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1 Burton, Tim; Lakka, Hanna-Kaisa; Einum, Sigurd.
Measuring phenotypes in fluctuating environments. Functional Ecology 2019 ;Volum 34.(3) s. 606-615
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2 Einum, Sigurd; Fossen, Erlend Ignacio Fleck; Parry, Victor; Pelabon, Christophe.
Genetic Variation in Metabolic Rate and Correlations with Other Energy Budget Components and Life History in Daphnia magna. Evolutionary Biology 2019 ;Volum 46.(2) s. 170-178
NTNU Untitled
3 Einum, Sigurd; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Wright, Jonathan; Pelabon, Christophe; Bech, Claus; Jutfelt, Fredrik; Stawski, Clare; Burton, Tim.
How to quantify thermal acclimation capacity?. Global Change Biology 2019
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4 Fossen, Erlend Ignacio Fleck; Pelabon, Christophe; Einum, Sigurd.
Genetic and environmental effects on the scaling of metabolic rate with body size. Journal of Experimental Biology 2019 ;Volum 222. s. 1-7
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5 Kielland, Øystein Nordeide; Bech, Claus; Einum, Sigurd.
Warm and out of breath: thermal phenotypic plasticity in oxygen supply. Functional Ecology 2019 ;Volum 33.(11) s. 2142-2149
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