 p. IFI-UITØ Technical Report(2004-49)
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