Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Sivertsen, Sveinung Sundfør; Halstead, Jill; Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Moral Tuning: A cross-disciplinary study of musical metaphors in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, and what they tell us about individual moral autonomy.. Metaphilosophy 2018 ;Volum 49.(4) s. 435-458
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2 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Bakhtin og dialogen – ein kommentar til Olga Dysthes innlegg: Dialog som rommar spenning og konfrontasjon — eit bakhtinsk perspektiv.. Skjervheimseminaret 2018 "Kunsten å verta vaksen"; 2018-09-14 - 2018-09-16
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3 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Forty Rivers and a Lake. Research group Images of Knowledge Seminar series; 2018-03-09 - 2018-03-09
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4 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Impact in the Humanities. Opening address. SVT symposium: Impact in the Humanities; 2018-12-07 - 2018-12-07
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5 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Introduction to Humanities in Practice. Humanities in Practice: Studying humanities research through policy concepts. Impact; 2018-12-06 - 2018-12-06
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6 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Mikhail Bakhtin: Tekst og ansvar. Gjesteforelesning IKOS, UiO; 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-10
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7 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Oversettelse og konseptuelle skjema hos Donald Davidson. Forskerskole ITT: UiO, UiB, UiT; 2018-03-15 - 2018-03-15
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8 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
Spørsmålet om talegenrane – svarets primat. Estetisk seminar, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen; 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-18
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9 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
The Idea of a Nordic Model. Skandinavisk modernisering; 2018-04-17 - 2018-04-17
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10 Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore.
William Playfair's views on the usage of images in science. Book project "Texts on texts on images" (ATLAS); 2018-09-07 - 2018-09-07
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