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1 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
Challenging or patrolling boundaries? When public service comedy gets accused of racism.. Nordmedia 2019 - Challenging the field; 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-23
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2 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
Ethnic Comedy as Playful Recognition: Minority viewers experience of the TV Show “Black Humour”.. Mediated Recognition: Identity, Justice, and Activism; 2019-05-24 - 2019-05-24
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3 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
From The Club Stage to the National Scene: How Mass Media Interpreted Two Comedians as Important Immigrant Voices. Javnost - The Public 2019 ;Volum 26.(2) s. 210-224
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4 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
Når metaforar døyr – og vaknar til liv att.. Språkprat 2019
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5 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
Retorisk manøvrering av bevisbyrde. NRK P2, Språkteigen [Radio] 2019-06-02
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6 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
Sagen-gate: – Ein moralpanikk. VG : Verdens gang 2019
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7 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
Stovner-revyen: Kven har rett til å kalle kva for rasisme?. Dagbladet 2019
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8 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
“Svindemokratarna” og komedie som moralsk fordømming.. Nordisk konferanse for retorisk forskning; 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-20
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9 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
The “Pig Democrats” and comedy as equipment for moral condemnation. Rhetoric in Society 7; 2019-09-11 - 2019-09-13
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10 Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson.
TV-humor og skandinavisk innvandringsdebatt. Forsker Grand Prix Bergen; 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-25
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