Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Bluhm, Bodil; Reigstad, Marit; Gerland, Sebastian; Eldevik, Tor.
The Nansen Legacy project. Synoptic Arctic Survey Norwegian National Meeting; 2018-01-30 - 2018-01-30
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2 Reigstad, Marit; Eldevik, Tor; Gerland, Sebastian.
Arven etter Nansen. UD-AeN Dialogmøte; 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-14
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3 Reigstad, Marit; Eldevik, Tor; Gerland, Sebastian.
Arven etter Nansen. Presentasjon for styret i Petromaks. Styremøte i Petromaks; 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-14
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4 Reigstad, Marit; Eldevik, Tor; Gerland, Sebastian.
The Nansen Legacy: A new project for scientific exploration and sustainable management beyond the ice edge. Arctic Frontiers Conference; 2018-01-22 - 2018-01-25
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5 Reigstad, Marit; Eldevik, Tor; Gerland, Sebastian.
The Nansen Legacy project. Norway-Compass Reception, The effects of climate change on the world´s oceans; 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-04
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6 Reigstad, Marit; Eldevik, Tor; Gerland, Sebastian.
The Nansen Legacy project. US-Norway Dialog seminar on the Nansen Legacy; 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-06
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7 Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Sundfjord, Arild; von Appen, Wilken-Jon; Halvorsen, Elisabeth; Kwasniewski, Slawomir; Reigstad, Marit.
Seasonal variation in transport of zooplankton into the Arctic Basin through the Atlantic gateway, Fram Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science 2018 ;Volum 5.(194)
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8 Gerland, Sebastian; Eldevik, Tor; Reigstad, Marit.
Review on status and changes of the Barents Sea System. Polar 2018 Symposium; 2018-06-19 - 2018-06-23
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9 Horn, Knut-Sverre; Reigstad, Marit.
Har ikke noe sted å flykte når havet blir varmere. [Internett] 2018-04-02
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10 Nicolaisen, Rudi; Reigstad, Marit.
Forskningsskip til 1,5 milliarder kroner får hjemmehavn i Tromsø. iTromsø [Avis] 2018-01-02
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11 Paulsen, Maria Lund; Seuthe, Lena; Reigstad, Marit; Larsen, Aud; Cape, Matthias; Vernet, Maria.
Asynchronous Accumulation of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the Atlantic Gateway to the Arctic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 2018 ;Volum 5.
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12 Pedersen, Christer; Reigstad, Marit.
Startskudd for kjempeprosjekt. iTromsø [Avis] 2018-03-06
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13 Randelhoff, Achim; Reigstad, Marit; Chierici, Melissa; Sundfjord, Arild; Ivanov, Vladimir; Cape, Matthias; Vernet, Maria; Tremblay, Jean-Éric; Bratbak, Gunnar; Kristiansen, Svein.
Seasonality of the physical and biogeochemical hydrography in the inflow to the Arctic Ocean through Fram Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science 2018 ;Volum 5:224. s. 1-16
14 Reigstad, Marit.
Arven etter Nansen - Hvorfor skal vi bry oss om Arktis?. Jubel i Tromsø- UiT 50 år; 2018-09-29 - 2018-09-29
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15 Reigstad, Marit.
Arven etter Nansen - samarbeidsmuligheter med Mareano. Styringsgruppemøte Mareano; 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-14
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16 Reigstad, Marit.
Arven etter Nansen -kunnskapsgrunnlag for Barentshavets framtid. Peter F. Hjort seminar; 2018-03-21 - 2018-03-21
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17 Reigstad, Marit.
Ecosystem evolution in the Arctic Ocean as the sea ice retreats. Polar Ocean Day; 2018-01-31 - 2018-01-31
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18 Reigstad, Marit.
Future perspectives on Arctic marine ecosystems research. Contemporary Art Programmes anniversary lecture series; 2018-04-19 - 2018-04-19
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19 Reigstad, Marit.
Hvorfor skal vi bry oss om arktiske hav?. Nordlys 2018
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20 Reigstad, Marit.
Marine climate change, responses and projections in the Arctic Ocean as the sea ice retreats. 6th China-Nordic Arctic Research Cooperation Symposium; 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-25
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21 Reigstad, Marit.
Nytt forskningsprosjekt. NRK Nordnytt [TV] 2018-03-06
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22 Reigstad, Marit.
The Arctic - sustainable use in a time of rapid change. Green solutions seminar; 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-18
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23 Reigstad, Marit.
The Nansen Legacy - a new science structure to explore a new marine Arctic. The 11th Polar Law Symposium; 2018-10-02 - 2018-10-04
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24 Reigstad, Marit.
The Nansen Legacy - potential collaboration with Laval University. Visit from Université Laval; 2018-01-18 - 2018-01-19
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25 Reigstad, Marit.
The Nansen Legacy - project information to Arctic Science Partnership. Arctic Science Partnership Annual meeting; 2018-01-21 - 2018-01-22
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26 Reigstad, Marit.
Vil ha mer kunnskap om Barentshavet. Nationen [Avis] 2018-01-03
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27 Reigstad, Marit; Aadland, Camilla.
Forskerne har 740 millioner og seks år på å forstå endringene i Barentshavet. Tekfisk/ Fiskeribladet/ Intrafish [Avis] 2018-12-18
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28 Reigstad, Marit; Berge, Jørgen.
Hav i nord og mørke. Harangforelesning; 2018-11-08 - 2018-11-08
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29 Reigstad, Marit; Berge, Jørgen.
Life along a moving edge - the ecosystems of the seasonal ice zone. I: At the edge...: current knowledge from the northernmost European rim, facing the vast expanse of the hitherto ice-covered artic ocean. Orkana Forlag 2018 ISBN 978-82-8104-299-5. s. 137-150
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30 Reigstad, Marit; Hauan, Marit Anne; Ringvold, Geir Hevnskjel.
Observatoriet - jubileumspodcast fra UiT: Marit Reigstad. [Internett] 2018-10-25
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31 Reigstad, Marit; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær; Kjeldsberg, Emi.
Nå sender de milliardskipet på historisk tokt: - Skal avdekke hemmelighetene under Arktis. Nordlys [Avis] 2018-08-06
32 Reigstad, Marit; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær; Skog, Helge.
Forskningsprosjekt til 740 millioner tar opp arven etter Nansen. iTromsø [Avis] 2018-08-06
33 Reigstad, Marit; Pettersen, Egil.
Dåp av forskningsskipet Kronprins Haakon; Intervju om Arven etter Nansen og bruk av fartøyet. TV2 Nyhetskanalen [TV] 2018-11-17
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34 Reigstad, Marit; Sundfjord, Arild; Fossheim, Maria; Andreassen, Rune Nordgård.
Dåp av forskningsskipet Kronprins Haakon; Intervju av brukere. NRK [TV] 2018-11-17
35 Reigstad, Marit; Sundfjord, Arild; Jølle, Harald Dag; Veimo, Marte.
Barentshavets nordlige puslespill. Aftenposten Innsikt [Avis] 2018-03-03
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36 Reigstad, Marit; TV2, Nyhetskanalen.
Første tokt med Kronprins Haakon- Arven etter Nansen forskere drar mot nord. TV2 Nyhetskanalen [TV] 2018-08-06
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37 Sanz-Martín, Marina; Chierici, Melissa; Mesa, Elena; Carrillo-de-Albornoz, Paloma; Delgado-Huertas, Antonio; Agusti, Susana; Reigstad, Marit; Kristiansen, Svein; Wassmann, Paul; Duarte, Carlos M..
Episodic Arctic CO2 Limitation in the West Svalbard Shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science 2018 ;Volum 5. s. -
38 Svensen, Camilla; Antonsen, Maria Terese; Reigstad, Marit.
Small copepods matter: Population dynamics of Microsetella norvegica in a high-latitude coastal ecosystem. Journal of Plankton Research 2018 ;Volum 40.(4) s. 446-457
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39 Viken, Oda; Reigstad, Marit; Eldevik, Tor.
Arven etter Nansen omtalt i Ettermiddagssending fra NRK Troms. NRK Troms [Radio] 2018-03-06
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40 Wiedmann, Ingrid; Reigstad, Marit; Marquardt, Miriam; Vader, Anna; Gabrielsen, Tove M..
Corrigendum to “Seasonality of vertical flux and sinking particle characteristics in an ice-free high arctic fjord – Different from subarctic fjords?” [J. Mar. Syst. 154 (2016) 192–205]. Journal of Marine Systems 2018 ;Volum 178. s. 86-87
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