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1 Bjørlo, Berit Westergaard.
Frida Kahlo pictuebook biographies: Facts and fiction in words and images. I: Verbal and visual strategies in nonfiction picturebooks. Theoretical and analytical approaches. Universitetsforlaget 2021 ISBN 9788215042459. s. 110-123
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2 Bjørlo, Berit Westergaard.
Humor i to nyere norske diktbildebøker: Pling i bollen og 123 for barske barn. Barnboken 2021 ;Volum 44. s. 1-25
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3 Bjørlo, Berit Westergaard.
Kan barske barn være pling i bollen? Humor i to norske diktbildebøker. NBBK Nordisk barnebokkonferanse 2021; 2021-01-01 - 2021-02-03
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4 Bjørlo, Berit Westergaard; Johnsrud, Ellen Birgitte.
Making tutorial films on picturebooks in teacher education. Journal of Literary Education 2021 ;Volum 4. s. 243-265
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