Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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1 Backe, Ingeborg Flåten; Patil, Grete Grindal; Nes, Ragnhild Bang; Clench-Aas, Jocelyne.
The relationship between physical functional limitations, and psychological distress: Considering a possible mediating role of pain, social support and sense of mastery. SSM - Population Health 2018 ;Volum 4. s. 153-163
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2 Ibsen, Tanja Louise; Eriksen, Siren; Patil, Grete Grindal.
Demensomsorg på gård -informasjon om tilbudet og deltagerne. Nettevrekssamling for Demenskontakter; 2018-10-22 - 2018-10-23
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3 Ibsen, Tanja Louise; Eriksen, Siren; Patil, Grete Grindal.
Farm-based day care for people with dementia in Norway – a description of the farm context and the service. Alzheimer Europe; 2018-10-29 - 2018-10-31
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4 Ibsen, Tanja Louise; Eriksen, Siren; Patil, Grete Grindal.
Farm-based day care in Norway - a complementary service for people with dementia. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2018 ;Volum 11. s. 349-358
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5 Ibsen, Tanja Louise; Eriksen, Siren; Patil, Grete Grindal; Kirkevold, Øyvind.
Foredrag om deltakerne ved dagaktivitetstilbud på gård. Erfaringskonferanse; 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-24
6 Patil, Grete Grindal.
Trivsel og mestring på tunet - vi har fokus på den friske delen av mennesket, nr 8/18. Hjemmet Helse [Avis] 2018-07-01
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7 Pedersen, Ingeborg; Patil, Grete Grindal.
Farm based day care services in Norway for people with dementia – expert identified key components. 14th International People Plant Symposium, IPPS2018; 2018-10-11 - 2018-10-13
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8 Pedersen, Ingeborg; Patil, Grete Grindal.
Green care farms - an innovative care model for people with dementia?. 1st international conferance of german society of nursing science; 2018-05-04 - 2018-05-05
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