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1 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Hvilken slags faktorer er relateret til lærerstuderendes studieintensitet?. Studier i Læreruddannelse og Profession 2023 ;Volum 8.(2) s. 49-64
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2 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Nordic Student Teachers’ Evaluation of Educational Theory, Subject Didactics, Practice Training, Time on Task and Turnover Intentions. I: Teacher education in the Nordic region. Springer Nature 2023 ISBN 978-3-031-26050-6. s. 287-320
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3 Elstad, Eyvind; Harryson, Hans; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas Abben; Turmo, Are.
Relationships between campus experiences, practice experiences, long-term motivation and turnover intentions among Faroese student teachers. Fródskaparrit - Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis 2023 ;Volum 69. s. 17-37
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4 Elstad, Eyvind; Harryson, Hans; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Antecedents of Faroese student teachers’ citizenship behaviour: A study of empirical relationships. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2023 ;Volum 7.(3) s. 1-16
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5 Elstad, Eyvind; Harryson, Hans; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Motivational antecedents of student teachers’ time-on-task. The Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal 2023 s. 162-173
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6 Björnsdottir, Amalía; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; Johannsdottir, Thuridur Jona; Turmo, Are.
Teacher Education and the Roots of Icelandic Student Teachers’ Instructional Self-Efficacy. Nordic Studies in Education 2022 ;Volum 42.(2) s. 127-142
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7 Elstad, Eyvind; Bjørnsdottir, Amalia; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Jóhannsdóttir, thuríður Jóna; Turmo, Are.
Factors related to Icelandic student teachers' prospective commitment to the teaching profession. Education In The North 2021 ;Volum 28.(2)
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8 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Antecedents of Danish preservice teachers’ prospective commitment to become a teacher and their turnover intention. The Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal 2021 ;Volum 13.(1) s. 100-113
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9 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Preservice Teachers' Peer Support Through Close Social Ties: An Investigation Of The Social Side Of Teacher Education. Advances in Education Sciences 2021 ;Volum 2.(2) s. 4-28
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10 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Søkelys på de pedagogiske fag. ReNEW seminar ZOOM; 2021-12-06 - 2021-12-06
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11 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
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12 Elstad, Eyvind; Juuti, Kalle; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Solhaug, Trond; Turmo, Are.
Antecedents of student teachers’ commitment to the teaching profession in Finland and Norway. Nordic Studies in Education 2021 ;Volum 41.(3) s. 261-278
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13 Elstad, Eyvind; Turmo, Are; juuti, kalle; Solhaug, Trond; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Antecedents of preservice teachers’ commitment to the teaching profession in Finland and Norway. NERA; 2021-11-03 - 2021-11-05
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14 Solhaug, Trond; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Political Awareness, Concept and Measurement. I: Perspectives on Political Awareness Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Issues. Springer 2021 ISBN 978-3-030-90394-7. s. 35-56
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15 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Hvorfor tenker nordiske lærerstudenter på å slutte i studiet?. I: Lærerutdanning i nordiske land. Universitetsforlaget 2020 ISBN 978-82-15-03514-7. s. 221-240
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16 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Nordiske lærerstudenters tidsbruk i studiet.. I: Lærerutdanning i nordiske land. Universitetsforlaget 2020 ISBN 978-82-15-03514-7. s. 210-220
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17 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Turmo, Are.
Nordiske lærerstudenters vurderinger av pedagogikk, fagdidaktikk og praksisopplæring. I: Lærerutdanning i nordiske land. Universitetsforlaget 2020 ISBN 978-82-15-03514-7. s. 197-209
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18 Eriksen, Harald; Lejonberg, Eli; Tschannen-Moran, Megan; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind.
Learners Providing Feedback on Teaching: Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of a Teacher Assessment Arrangement. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2020
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19 Riiser, Kirsti; Helseth, Sølvi; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Haraldstad, Kristin.
Confirmatory factor analysis of the proxy version of Kidscreen-27 and relationships between health-related quality of life dimensions and body mass index and physical activity in young schoolchildren. Preventive Medicine Reports 2020 ;Volum 20. s. -
20 Elstad, Eyvind; Lejonberg, Eli; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Policy Mediated through Subject Matter Contexts: Antecedents of Subject-Bound Differences in Teachers’ Perceptions of Collaboration across Subjects. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (ILJTER) 2019 ;Volum 18.(4) s. 1-16
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21 Haraldstad, Kristin; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Helseth, Sølvi.
Associations between self-efficacy, bullying and health-related quality of life in a school sample of adolescents: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2019 ;Volum 19.(1)
22 Haraldstad, Kristin; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Helseth, Sølvi.
Associations between self-efficacy, bullying and health-related quality of life in adolescents.. Folehelsekonferanse; 2019-10-14 - 2019-10-16
23 Sandvik, Lise Vikan; Solhaug, Trond; Lejonberg, Eli; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Predictions of school mentors’ effort in teacher education programmes. European Journal of Teacher Education 2019 ;Volum 42.(5) s. 574-590
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24 Sandvik, Lise Vikan; Solhaug, Trond; Lejonberg, Eli; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
School mentors’ perceived integration into teacher education programmes. Professional Development in Education 2019 ;Volum 42.(5) s. 571-590
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25 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Læreres kollegiale hjelpsomhet med IKT i undervisning og deres forbedringsbestrebelser. Acta Didactica Norge 2018 ;Volum 12.(1) s. 1-20
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26 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Læreres mestringsforventninger til faglig undervisning i teknologirike læringsomgivelser. Acta Didactica Norge 2018 ;Volum 12.(1) s. 1-19
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27 Elstad, Eyvind; Lejonberg, Eli; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Skolebaserte utviklingsprosjekter på ungdomstrinnet: læreres opplevelser av satsningen Ungdomstrinn i utvikling. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 2018 ;Volum 102.(3) s. 271-281
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28 Elstad, Eyvind; Lejonberg, Eli; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Ungdomstrinn i utvikling: Hvilke faktorer påvirker læreres kollektive engasjement for å stimulere elevers skriftlige ferdigheter i skolefagene?. Acta Didactica Norge 2018 ;Volum 12.(3) s. 22-
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29 Juuti, Kalle; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; Solhaug, Trond; Turmo, Are.
Finnish Teacher Education and Its Contributions to Preservice Teachers’ Instructional Self-Efficacy. Issues in educational research 2018 ;Volum 28.(2) s. 422-437
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30 Lejonberg, Eli; Elstad, Eyvind; Sandvik, Lise Vikan; Solhaug, Trond; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Developmental relationships in schools: pre-service teachers’ perceptions of mentors’ effort, self-development orientation, and use of theory. Mentoring & Tutoring 2018 ;Volum 26.(5) s. 524-541
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31 Lejonberg, Eli; Elstad, Eyvind; Sandvik, Lise Vikan; Solhaug, Trond; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Mentors of preservice teachers: The relationships between mentoring approach, self-efficacy and effort. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 2018 ;Volum 7.(3) s. 261-279
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32 Riiser, Kirsti; Helseth, Sølvi; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Haraldstad, Kristin.
Health-related quality of life in young schoolchildren. Internasjonal Livskvalitetskonferanse, ISOQOL; 2018-10-24 - 2018-10-28
33 Arnesen, Thomas; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Antecedents of youth’s beliefs about agency and online learning. Digital Culture and Education 2017 ;Volum 9.(2) s. 98-117
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34 Arnesen, Thomas; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Comparing Instructional Factors Related to Students’ Academic Self-Discipline in Norway and Finland. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2017 ;Volum 1.(1) s. 18-35
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35 Arnesen, Thomas; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
How Finnish and Swedish learners’ academic self-control relates to time spent online in class, perceptions of educator qualities, and school appreciation: A cross-sectional comparison. Education Sciences 2017 ;Volum 7.(3) s. 1-12
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36 Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; juuti, kalle; Solhaug, Trond; Turmo, Are.
Duration of On-Campus Academic Engagements of Student Teachers in Finland and Norway. Education Inquiry 2017 ;Volum 8.(2) s. 89-103
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37 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Perceptions of digital competency among student teachers: contributing to the development of student teachers’ instructional self-efficacy in technology-rich classrooms. Education Sciences 2017 ;Volum 7.(1)
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38 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Teachers’ self-efficacy at maintaining order and discipline in technology-rich classrooms with relation to strain factors. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (ILJTER) 2017 ;Volum 16.(1) s. 103-119
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39 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Arnesen, Thomas.
Comparing antecedents for Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish youth’s agentic beliefs in informal learning. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2017 ;Volum 1.(2) s. 14-28
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40 Elstad, Eyvind; Lejonberg, Eli; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Student evaluation of high-school teaching: Which factors are associated with teachers’ perception of the usefulness of being evaluated?. Journal for Educational Research Online 2017
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41 Eriksen, Harald; Lejonberg, Eli; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind.
When Pupils Evaluate Student Teachers: Does Anonymous Evaluation by Pupils Provide Useful Information?. AERA annual meeting; 2017-04-28 - 2017-04-28
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42 Haraldstad, Kristin; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Helseth, Sølvi.
Health-related quality of life and pain in children and adolescents: A school survey. BMC Pediatrics 2017 ;Volum 17.(1)
43 Hatlevik, Ove Edvard; Scherer, Ronny; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Moving beyond the study of gender differences: An analysis of measurement invariance and differential item functioning of an ICT literacy scale. Computers & Education 2017 ;Volum 113. s. 280-293
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44 Lejonberg, Eli; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Teaching evaluation: antecedents of teachers’ perceived usefulness of follow-up sessions and perceived stress related to the evaluation process. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 2017 ;Volum 24.(3) s. 281-296
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45 Arnesen, Thomas; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Antecedents of students’ self-regulatory strength in technology-rich school environments. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (ILJTER) 2016 ;Volum 15.(3) s. 218-241
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46 Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; Solhaug, Trond; Turmo, Are.
Antecedents of student teachers’ affective commitment to the teaching profession and turnover intention. European Journal of Teacher Education 2016 ;Volum 39.(3) s. 270-286
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47 Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Elstad, Eyvind; Turmo, Are; Solhaug, Trond.
Teacher Education Programmes and Their Contribution to Student Teachers Efficacy in Classroom Management and Pupil Engagement. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2016 ;Volum 60.(2) s. 240-254
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48 Elstad, Eyvind; Arnesen, Thomas; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
What explains pupils' perseived motivational conflict between academic work and off-task behaviour in technology-rich classrooms?. I: Digital Expectations and Experiences in Education. Brill|Sense 2016 ISBN 9789463006460. s. 59-75
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49 Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Klasseledelse og undervisning i teknologitette klasserom. Bedre Skole 2016 (4) s. 36-40
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50 Lejonberg, Eli; Eriksen, Harald; Elstad, Eyvind; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas.
Undervisningsvurdering som utgangspunkt for lærerstudenters profesjonelle vekst: Kan elevers vurdering av lærerstudenter være nyttig?. I: Å forske på egen praksis. Aksjonsforskning og andre tilnærminger til profesjonell utvikling i utdanningsfeltet. Fagbokforlaget 2016 ISBN 978-82-450-2005-2. s. 133-157
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