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1 Yeboah, Samuel; Kjærland, Frode.
Impact of dynamic working capital management on operational efficiency: empirical evidence from Scandinavia. Managerial Finance 2024
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2 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
Kompetansebehov innen kommunal finansforvaltning i Norge og forutsetninger for å kunne respondere raskt i styringen av finansielle plasseringer. NEON; 2023-11-21 - 2023-11-23
NORD NTNU Untitled
3 Haugdal, Ane Tolnes; Kjærland, Frode; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Oust, Are.
Earnings management in local governments under a soft control regime. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management 2023
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4 Khatri, Ishwar; Kjærland, Frode.
Sustainability reporting practices and environmental performance amongst nordic listed firms. Journal of Cleaner Production 2023 ;Volum 418.(3/4)
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5 Kjærland, Frode.
Ny femårig master i økonomi og administrasjon på NTNU: – En poenggrense bare ett poeng bak NHH. K7 Bulletin [Fagblad] 2023-03-31
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6 Kjærland, Frode; Forbord, Kristian Engen; Oust, Are; Stephani, Håkon.
Management’s Discretionary Assessments of Goodwill Impairments—Evidence from STOXX Europe 600. International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS) 2023 ;Volum 11.(2) s. 1-26
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7 Kjærland, Frode.
Kraftprisen - utfordringer og løsninger?. Kost& Nytte; 2022-09-28
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8 Kjærland, Frode.
Regnskapene 2021: Scania Finans vs Volvo Finans. [Fagblad] 2022-08-17
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9 Kjærland, Frode; Oust, Are; Forbord, Kristian; Stephani, Håkon.
Management’s Discretionary Assessments of Goodwill Impairments—Evidence from STOXX Europe 600. 44th Annual EAA Congress; 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13
NTNU Untitled
10 Kjærland, Frode; Forbord, Kristian; Oust, Are; Stephani, Håkon.
Management’s Discretionary Assessments of Goodwill Impairments—Evidence from STOXX Europe 600. NTNU BUSINESS SCHOOL CONFERENCE 2021; 2021-10-20 - 2021-10-21
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11 Kjærland, Frode; Forbord, Kristian; Oust, Are; Stephani, Håkon.
Goodwill Impairment - s story of Earnings Management?. NTNU Business School Conference; 2020-10-14 - 2020-10-15
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12 Kjærland, Frode; Haugdal, Ane Tolnes; Søndergaard, Anna; Vågslid, Anne.
Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in a Nordic Perspective: Evidence from the Oslo Stock Exchange. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2020 ;Volum 13.(11) s. -
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13 Kjærland, Frode; Kosberg, Fredrik; Misje, Mathias.
Accrual Earnings Management in Response to an Oil Price Shock. Journal of Commodity Markets 2020 ;Volum 22. s. -
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14 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Haugdal, Ane Tolnes; Kjærland, Frode.
Risk taking in local governments’ financial investment making. Journal of Accounting and Finance 2019 ;Volum 19.(2) s. 115-128
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15 Kjærland, Frode; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Lunner, Cathrine B.; Jenssen, Øyvind G..
Accounting and auditing in local governments – How to explain inadequate disclosures and audit failures. NTNU Business School Conference; 2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17
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16 Kjærland, Frode; Hansen, Petter M.; Hansen, Thomas; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi.
An illusion of compliance – the case of Norwegian municipalities’ financial regulations. 2019 EGPA Annual Conference; 2019-09-11 - 2019-09-13
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17 Kjærland, Frode; Kosberg, Fredrik; Misje, Mathias.
Earnings management in response to the oil price shock of 2014: Evidence from the Oslo Stock Exchange. IAEE International Conference 2019
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18 Kjærland, Frode; Lutdal, Erik.
Do Listed Real-Estate Companies Trade at a Discount to Their Net Asset Value?. Archives of Business Research 2019 ;Volum 7.(8) s. 315-330
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19 Kjærland, Frode; Strøm, Monica Strand; Strømmen, Reidun Vatneødegård.
Kommunalt eierskap i kraftbransjen - hvor aktivt benyttes eierskapsmelding?. I: Styring av samarbeid i offentlig sektor. Fagbokforlaget 2019 ISBN 978-82-450-3293-2. s. 271-286
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20 Kjærland, Frode; Strøm, Monica Strand; Strømmen, Reidun Vatneødegård.
Kommunalt eierskap i kraftbransjen - hvordan ivaretas verdiene på lengre sikt?. I: Styring av samarbeid i offentlig sektor. Fagbokforlaget 2019 ISBN 978-82-450-3293-2. s. 287-302
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21 Mikkelsen, Andreas; Kjærland, Frode; Henriksen, Tom Erik Sønsteng.
Hedge Funds as a Diversification Vehicle. Journal of Investing 2019 ;Volum 28.(6) s. 55-72
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22 Nesset, Ida Qvenild; Bøgeberg, Ingrid; Kjærland, Frode; Molden, Lars.
How Underlying Dimensions of Political Risk Affect Excess Return in Emerging and Developed Markets. Journal of Emerging Market Finance 2019 ;Volum 18.(1) s. 80-105
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23 Kjærland, Frode.
Hvordan holder norske undervisere seg oppdatert på hva som skjer i arbeidslivet?. SFU-magasinet [Fagblad] 2018-05-07
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24 Kjærland, Frode; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Evensen, Rasmus; Folstad, Jens B.; Jenssen, Ørjan G.; Lunder, Cathrine B..
Accounting and auditing in local governments – How to explain inadequate disclosures and audit failures. 10th international public sector conference; 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-06
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25 Kjærland, Frode; Hansen, Petter M.; Hansen, Thomas; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi.
Financial Management in Municipalities – Failure to Comply with Required Internal Financial Regulation. NTNU Business School Workshop; 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-18
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26 Kjærland, Frode; Khazal, Aras; Krogstad, Erlend Aune; Nordstrøm, Frans Bertil Gyllenhammar; Oust, Are.
An analysis of Bitcoin’s price dynamics. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2018 ;Volum 11.(4) s. -
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27 Kjærland, Frode; Meland, Maria; Oust, Are; Øyen, Vilde.
How can Bitcoin Price Fluctuations be Explained?. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 2018 ;Volum 8.(3) s. 323-332
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28 Kjærland, Frode; Oust, Are.
Kapitaliseringsrenten i erstatningssaker - hvordan skal denne beregnes?. Praktisk økonomi & finans 2018 ;Volum 34.(1) s. 75-85
NTNU Untitled
29 Mikkelsen, Andreas; Kjærland, Frode.
High-frequency Pairs Trading on a Small Stock Exchange. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 2018 ;Volum 8.(4) s. 78-88
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30 Evensen, Rasmus; Folstad, Jens B.; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
Fungerer kommunal regnskapsrapportering og revisjon i samsvar med forventningene?. I: Bred og spiss! NTNU Handelshøyskolen 50 år: En vitenskapelig jubileumsantologi. Fagbokforlaget 2017 ISBN 978-82-450-2324-4. s. 95-113
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31 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
Risk taking in local governments´ financial investment making. 2017 EGPA annual conference; 2017-08-28 - 2017-09-01
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32 Kjærland, Frode.
Slakter Oslo kommunes «arvesølv»-oppkjøp. Kommunal Rapport [Fagblad] 2017-04-27
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33 Kjærland, Frode; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi.
Kommunal finansforvaltning etter Terra-skandalen: Overraskende lite endringer. Praktisk økonomi & finans 2017 ;Volum 33.(1) s. 53-68
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34 Kjærland, Frode; Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Evensen, Rasmus; Folstad, Jens B..
Reporting of accounting information in Norwegian local governments – inadequate disclosure of financial assets and liabilities. NFF - 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference; 2017-08-23 - 2017-08-25
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35 Næss, Arild Brandrud; Wahlstrøm, Ranik Raaen; Helland, Fredrik Forbord; Kjærland, Frode.
Konkursprediksjon for norske selskaper - En sammenligning av regresjonsmodeller og maskinlæringsteknikker. I: Bred og spiss! NTNU Handelshøyskolen 50 år: En vitenskapelig jubileumsantologi. Fagbokforlaget 2017 ISBN 978-82-450-2324-4. s. 313-330
NTNU Untitled
36 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
Management of financial resources in municipalities—the significance of size and alternative regulatory response to a financial crisis. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 2016 ;Volum 2.(4) s. 370-391
NTNU NORD Untitled
37 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
Precarious Investments and Blame Gaming — Adverse Effects and the Inherent Danger of Simplification. Financial Accountability and Management 2016 ;Volum 32.(3) s. 281-303
NTNU NORD Untitled
38 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
The nature and consequences of a soft response to a financial scandal. Trondheim Business School, stabsseminar; 2016-04-26 - 2016-04-26
NORD NTNU Untitled
39 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode; Evensen, Rasmus; Folstad, Jens B..
Do municipal auditors live up to expectations?. Workshop in management accounting and control; 2016-10-19 - 2016-10-21
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40 Kjærland, Frode.
Simple valuation of electric utilities - A comparison of the residual income model and a real options approach. Investment Management and Financial Innovations 2016 ;Volum 13.(2) s. 53-64
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41 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
Terra-skandalen og norske kommuners innovative grep for å oppnå en dynamisk finansforvaltning. I: Innovasjoner i offentlig tjenesteyting: vågal reise med behov for allierte. Fagbokforlaget 2015 ISBN 978-82-450-1552-2. s. 147-172
NORD NTNU Untitled
42 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
The Encounter of Financial Crisis Through Misguided Opportunism, Static Practices and Dynamic Financial Markets—the Case of Norwegian Municipalities. The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference; 2015-08-12 - 2015-08-14
NORD NTNU Untitled
43 Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi; Kjærland, Frode.
The Encounter of Financial Crisis through Opportunism, Static Practices and Dynamic Financial Markets - the case of Norwegian Municipalities. EGPA PSG XII 2015 spring workshop; 2015-05-07 - 2015-05-08
NORD NTNU Untitled
44 Horn, Anders; Kjærland, Frode; Molnar, Peter; Steen, Beate Wollen.
The use of real option theory in Scandinavia's largest companies. International Review of Financial Analysis 2015 ;Volum 41. s. 74-81
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45 Kjærland, Frode.
Explaining the Value of Electric Utilities by Real Options - an application to Norway. Skriving og publisering innen finansregnskap og revisjon; 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-27
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46 Kjærland, Frode.
Fraråder kommunene å selge aksjer i Trønderenergi. Adresseavisen [Avis] 2015-02-02
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47 Kjærland, Frode.
Simple Valuation of Electric Utilities – a comparison of the residual income model and a real options approach. Workshop – Management Accounting in Practice and Research; 2015-10-14 - 2015-10-16
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48 Kjærland, Frode.
Ville ikke solgt vann for vind. Adresseavisen [Avis] 2015-01-20
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49 Kjærland, Frode.
Det viktige valget: Børs eller bank?. Dine Penger [Fagblad] 2014-10-01
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50 Kjærland, Frode.
Energiproduksjon i Nordland. Workshop for næringsrettet energiforskning; 2014-02-03 - 2014-02-03
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