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1 Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Martens, Jes; Brunskill, Amy.
Rediscovering a forgotten power centre. Current World Archaeology [Fagblad] 2024-01-01
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2 Martens, Jes.
KHM's utlånsvirksomhet - en viktig samfunnsoppgave.. KHM's ledermøte; 2023-01-17 - 2023-01-17
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3 Martens, Jes.
Oppsiktsvekkende funn: her ligger et ukjent norsk maktsenter.. [Internett] 2023-04-29
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4 Martens, Jes.
Sikkerhet og forsikring ved utlån.. Formidlingsledermøtet ved KHM; 2023-06-23 - 2023-06-23
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5 Martens, Jes.
Sommerens utgravning på Sem i Øvre Eiker. En sentralplass med røtter tilbake til yngre bronsealder og kulminasjon/avslutning i renessansen.. Seksjonsmøte i Arkeologisk seksjon; 2023-03-13 - 2023-03-13
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6 Martens, Jes.
Sommerens utgravning på Sem i Øvre Eiker Hva gjør vi med kulturminnene fra renessansen?. RA Seksjonsmøte på arkeologisk seksjon; 2023-03-28 - 2023-03-28
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7 Martens, Jes.
The migration of the Cimbri Connecting history and archaeology. I: Continuités et discontinuités à la fin du IIe siècle avant notre ère dans l'espace celtique et à sa périphérie. Actes de la table-ronde de Glux-enGlenne, 25-27 octobre 2021. Bibracte - Centre Archéologique Européen: BIBRACTE EPCC 2023 ISBN 978-2-490601-13-4. s. 241-248
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8 Martens, Jes.
The warriors from Hjortspring. The composition and origin of a Northern European amphibian armed group of the fourth century BC. Hjortspring - sea communication and amphibian warfare; 2023-09-26 - 2023-09-28
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9 Martens, Jes.
Utgravningen på Sem i Øvre Eiker - bakgrunn og perspektiver.. Kulturhistorisk museums allmøte; 2023-05-30 - 2023-05-30
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10 Martens, Jes.
Utstillingsrådets publikumsundersøkelse 2023: KHM som landsdelsmuseum. Formidlingsrådets seminar ”Publikum i fokus”; 2023-04-18 - 2023-04-18
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11 Martens, Jes; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen.
Fant mynter fra vikingtid på jordet: Sykt spennende. NRK [Internett] 2023-05-02
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12 Martens, Jes; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen.
Gjenoppdaget historisk maktsenter: Arkeologene kan ha funnet et 40 meter langt viking-hus. [Internett] 2023-07-20
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13 Martens, Jes; Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen.
Griseflaks under utgravinga på Sem: - Heilt usedvanleg funn!. NRK [Internett] 2023-07-13
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14 Rødsrud, Christian Løchsen; Martens, Jes.
Archaeologists may have found a Viking house the length of almost two tennis courts. Science Nordic [Internett] 2023-07-20
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15 Martens, Jes.
Ball Brooches in the Age of Citizen Science. PLURAL 2022 ;Volum 10.(1) s. 95-114
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16 Martens, Jes.
KHM's utlånsvirksomhet - en viktig samfunnsoppgave.. Seksjonsmøte - Arkeologisk Seksjon; 2022-10-31 - 2022-10-31
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17 Martens, Jes.
Krigerne fra Hjortspring - tid og baggrund. Hjortspringlauget - aftenmøte; 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-08
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18 Martens, Jes.
Ringen fra Store Sandungen. Seksjonsmøte - Arkeologisk Seksjon; 2022-03-28 - 2022-03-28
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19 Martens, Jes.
The Cimbri - seen in an archaeological context. Gjesteforelesning; 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
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20 Martens, Jes.
The Second Century BC in the southwestern Baltic region. Signs of Disruption and Mobility.. La bataille d’Arausio (105 av. J.-C.) : une histoire européenne; 2022-09-20 - 2022-09-23
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21 Martens, Jes.
The 2nd Century BC in Northern Central Europe - signs of disruption and mobility. Webinar Conference Arausio - The Cimbri Migration - Section Northwest Central Europe; 2022-03-24 - 2022-03-24
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22 Martens, Jes.
Trinkhorn. I: Die Normannen. Eine Geschichte von Mobilität, Eroberung und Innovation.. Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH 2022 ISBN 978-3-7954-3671-1. s. 42-42
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23 Martens, Jes; Christensen, Charlie.
Borremose. Landsbyen, mosen og landskabet - naturvidenskabelige undersøgelser.. Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie 2022 ;Volum 2018. s. 17-93
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24 Martens, Jes; Zilmer, Kristel.
Rundschild. I: Die Normannen. Eine Geschichte von Mobilität, Eroberung und Innovation.. Verlag Schnell + Steiner GmbH 2022 ISBN 978-3-7954-3671-1. s. 41-42
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25 Martens, Jes.
Casted bronze brooches of Kostrzewski's type K with wide bows. A Scandinavian variant of the late derivates of Kostrzewskis's K-brooch.. I: Typologia Dziejów - Dzieje w typologii. Postrzeganie swiata mlodzego okresu przedrzymskiego w 100 lat po Die ostgermanische Kultur der Spätlatenezeit.. Poznan: Wydzial Archeologii UAM 2021 ISBN 978-83-946591-7-2. s. 95-116
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26 Martens, Jes.
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27 Martens, Jes.
SCIENCE - THE VIKINGS SAILED WITH CATS. Catshoponwheels [Internett] 2021-05-08
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28 Martens, Jes.
The 2nd Century BC in Jutland, South Scandinavia and North Germany. Continuity and discontinuity at the end of the 2nd Century BC in the Celtic Zone and on it's margins.; 2021-10-25 - 2021-10-27
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29 Martens, Jes.
Vejene i Borremose - Danmarks ældste vejsystem.. Vejhistorie 2021 (37) s. 3-14
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30 Martens, Jes.
A glimps into the world of the Vikings. Monthly Meeting; 2020-11-05 - 2020-11-06
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31 Martens, Jes.
En introduksjon til DIME (Digitale Metalsøgerfund) - en brukerstyrt portal for amatørarkeologer.. Faggruppe Jernalder; 2020-11-16 - 2020-11-16
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32 Martens, Jes.
Livestock and Landscape in Pre-Roman Iron Age Scandinavia. I: Landschaft und Siedlungen. Archäologische Studien zur vorrömischen Eisenzeit und älteren Kaiserzeit im Mittel- und Südost Europa. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS 2020 ISBN 978-83-227-9356-5. s. 46-67
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33 Martens, Jes.
From ultima thule to the hellespont - some remarks on the bone points of the Iron age. PLURAL - Journal of the History and Geography Department, "Ion Creanga", Pedagogical State University 2019 ;Volum 7.(2) s. 43-52
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34 Martens, Jes.
Regionality? Local Groups? Culture Groups?. Regionalitet i førromersk og romersk jernalder; 2019-09-27 - 2019-09-27
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35 Martens, Jes.
Some remarks on late derivates of brooches of Kostrzewski's type K in Scandinavia. Typologie der Geschichte - Geschichte der Typologie; 2019-11-28 - 2019-11-29
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36 Martens, Jes.
14-C datering af forhistoriske huse. Debatdag om AMS-dateringer, hustypologi og bebyggelsesudvikling; 2019-12-05 - 2019-12-05
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37 Martens, Jes; Rindel, Per Ole.
Settlement and Landscape in Jutland during the Early Iron Age.. Settlement and Landscape in Jutland during the Early Iron Age - excursion; 2019-09-24 - 2019-09-26
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38 Martens, Jes.
Metallsøking og georadar. En sentralplass fra folkevandringstid-middelalder på Sem i Øvre Eiker, Buskerud.. Agrarbosetning - forstudier til revidert faglig program; 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-15
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39 Martens, Jes.
The 3rd and 3th Century BC - a Pan-European turning point?. EAA; 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
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40 Martens, Jes.
The 3rd Century BC - a European turning point?. Chronologie in den archäologischen Forschungen; 2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09
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41 Martens, Jes.
When it comes to the point... On the wooden double pointed spikes from Borremose.. I: Studia Barbarica profesorowi Andrzejowi Kokowskiemu w 65. rocznice urodzin. Lublin: UMCS 2018 ISBN 978-83-7825-043-2. s. 482-491
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42 Martens, Jes.
Continuity or Rupture? Some remarks on the transition from the Early to the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern Central Europe. I: Settlement Pottery of the Pre-Roman Iron Agein Central European Barbaricum - new research perspectives.. Poznan: Biblioteka Telgte 2017 ISBN 978-83-61845-25-6. s. 31-39
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43 Martens, Jes.
Landscape archaeology in Scandinavia. Landschaft und Besiedlung. Archäologische Studien zur vorrömischen Eisenzeit und älteren Kaiserzeit im Mittel- und Sudost Europa; 2017-04-06 - 2017-04-07
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44 Martens, Jes.
Parallel Lives? On the apparent similarities in the Pre-Roman Iron Age pottery from Central Poland and Jutland.. Second Ertebølle Symposium. Technology, innovation, and Communication in the Pre-Roman Iron Age; 2017-10-07 - 2017-10-07
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45 Martens, Jes.
Settlement Archaeology in Southern Scandinavia. Preconditions and Prospecting Methods.. PLURAL 2017 ;Volum V.(2) s. 183-198
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46 Martens, Jes.
Settlement Pottery of the Kraghede Group. Ceramika osadowa grupy Kraghede.. I: Eisenzeitliche Siedlungskeramik der Przeworsk-Kultur. Ceramika osadowa kultury przeworskiej z mlodszego okresu przedrzymskiego.. Edition Topoi 2017 ISBN 978-3-9818369-1-2. s. 153-198
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47 Martens, Jes.
The Ancient Egyptian and Medieval Viking Propensity for Petting Cats. Realm of History [Internett] 2017-10-13
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48 Martens, Jes.
Trade and exchange in the Pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern Central Europe. 'Economy, production, trade and far distance connections in the Pre-Roman Iron Age'; 2017-11-16 - 2017-11-17
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49 Martens, Jes.
Archaeological formation processes - preconditions for super regional comparative analysis.. Archaeological Formation Processes; 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-10
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50 Martens, Jes.
Cats Conquered Ancient World, Let Vikings And Egyptians Take The Credit. New Visions [Internett] 2016-09-29
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